package ids.clustering.algorithm; import ids.clustering.model.Distance; import ids.clustering.model.ObjectiveFunctionType; public class HMRFKmeansParams { // verbose public boolean verbose = false; public boolean debug = false; // Distance public Distance distanceFunction = Distance.SQEUCLIDEAN; // Maximum distance in data set public double phi_d = 0; // maximum number of iterations public int max_number_of_iterations = 100; // maximum number of iterations in ICM algorithm public int max_number_of_iterations_icm = 100; // Constraints public double[][] constraints = null; // Cluster centroids public double[][] centeroids = null; // cluster selection public boolean useTC = true; public boolean keepCentroids = false; // membership from other domain public int[] otherIDX = null; /** * Type of the objective function in HMRF-Kmeans */ public ObjectiveFunctionType obj_type = ObjectiveFunctionType.NO_WEIGTHS; public HMRFKmeansParams() { } public HMRFKmeansParams(Distance distance, ObjectiveFunctionType obj_type) { this.distanceFunction = distance; this.obj_type = obj_type; } }