/* * Copyright (c) 2003, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. */ package org.postgresql.core; import org.postgresql.util.GT; import org.postgresql.util.HostSpec; import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException; import org.postgresql.util.PSQLState; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.FilterOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Writer; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.net.SocketFactory; /** * Wrapper around the raw connection to the server that implements some basic primitives * (reading/writing formatted data, doing string encoding, etc). * <p> * In general, instances of PGStream are not threadsafe; the caller must ensure that only one thread * at a time is accessing a particular PGStream instance. */ public class PGStream { private final SocketFactory socketFactory; private final HostSpec hostSpec; private final byte[] _int4buf; private final byte[] _int2buf; private Socket connection; private VisibleBufferedInputStream pg_input; private OutputStream pg_output; private byte[] streamBuffer; private Encoding encoding; private Writer encodingWriter; /** * Constructor: Connect to the PostgreSQL back end and return a stream connection. * * @param socketFactory socket factory to use when creating sockets * @param hostSpec the host and port to connect to * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds, or 0 if no timeout set * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs below it. */ public PGStream(SocketFactory socketFactory, HostSpec hostSpec, int timeout) throws IOException { this.socketFactory = socketFactory; this.hostSpec = hostSpec; Socket socket = socketFactory.createSocket(); if (!socket.isConnected()) { // When using a SOCKS proxy, the host might not be resolvable locally, // thus we defer resolution until the traffic reaches the proxy. If there // is no proxy, we must resolve the host to an IP to connect the socket. InetSocketAddress address = System.getProperty("socksProxyHost") == null ? new InetSocketAddress(hostSpec.getHost(), hostSpec.getPort()) : InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(hostSpec.getHost(), hostSpec.getPort()); socket.connect(address, timeout); } changeSocket(socket); setEncoding(Encoding.getJVMEncoding("UTF-8")); _int2buf = new byte[2]; _int4buf = new byte[4]; } /** * Constructor: Connect to the PostgreSQL back end and return a stream connection. * * @param socketFactory socket factory * @param hostSpec the host and port to connect to * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs below it. * @deprecated use {@link #PGStream(SocketFactory, org.postgresql.util.HostSpec, int)} */ public PGStream(SocketFactory socketFactory, HostSpec hostSpec) throws IOException { this(socketFactory, hostSpec, 0); } public HostSpec getHostSpec() { return hostSpec; } public Socket getSocket() { return connection; } public SocketFactory getSocketFactory() { return socketFactory; } /** * Check for pending backend messages without blocking. Might return false when there actually are * messages waiting, depending on the characteristics of the underlying socket. This is used to * detect asynchronous notifies from the backend, when available. * * @return true if there is a pending backend message * @throws IOException if something wrong happens */ public boolean hasMessagePending() throws IOException { return pg_input.available() > 0 || connection.getInputStream().available() > 0; } /** * Switch this stream to using a new socket. Any existing socket is <em>not</em> closed; it's * assumed that we are changing to a new socket that delegates to the original socket (e.g. SSL). * * @param socket the new socket to change to * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public void changeSocket(Socket socket) throws IOException { this.connection = socket; // Submitted by Jason Venner <jason@idiom.com>. Disable Nagle // as we are selective about flushing output only when we // really need to. connection.setTcpNoDelay(true); // Buffer sizes submitted by Sverre H Huseby <sverrehu@online.no> pg_input = new VisibleBufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), 8192); pg_output = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream(), 8192); if (encoding != null) { setEncoding(encoding); } } public Encoding getEncoding() { return encoding; } /** * Change the encoding used by this connection. * * @param encoding the new encoding to use * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public void setEncoding(Encoding encoding) throws IOException { // Close down any old writer. if (encodingWriter != null) { encodingWriter.close(); } this.encoding = encoding; // Intercept flush() downcalls from the writer; our caller // will call PGStream.flush() as needed. OutputStream interceptor = new FilterOutputStream(pg_output) { public void flush() throws IOException { } public void close() throws IOException { super.flush(); } }; encodingWriter = encoding.getEncodingWriter(interceptor); } /** * Get a Writer instance that encodes directly onto the underlying stream. * <p> * The returned Writer should not be closed, as it's a shared object. Writer.flush needs to be * called when switching between use of the