package org.googlecode.perftrace.javaagent; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.googlecode.perftrace.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.googlecode.perftrace.schema.BootstrapPerftrace; import org.googlecode.perftrace.schema.PerftraceConfig; import org.googlecode.perftrace.schema.PerftraceConfigBuilder; import org.googlecode.perftrace.util.StringUtils; /** * @author zhongfeng * */ public class PerftraceInstrument { private final static Logger logger = Logger .getLogger(PerftraceInstrument.class.getName()); /** * @poptions * @param ins */ public static void premain(String options, Instrumentation ins) { action(options, ins, false); } /** * * 目前使用的javassist,修改了方法签名,增加了新的方法,因此在目前的版本里 The retransformation must not * add, remove or rename fields or methods, change the signatures of * methods, or change inheritance. * * @param agentArgs * @param inst * * */ public static void agentmain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) { action(agentArgs, inst, true); /* * * The retransformation may change method bodies, the constant pool * and attributes. The retransformation must not add, remove or rename * fields or methods, change the signatures of methods, or change * inheritance. These restrictions maybe be lifted in future versions. * The class file bytes are not checked, verified and installed until * after the transformations have been applied, if the resultant bytes * are in error this method will throw an exception.* */ // try { // if( inst.isRetransformClassesSupported()) // { //"agent main redefine class"); // for (Class<?> cls : inst.getAllLoadedClasses()) { // if(cls.getName().contains("Business")) // inst.retransformClasses(cls); // } // } // } catch (UnmodifiableClassException e) { // logger.error("e", e); // } } /** * @param options * @param ins */ private static void action(String options, Instrumentation ins, boolean canRetransform) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "options is :{0}", options); //格式为[perftrace.xml绝对路径;日志类型] String[] opTmp = StringUtils.split(options, ";"); String perftraceFileName = null; String logType = "jdklog"; if (opTmp != null && opTmp.length == 2) { perftraceFileName = opTmp[0]; logType = opTmp[1]; } PerftraceConfig pfCfg = PerftraceConfigBuilder .getPerftraceConfig(perftraceFileName); BootstrapPerftrace bootstrapPerftrace = BootstrapPerftrace.getInstance( pfCfg, logType); ins.addTransformer( new PerftraceClassFileTransformer(bootstrapPerftrace), canRetransform); } }