package com.dianping.pigeon.registry.zookeeper; import com.dianping.pigeon.log.Logger; import com.dianping.pigeon.log.LoggerLoader; import com.dianping.pigeon.registry.RegistryManager; import com.dianping.pigeon.registry.config.RegistryConfig; import com.dianping.pigeon.registry.exception.RegistryException; import com.dianping.pigeon.registry.listener.*; import com.dianping.pigeon.registry.util.Constants; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.CuratorEvent; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.CuratorListener; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class CuratorEventListener implements CuratorListener { private static Logger logger = LoggerLoader.getLogger(CuratorEventListener.class); private static final int ADDRESS = 1; private static final int WEIGHT = 2; private static final int APP = 3; private static final int VERSION = 4; private static final int PROTOCOL = 5; private static final int HOST_CONFIG= 6; private CuratorClient client; private final RegistryNotifyListener registryNotifyListener = RegistryNotifyListenerLoader.getRegistryNotifyListener(); public CuratorEventListener(CuratorClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public void eventReceived(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent curatorEvent) throws Exception { WatchedEvent event = (curatorEvent == null ? null : curatorEvent.getWatchedEvent()); if (event == null || (event.getType() != EventType.NodeCreated && event.getType() != EventType.NodeDataChanged && event.getType() != EventType.NodeDeleted && event.getType() != EventType.NodeChildrenChanged)) { return; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logEvent(event); try { PathInfo pathInfo = parsePath(event.getPath()); if (pathInfo == null) { logger.warn("Failed to parse path " + event.getPath()); return; } if (pathInfo.type == ADDRESS) { addressChanged(pathInfo); } else if (pathInfo.type == WEIGHT) { weightChanged(pathInfo); } else if (pathInfo.type == APP) { appChanged(pathInfo); } else if (pathInfo.type == VERSION) { versionChanged(pathInfo); } else if (pathInfo.type == PROTOCOL) { protocolChanged(pathInfo); } else if (pathInfo.type == HOST_CONFIG) { registryConfigChanged(pathInfo); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Error in ZookeeperWatcher.process()", e); return; } } private void logEvent(WatchedEvent event) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("zookeeper event received, type: ").append(event.getType()).append(", path: ") .append(event.getPath());; } /* * 1. Get newest value from ZK and watch again 2. Determine if changed * against cache 3. notify if changed 4. pay attention to group fallback * notification */ private void addressChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws Exception { if (shouldNotify(pathInfo)) { String hosts = client.get(pathInfo.path);"Service address changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + hosts); List<String[]> hostDetail = Utils.getServiceIpPortList(hosts); registryNotifyListener.onServiceHostChange(pathInfo.serviceName, hostDetail, Constants.REGISTRY_CURATOR_NAME); } // Watch again; } private boolean shouldNotify(PathInfo pathInfo) throws Exception { String serviceName = pathInfo.serviceName; String currentGroup = RegistryManager.getInstance().getGroup(serviceName); currentGroup = Utils.normalizeGroup(currentGroup); if (currentGroup.equals( return true; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currentGroup) && !StringUtils.isEmpty( // 当前无group配置, 通知来自group return false; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(currentGroup) && StringUtils.isEmpty( && RegistryManager.fallbackDefaultGroup) { // group中 && 默认group改变的通知 && 可fallback String servicePath = Utils.getServicePath(pathInfo.serviceName, currentGroup); if (!client.exists(servicePath)) { // group地址为空或被删除,fallback return true; } String addr = client.get(servicePath); // group地址不为空,取出group的value if (!Utils.isValidAddress(addr)) { // group地址的value有效 return true; } } return false; } private void weightChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws RegistryException { try { String newValue = client.get(pathInfo.path);"service weight changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + newValue); int weight = newValue == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(newValue); registryNotifyListener.onHostWeightChange(pathInfo.server, weight, Constants.REGISTRY_CURATOR_NAME);; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } private void appChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws RegistryException { try { String app = client.get(pathInfo.path);"app changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + app); registryNotifyListener.serverAppChanged(pathInfo.server, app, Constants.REGISTRY_CURATOR_NAME);; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } private void versionChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws RegistryException { try { String version = client.get(pathInfo.path);"version changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + version); registryNotifyListener.serverVersionChanged(pathInfo.server, version, Constants.REGISTRY_CURATOR_NAME);; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } private void protocolChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws Exception { try { String info = client.get(pathInfo.path); Map<String, Boolean> infoMap = Utils.getProtocolInfoMap(info);"protocol changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + info); registryNotifyListener.serverProtocolChanged(pathInfo.server, infoMap, Constants.REGISTRY_CURATOR_NAME); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } finally {; } } private void registryConfigChanged(PathInfo pathInfo) throws Exception { try { String info = client.get(pathInfo.path); RegistryConfig registryConfig = Utils.getRegistryConfig(info);"registry config changed, path " + pathInfo.path + " value " + info); RegistryManager.getInstance().registryConfigChanged(pathInfo.server, registryConfig); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } finally {; } } public PathInfo parsePath(String path) { if (path == null) return null; PathInfo pathInfo = null; if (path.startsWith(Constants.SERVICE_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = ADDRESS; pathInfo.serviceName = path.substring(Constants.SERVICE_PATH.length() + 1); int idx = pathInfo.serviceName.indexOf(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR); if (idx != -1) { = pathInfo.serviceName.substring(idx + 1); pathInfo.serviceName = pathInfo.serviceName.substring(0, idx); } pathInfo.serviceName = Utils.unescapeServiceName(pathInfo.serviceName); = Utils.normalizeGroup(; } else if (path.startsWith(Constants.WEIGHT_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = WEIGHT; pathInfo.server = path.substring(Constants.WEIGHT_PATH.length() + 1); } else if (path.startsWith(Constants.APP_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = APP; pathInfo.server = path.substring(Constants.APP_PATH.length() + 1); } else if (path.startsWith(Constants.VERSION_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = VERSION; pathInfo.server = path.substring(Constants.VERSION_PATH.length() + 1); } else if (path.startsWith(Constants.PROTOCOL_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = PROTOCOL; pathInfo.server = path.substring(Constants.PROTOCOL_PATH.length() + 1); } else if (path.startsWith(Constants.HOST_CONFIG_PATH)) { pathInfo = new PathInfo(path); pathInfo.type = HOST_CONFIG; // use ip as server(without port) pathInfo.server = path.substring(Constants.HOST_CONFIG_PATH.length() + 1); } return pathInfo; } class PathInfo { String path; String serviceName; String group; String server; int type; PathInfo(String path) { this.path = path; } } }