package com.gratex.perconik.uaca; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gratex.perconik.uaca.preferences.UacaOptions; import com.gratex.perconik.uaca.preferences.UacaPreferences; import; import sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.concurrent.TimeValue; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.MoreStrings.toDefaultString; import static sk.stuba.fiit.perconik.utilities.concurrent.TimeValue.of; public class SharedUacaProxy extends AbstractUacaProxy { private static final String connectionCheckPath = "ide/checkin"; private static final TimeValue waitBeforeClientClose = of(12, SECONDS); protected final UacaOptions options; private final UacaReporter reporter; private final SharedSecrets secrets; public SharedUacaProxy() { this(UacaPreferences.getShared()); } public SharedUacaProxy(final UacaOptions options) { this.options = checkNotNull(options); this.reporter = new UacaReporter(options); this.secrets = SharedSecrets.obtain(this.reporter); } public static final void checkConnection(final String url) { newClient().target(url).path(connectionCheckPath).request().options().close(); } public static final void checkConnection(final URL url) { checkConnection(url.toString()); } private static final class SharedSecrets { private static final SharedSecrets instance = new SharedSecrets(); private long counter = 0L; private Client client; private SharedSecrets() {} static SharedSecrets obtain(final UacaReporter reporter) { synchronized (instance) { return instance.connect(reporter); } } private SharedSecrets connect(final UacaReporter reporter) { long count = ++ this.counter; assert count > 0; reporter.logNotice(format("connect -> %d connections", count)); return this; } private SharedSecrets disconnect(final UacaReporter reporter, final TimeValue wait) { long count = -- this.counter; assert count >= 0; reporter.logNotice(format("disconnect -> %d connections", count)); if (count == 0L && this.client != null) { close(reporter, this.client, wait); } return this; } private static Client open(final UacaReporter reporter) { reporter.logNotice(format("opening shared client")); try { Client client = newClient().register(MapperProvider.class); reporter.logNotice(format("shared client opened -> %s", toDefaultString(client))); return client; } catch (Exception failure) { reporter.logError("unable to open shared client", failure); throw failure; } } private static void close(final UacaReporter reporter, final Client client, final TimeValue wait) { assert client != null; checkNotNull(wait); reporter.logNotice(format("closing shared client -> %s", toDefaultString(client))); ExecutorService service = newSingleThreadExecutor(); service.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { sleepUninterruptibly(wait.duration(), wait.unit()); try { client.close(); reporter.logNotice("shared client closed"); } catch (Exception failure) { reporter.logError(format("unable to close shared client -> %s", toDefaultString(client)), failure); } } }); shutdownAndAwaitTermination(service, wait.duration(), wait.unit()); } synchronized void release(final UacaReporter reporter, final TimeValue wait) { this.disconnect(reporter, wait); } synchronized Client client(final UacaReporter reporter) { if (this.client == null) { this.client = open(reporter); } return this.client; } } @Override protected final Client client() { return this.secrets.client(this.reporter); } @Override protected final URL url() { return this.options.getApplicationUrl(); } @Override protected final void filterRequest(final WebTarget target, @Nullable final Object request) { this.reporter.logRequest(target, request); } @Override protected final void processResponse(final WebTarget target, @Nullable final Object request, final Response response) { StatusType status = response.getStatusInfo(); Family family = status.getFamily(); if (family == CLIENT_ERROR || family == SERVER_ERROR) { String message = format("POST %s -> %s %d %s", target.getUri(), family, status.getStatusCode(), status.getReasonPhrase()); throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } @Override protected void reportFailure(final String message, final Exception failure) { this.reporter.logError(message, failure); this.reporter.displayError(message, failure); } public final void close() { this.secrets.release(this.reporter, waitBeforeClientClose); this.closeHook(); } protected void closeHook() {} }