package org.pentaho.platform.config; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; /** * Created by rfellows on 10/22/15. */ @RunWith( MockitoJUnitRunner.class ) public class WebXmlTest { WebXml webXml; WebXml webXmlSpy; String value = "test value"; @Mock Document document; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml(); webXmlSpy = spy( webXml ); } @Test public void testConstructor_doc() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); assertEquals( document, webXml.getDocument() ); } @Test public void testConstructor_xmlString() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( "<web-app></web-app>" ); assertNull( webXml.getEncoding() ); } @Test( expected = DocumentException.class ) public void testConstructor_file() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( File.createTempFile( "web", ".xml" ) ); } @Test public void testSetFullyQualifiedServerUrl() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setFullyQualifiedServerUrl( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.FULLY_QUALIFIED_SERVER_URL_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetFullyQualifiedServerUrl() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getFullyQualifiedServerUrl(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.FULLY_QUALIFIED_SERVER_URL_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testSetContextConfigFileName() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setContextConfigFileName( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.CONTEXT_CONFIG_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetContextConfigFileName() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getContextConfigFileName(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.CONTEXT_CONFIG_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testGetBaseUrl() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getBaseUrl(); // make sure this call forwards to the method that replaced this deprecated one verify( webXmlSpy ).getFullyQualifiedServerUrl(); } @Test public void testSetSolutionPath() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setSolutionPath( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.SOLUTION_PATH_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetSolutionPath() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getSolutionPath(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.SOLUTION_PATH_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testSetLocaleLanguage() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setLocaleLanguage( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetLocaleLanguage() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getLocaleLanguage(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testSetLocaleCountry() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setLocaleCountry( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.LOCALE_COUNTRY_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetLocaleCountry() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getLocaleCountry(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.LOCALE_COUNTRY_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testSetEncoding() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setEncoding( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setContextParamValue( WebXml.ENCODING_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGetEncoding() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getEncoding(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getContextParamValue( WebXml.ENCODING_CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME ); } @Test public void testSetHomePage() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.setHomePage( value ); verify( webXmlSpy ).setServletMapping( WebXml.HOME_SERVLET_NAME, value ); } @Test public void testGet() throws Exception { webXmlSpy.getHomePage(); verify( webXmlSpy ).getServletMapping( WebXml.HOME_SERVLET_NAME ); } @Test public void testGetContextParamValue() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Node node = mock( Node.class ); Node subNode = mock( Node.class ); when( subNode.getText() ).thenReturn( "test node content" ); when( node.selectSingleNode( "../param-value" ) ).thenReturn( subNode ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); String test = webXml.getContextParamValue( "test" ); assertEquals( "test node content", test ); verify( node ).selectSingleNode( "../param-value" ); verify( subNode ).getText(); } @Test public void testGetContextParamValue_nullSubNode() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Node node = mock( Node.class ); when( node.selectSingleNode( "../param-value" ) ).thenReturn( null ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); String test = webXml.getContextParamValue( "test" ); assertNull( test ); verify( node ).selectSingleNode( "../param-value" ); } @Test public void testGetContextParamValue_nullNode() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( null ); String test = webXml.getContextParamValue( "test" ); assertNull( test ); } @Test public void testGetServletMapping() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Node node = mock( Node.class ); Node subNode = mock( Node.class ); when( subNode.getText() ).thenReturn( "test node content" ); when( node.selectSingleNode( "../jsp-file" ) ).thenReturn( subNode ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); String test = webXml.getServletMapping( "test" ); assertEquals( "test node content", test ); verify( node ).selectSingleNode( "../jsp-file" ); verify( subNode ).getText(); } @Test public void testGetServletMapping_nullSubNode() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Node node = mock( Node.class ); when( node.selectSingleNode( "../jsp-file" ) ).thenReturn( null ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); String test = webXml.getServletMapping( "test" ); assertNull( test ); verify( node ).selectSingleNode( "../jsp-file" ); } @Test public void testGetServletMapping_nullNode() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( null ); String test = webXml.getServletMapping( "test" ); assertNull( test ); } @Test public void testSetContextParamValue_nullValue() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Element node = mock( Element.class ); Element parent = mock( Element.class ); ; when( node.getParent() ).thenReturn( parent ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); webXml.setContextParamValue( "key", null ); verify( parent ).detach(); } @Test public void testSetContextParamValue() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Element root = mock( Element.class ); when( document.getRootElement() ).thenReturn( root ); Element node = mock( Element.class ); Element paramNode = mock( Element.class ); when( root.addElement( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); when( node.getParent() ).thenReturn( root ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( null ); when( node.addElement( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( paramNode ); webXml.setContextParamValue( "key", value ); verify( root ).addElement( WebXml.CONTEXT_PARAM_ELEMENT ); verify( node ).addElement( WebXml.PARAM_NAME_ELEMENT ); verify( paramNode ).setText( "key" ); } @Test public void testSetServletMapping_noMatch() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( null ); assertFalse( webXml.setServletMapping( "key", value ) ); } @Test public void testSetServletMapping_noJspFileNode() throws Exception { webXml = new WebXml( document ); Element node = mock( Element.class ); Element jspNode = mock( Element.class ); when( document.selectSingleNode( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( node ); when( node.selectSingleNode( "../jsp-file" ) ).thenReturn( jspNode ); assertTrue( webXml.setServletMapping( "key", value ) ); verify( jspNode ).setText( value ); } }