/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Codenvy, S.A. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.che.api.vfs.server.impl.memory; import org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException; import org.eclipse.che.api.vfs.server.VirtualFile; import org.eclipse.che.api.vfs.shared.dto.Principal; import org.eclipse.che.api.vfs.shared.dto.VirtualFileSystemInfo.BasicPermissions; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.everrest.core.impl.ContainerResponse; import org.everrest.core.tools.ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** @author andrew00x */ public class MoveTest extends MemoryFileSystemTest { private VirtualFile moveTestDestinationFolder; private VirtualFile folderForMove; private VirtualFile fileForMove; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); String name = getClass().getName(); VirtualFile moveTestFolder = mountPoint.getRoot().createFolder(name); moveTestDestinationFolder = mountPoint.getRoot().createFolder(name + "_MoveTest_DESTINATION"); folderForMove = moveTestFolder.createFolder("MoveTest_FOLDER"); folderForMove.createFile("file", "text/plain", new ByteArrayInputStream(DEFAULT_CONTENT.getBytes())); fileForMove = moveTestFolder.createFile("MoveTest_FILE", "text/plain", new ByteArrayInputStream(DEFAULT_CONTENT.getBytes())); } public void testMoveFile() throws Exception { String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + fileForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); fail("File must be moved. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Not found file in destination location. "); } } public void testMoveFileAlreadyExist() throws Exception { moveTestDestinationFolder.createFile(fileForMove.getName(), "text/plain", new ByteArrayInputStream(DEFAULT_CONTENT.getBytes())); String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(409, response.getStatus()); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } } public void testCopyFileWrongParent() throws Exception { final String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); VirtualFile destination = mountPoint.getRoot().createFile("destination", "text/plain", new ByteArrayInputStream(DEFAULT_CONTENT.getBytes())); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + destination.getId(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } } public void testMoveLockedFile() throws Exception { String lockToken = fileForMove.lock(0); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId() + '&' + "lockToken=" + lockToken; String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + fileForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); fail("File must be moved. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Not found file in destination location. "); } } public void testMoveLockedFileNoLockToken() throws Exception { fileForMove.lock(0); ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter writer = new ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter(); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, writer, null); log.info(new String(writer.getBody())); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + fileForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); fail("File must not be moved since it is locked. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } } public void testMoveFileNoPermissions() throws Exception { Principal adminPrincipal = createPrincipal("admin", Principal.Type.USER); Principal userPrincipal = createPrincipal("john", Principal.Type.USER); Map<Principal, Set<String>> permissions = new HashMap<>(2); permissions.put(adminPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.ALL.value())); permissions.put(userPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.READ.value())); fileForMove.updateACL(createAcl(permissions), true, null); ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter writer = new ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter(); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, writer, null); log.info(new String(writer.getBody())); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + fileForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); fail("File must not be moved since permissions restriction."); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } } public void testMoveFileDestinationNoPermissions() throws Exception { Principal adminPrincipal = createPrincipal("admin", Principal.Type.USER); Principal userPrincipal = createPrincipal("john", Principal.Type.USER); Map<Principal, Set<String>> permissions = new HashMap<>(2); permissions.put(adminPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.ALL.value())); permissions.put(userPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.READ.value())); moveTestDestinationFolder.updateACL(createAcl(permissions), true, null); ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter writer = new ByteArrayContainerResponseWriter(); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + fileForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = fileForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, writer, null); log.info(new String(writer.getBody())); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + fileForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); fail("File must not be moved since permissions restriction on destination folder. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } } public void testMoveFolder() throws Exception { String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + folderForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = folderForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + folderForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); fail("Folder must be moved. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Not found folder in destination location. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath + "/file"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Child of folder missing after moving. "); } } public void testMoveFolderWithLockedFile() throws Exception { folderForMove.getChild("file").lock(0); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + folderForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = folderForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + folderForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); fail("Folder must not be moved since it contains locked file. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } } public void testMoveFolderNoPermissionForChild() throws Exception { VirtualFile myFile = folderForMove.getChild("file"); Principal adminPrincipal = createPrincipal("admin", Principal.Type.USER); Principal userPrincipal = createPrincipal("john", Principal.Type.USER); Map<Principal, Set<String>> permissions = new HashMap<>(2); permissions.put(adminPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.ALL.value())); permissions.put(userPrincipal, Sets.newHashSet(BasicPermissions.READ.value())); myFile.updateACL(createAcl(permissions), true, null); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + folderForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); String originPath = folderForMove.getPath(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(403, response.getStatus()); String expectedPath = moveTestDestinationFolder.getPath() + '/' + folderForMove.getName(); try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(originPath); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("Source file not found. "); } try { mountPoint.getVirtualFile(expectedPath); fail("Folder must not be moved since permissions restriction. "); } catch (NotFoundException e) { } } public void testMoveFolderAlreadyExist() throws Exception { moveTestDestinationFolder.createFolder(folderForMove.getName()); String path = SERVICE_URI + "move/" + folderForMove.getId() + '?' + "parentId=" + moveTestDestinationFolder.getId(); ContainerResponse response = launcher.service("POST", path, BASE_URI, null, null, null); assertEquals(409, response.getStatus()); } }