Writer and use of the PGStream write methods, but it * won't actually flush output all the way out -- call {@link #flush} to actually ensure all * output has been pushed to the server. * * @return the shared Writer instance * @throws IOException if something goes wrong. */ public Writer getEncodingWriter() throws IOException { if (encodingWriter == null) { throw new IOException("No encoding has been set on this connection"); } return encodingWriter; } /** * Sends a single character to the back end * * @param val the character to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void sendChar(int val) throws IOException { pg_output.write(val); } /** * Sends a 4-byte integer to the back end * * @param val the integer to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void sendInteger4(int val) throws IOException { _int4buf[0] = (byte) (val >>> 24); _int4buf[1] = (byte) (val >>> 16); _int4buf[2] = (byte) (val >>> 8); _int4buf[3] = (byte) (val); pg_output.write(_int4buf); } /** * Sends a 2-byte integer (short) to the back end * * @param val the integer to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs or {@code val} cannot be encoded in 2 bytes */ public void sendInteger2(int val) throws IOException { if (val < Short.MIN_VALUE || val > Short.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IOException("Tried to send an out-of-range integer as a 2-byte value: " + val); } _int2buf[0] = (byte) (val >>> 8); _int2buf[1] = (byte) val; pg_output.write(_int2buf); } /** * Send an array of bytes to the backend * * @param buf The array of bytes to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void send(byte buf[]) throws IOException { pg_output.write(buf); } /** * Send a fixed-size array of bytes to the backend. If {@code buf.length < siz}, pad with zeros. * If {@code buf.lengh > siz}, truncate the array. * * @param buf the array of bytes to be sent * @param siz the number of bytes to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void send(byte buf[], int siz) throws IOException { send(buf, 0, siz); } /** * Send a fixed-size array of bytes to the backend. If {@code length < siz}, pad with zeros. If * {@code length > siz}, truncate the array. * * @param buf the array of bytes to be sent * @param off offset in the array to start sending from * @param siz the number of bytes to be sent * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void send(byte buf[], int off, int siz) throws IOException { int bufamt = buf.length - off; pg_output.write(buf, off, bufamt < siz ? bufamt : siz); for (int i = bufamt; i < siz; ++i) { pg_output.write(0); } } /** * Receives a single character from the backend, without advancing the current protocol stream * position. * * @return the character received * @throws IOException if an I/O Error occurs */ public int peekChar() throws IOException { int c = pg_input.peek(); if (c < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return c; } /** * Receives a single character from the backend * * @return the character received * @throws IOException if an I/O Error occurs */ public int receiveChar() throws IOException { int c = pg_input.read(); if (c < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return c; } /** * Receives a four byte integer from the backend * * @return the integer received from the backend * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public int receiveInteger4() throws IOException { if (pg_input.read(_int4buf) != 4) { throw new EOFException(); } return (_int4buf[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (_int4buf[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (_int4buf[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | _int4buf[3] & 0xFF; } /** * Receives a two byte integer from the backend * * @return the integer received from the backend * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public int receiveInteger2() throws IOException { if (pg_input.read(_int2buf) != 2) { throw new EOFException(); } return (_int2buf[0] & 0xFF) << 8 | _int2buf[1] & 0xFF; } /** * Receives a fixed-size string from the backend. * * @param len the length of the string to receive, in bytes. * @return the decoded string * @throws IOException if something wrong happens */ public String receiveString(int len) throws IOException { if (!pg_input.ensureBytes(len)) { throw new EOFException(); } String res = encoding.decode(pg_input.getBuffer(), pg_input.getIndex(), len); pg_input.skip(len); return res; } /** * Receives a fixed-size string from the backend, and tries to avoid "UTF-8 decode failed" * errors. * * @param len the length of the string to receive, in bytes. * @return the decoded string * @throws IOException if something wrong happens */ public EncodingPredictor.DecodeResult receiveErrorString(int len) throws IOException { if (!pg_input.ensureBytes(len)) { throw new EOFException(); } EncodingPredictor.DecodeResult res; try { String value = encoding.decode(pg_input.getBuffer(), pg_input.getIndex(), len); // no autodetect warning as the message was converted on its own res = new EncodingPredictor.DecodeResult(value, null); } catch (IOException e) { res = EncodingPredictor.decode(pg_input.getBuffer(), pg_input.getIndex(), len); if (res == null) { Encoding enc = Encoding.defaultEncoding(); String value = enc.decode(pg_input.getBuffer(), pg_input.getIndex(), len); res = new EncodingPredictor.DecodeResult(value, enc.name()); } } pg_input.skip(len); return res; } /** * Receives a null-terminated string from the backend. If we don't see a null, then we assume * something has gone wrong. * * @return string from back end * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs, or end of file */ public String receiveString() throws IOException { int len = pg_input.scanCStringLength(); String res = encoding.decode(pg_input.getBuffer(), pg_input.getIndex(), len - 1); pg_input.skip(len); return res; } /** * Read a tuple from the back end. A tuple is a two dimensional array of bytes. This variant reads * the V3 protocol's tuple representation. * * @return tuple from the back end * @throws IOException if a data I/O error occurs */ public byte[][] receiveTupleV3() throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError { // TODO: use l_msgSize int l_msgSize = receiveInteger4(); int l_nf = receiveInteger2(); byte[][] answer = new byte[l_nf][]; OutOfMemoryError oom = null; for (int i = 0; i < l_nf; ++i) { int l_size = receiveInteger4(); if (l_size != -1) { try { answer[i] = new byte[l_size]; receive(answer[i], 0, l_size); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { oom = oome; skip(l_size); } } } if (oom != null) { throw oom; } return answer; } /** * Read a tuple from the back end. A tuple is a two dimensional array of bytes. This variant reads * the V2 protocol's tuple representation. * * @param nf the number of fields expected * @param bin true if the tuple is a binary tuple * @return null if the current response has no more tuples, otherwise an array of bytearrays * @throws IOException if a data I/O error occurs */ public byte[][] receiveTupleV2(int nf, boolean bin) throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError { int i; int bim = (nf + 7) / 8; byte[] bitmask = receive(bim); byte[][] answer = new byte[nf][]; int whichbit = 0x80; int whichbyte = 0; OutOfMemoryError oom = null; for (i = 0; i < nf; ++i) { boolean isNull = ((bitmask[whichbyte] & whichbit) == 0); whichbit >>= 1; if (whichbit == 0) { ++whichbyte; whichbit = 0x80; } if (!isNull) { int len = receiveInteger4(); if (!bin) { len -= 4; } if (len < 0) { len = 0; } try { answer[i] = new byte[len]; receive(answer[i], 0, len); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { oom = oome; skip(len); } } } if (oom != null) { throw oom; } return answer; } /** * Reads in a given number of bytes from the backend * * @param siz number of bytes to read * @return array of bytes received * @throws IOException if a data I/O error occurs */ public byte[] receive(int siz) throws IOException { byte[] answer = new byte[siz]; receive(answer, 0, siz); return answer; } /** * Reads in a given number of bytes from the backend * * @param buf buffer to store result * @param off offset in buffer * @param siz number of bytes to read * @throws IOException if a data I/O error occurs */ public void receive(byte[] buf, int off, int siz) throws IOException { int s = 0; while (s < siz) { int w = pg_input.read(buf, off + s, siz - s); if (w < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } s += w; } } public void skip(int size) throws IOException { long s = 0; while (s < size) { s += pg_input.skip(size - s); } } /** * Copy data from an input stream to the connection. * * @param inStream the stream to read data from * @param remaining the number of bytes to copy * @throws IOException if a data I/O error occurs */ public void sendStream(InputStream inStream, int remaining) throws IOException { int expectedLength = remaining; if (streamBuffer == null) { streamBuffer = new byte[8192]; } while (remaining > 0) { int count = (remaining > streamBuffer.length ? streamBuffer.length : remaining); int readCount; try { readCount = inStream.read(streamBuffer, 0, count); if (readCount < 0) { throw new EOFException( GT.tr("Premature end of input stream, expected {0} bytes, but only read {1}.", expectedLength, expectedLength - remaining)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { while (remaining > 0) { send(streamBuffer, count); remaining -= count; count = (remaining > streamBuffer.length ? streamBuffer.length : remaining); } throw new PGBindException(ioe); } send(streamBuffer, readCount); remaining -= readCount; } } /** * Flush any pending output to the backend. * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public void flush() throws IOException { if (encodingWriter != null) { encodingWriter.flush(); } pg_output.flush(); } /** * Consume an expected EOF from the backend * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs * @throws SQLException if we get something other than an EOF */ public void receiveEOF() throws SQLException, IOException { int c = pg_input.read(); if (c < 0) { return; } throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Expected an EOF from server, got: {0}", c), PSQLState.COMMUNICATION_ERROR); } /** * Closes the connection * * @throws IOException if an I/O Error occurs */ public void close() throws IOException { if (encodingWriter != null) { encodingWriter.close(); } pg_output.close(); pg_input.close(); connection.close(); } }