package org.getopt.pcl5; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.*; import org.getopt.pcl5.HPGLInterpreter.cmd.CmdUnknownHPGL; import org.getopt.pcl5.HPGLInterpreter.cmd.CommandHPGL; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.ControlCodes; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.IInitialSetup; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.IParse; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.BaseCommandPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.CmdEscUnknownPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.CmdExtendedEscUnknownPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.CmdUnknownPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.CommandPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.EscCommandPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PCL5Interpreter.cmd.EscExtendedCommandPCL5; import org.getopt.pcl5.PJLInterpreter.cmd.BaseCommandPJL; import org.getopt.pcl5.PJLInterpreter.cmd.CmdEscUnknownPJL; import org.getopt.pcl5.PJLInterpreter.cmd.CmdUnknownPJL; import org.getopt.pcl5.PJLInterpreter.cmd.CommandPJL; import org.getopt.pcl5.PJLInterpreter.cmd.EscCommandPJL; /** * This class is main class for printer parser, instance of this class will * parse printer result stream */ public class Interpreter implements IParse, IInitialSetup { PrinterState _printerState = new PrinterState(); /** * Internal helper class to read integer from stream until non-digit We need * class because of lack of pass-by-ref in java */ class ReadParameterFromStream { String _parameter; char _cmd; char _subfamily; void readParameter(InputStream in, char subfamily) throws IOException { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); // it's possible that we receive command without family if (subfamily == '-' || subfamily == '+' || Character.isDigit(subfamily)) { _subfamily = 0; str.append(subfamily); } else _subfamily = subfamily; char c = 0; _parameter = null; int data =; while (data != -1) { c = (char) data; if (c == '-' || Character.isDigit(c)) str.append(c); else break; data =; } _cmd = (char) data; if (str.length() > 0) _parameter = str.toString(); } /** * @return Returns the _cmd. */ public char getCmd() { return _cmd; } /** * @return Returns the _parameter. */ public String getParameter() { return _parameter; } public char getSubfamily() { return _subfamily; } } interface IParser { public void parse(int data, InputStream in) throws IOException; } /** * Internal class that implements interpretation of printer commands. First * loads all Cmd* classes and creates 3 collection for 3 different types of * commands There are 2 collections for each type, hashed for often used * collections and ArrayLists */ class PCL5Parser implements IParser { private final static String RESOURCE_NAME = "res/"; ArrayList _cmdParsers = new ArrayList(); HashMap _cmdParsersHash = new HashMap(); ArrayList _cmdEscParsers = new ArrayList(); HashMap _cmdEscParsersHash = new HashMap(); ArrayList _cmdExtendedEscParsers = new ArrayList(); HashMap _cmdExtendedEscParsersHash = new HashMap(); CmdUnknownPCL5 cmdUnknown = new CmdUnknownPCL5(_printerState); CmdEscUnknownPCL5 cmdEscUnknown = new CmdEscUnknownPCL5(_printerState); CmdExtendedEscUnknownPCL5 cmdExtendedEscUnknown = new CmdExtendedEscUnknownPCL5( _printerState); /** * Very long contructor that creates Cmd* collections * * @throws IOException */ public PCL5Parser() throws IOException { PackageLoader packageLoader = new PackageLoader(RESOURCE_NAME, "PCL5Interpreter"); Class[] constructorParams = { PrinterState.class }; Object[] ps = { _printerState }; Iterator iter = packageLoader.getClassList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String clsName = (String); try { Class cls = Class.forName(clsName); BaseCommandPCL5 o; if (cls.getSuperclass() == CommandPCL5.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (BaseCommandPCL5) constr.newInstance(ps); char c = o.getCommandCode(); if (c != 0) _cmdParsersHash.put(new Integer(c), o); else _cmdParsers.add(o); } else if (cls.getSuperclass() == EscCommandPCL5.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (BaseCommandPCL5) constr.newInstance(ps); char c = o.getCommandCode(); if (c != 0) _cmdEscParsersHash.put(new Integer(c), o); else _cmdEscParsers.add(o); } else if (cls.getSuperclass() == EscExtendedCommandPCL5.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (BaseCommandPCL5) constr.newInstance(ps); char c = o.getCommandCode(); if (c != 0) _cmdExtendedEscParsersHash.put(new Integer(c), o); else _cmdExtendedEscParsers.add(o); } else if (cls.getSuperclass() == BaseCommandPCL5.class) { // Unknown command classes } else { System.err.println("Incompatible class found: " + clsName); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private boolean isExtendedCommand(char family) { return family == '%' || family == '&' || family == '(' || family == ')' || family == '*'; } /** * Parser method for Esc commands, finds command that implements command and * executes * * @param in * stream to parse * * @throws IOException */ public void parse(int data, InputStream in) throws IOException { char c = (char) data; if (c >= ' ' && c != ControlCodes.DEL) { _printerState.addText(c); return; } if (c != ControlCodes.ESC) { parse(c); } else { char family = (char); if (isExtendedCommand(family)) // extended command { executeExtendedEscCommand(in, family); } else { executeEscCommand(in, family); } } } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executeExtendedEscCommand(InputStream in, char family) throws IOException { Iterator iter; char subfamily = (char); char command; do { _paramReader.readParameter(in, subfamily); command = _paramReader.getCmd(); String parameter = _paramReader.getParameter(); subfamily = _paramReader.getSubfamily(); EscExtendedCommandPCL5 cmd; // TODO: needs correct implementation // cmd = (EscExtendedCommand)cmdExtendedEscParsersHash.get(new // Integer(data)); // if (cmd != null) // { // cmd.execute(data, in); // return; // } iter = _cmdExtendedEscParsers.iterator(); boolean found = false; while (iter.hasNext()) { cmd = (EscExtendedCommandPCL5); if (cmd.execute(family, subfamily, parameter, Character.toUpperCase(command), in)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) cmdExtendedEscUnknown.execute(family, subfamily, parameter, command, in); } while (Character.isLowerCase(command)); } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executeEscCommand(InputStream in, char family) throws IOException { Iterator iter; // this commands was tested final String covered = "E"; if (covered.indexOf(family) == -1) notCovered(family); EscCommandPCL5 cmd = (EscCommandPCL5) _cmdEscParsersHash.get(new Integer( family)); if (cmd != null) { cmd.execute(family, in); return; } iter = _cmdEscParsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { cmd = (EscCommandPCL5); if (cmd.execute(family, in)) return; } cmdEscUnknown.execute(family, in); return; } /** * Parser method for direct (non-Esc) commands * * @param data * command to execute */ private void parse(int data) { final String covered = "\r"; if (covered.indexOf(data) == -1) notCovered(data); CommandPCL5 cmd = (CommandPCL5) _cmdParsersHash.get(new Integer(data)); if (cmd != null) { cmd.execute(data); return; } Iterator iter = _cmdParsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { cmd = (CommandPCL5); if (cmd.execute(data)) return; } cmdUnknown.execute(data); } /** * Not covered methods trace * * @param c * printer command */ private void notCovered(int c) { _printerState.trace(this, "Command not tested: " + c); } } class PJLParser implements IParser { private final static String RESOURCE_NAME = "res/"; ArrayList _cmdParsers = new ArrayList(); HashMap _cmdParsersHash = new HashMap(); ArrayList _cmdEscParsers = new ArrayList(); CmdUnknownPJL _cmdUnknown = new CmdUnknownPJL(_printerState); CmdEscUnknownPJL _cmdEscUnknown = new CmdEscUnknownPJL(_printerState); /** * Very long contructor that creates Cmd* collections * * @throws IOException */ public PJLParser() throws IOException { PackageLoader packageLoader = new PackageLoader(RESOURCE_NAME, "PJLInterpreter"); Class[] constructorParams = { PrinterState.class }; Object[] ps = { _printerState }; Iterator iter = packageLoader.getClassList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String clsName = (String); try { Class cls = Class.forName(clsName); BaseCommandPJL o; if (cls.getSuperclass() == CommandPJL.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (BaseCommandPJL) constr.newInstance(ps); String cmd = o.getCommandString(); if (cmd != null) _cmdParsersHash.put(cmd, o); else _cmdParsers.add(o); } else if (cls.getSuperclass() == EscCommandPJL.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (BaseCommandPJL) constr.newInstance(ps); _cmdEscParsers.add(o); } else { System.err.println("Incompatible class found: " + clsName); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Parser method for Esc commands, finds command that implements command and * executes * * @param in * stream to parse * * @throws IOException */ public void parse(int data, InputStream in) throws IOException { char c = (char) data; if (c == '@') // extended command { executePJLCommand(in); } else if (c != ControlCodes.ESC) { executeEscCommand(in); } else { _printerState.addText(c); } } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executeEscCommand(InputStream in) throws IOException { char family = (char); Iterator iter; // this commands was tested iter = _cmdEscParsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { EscCommandPJL cmd = (EscCommandPJL); if (cmd.execute(family, in)) return; } _cmdEscUnknown.execute(family, in); return; } String readLine(InputStream in) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int n =; while (n != -1 && n != ControlCodes.LF) // EOF or LF { if (n != ControlCodes.CR) sb.append((char) n); n =; } return sb.toString(); } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executePJLCommand(InputStream in) throws IOException { String expression = readLine(in); String[] tokens = expression.split("\\p{Blank}+"); if (!tokens[0].equalsIgnoreCase("PJL")) throw new RuntimeException("Error in PJL."); CommandPJL cmd = (CommandPJL) _cmdParsersHash.get(tokens[1]); if (cmd != null) { cmd.execute(tokens); return; } Iterator iter = _cmdParsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { cmd = (CommandPJL); if (cmd.execute(tokens)) return; } _cmdUnknown.execute(tokens); return; } } class HPGLParser implements IParser { private final static String RESOURCE_NAME = "res/"; ArrayList _cmdParsers = new ArrayList(); HashMap _cmdParsersHash = new HashMap(); CmdUnknownHPGL _cmdUnknown = new CmdUnknownHPGL(_printerState); /** * Very long contructor that creates Cmd* collections * * @throws IOException */ public HPGLParser() throws IOException { PackageLoader packageLoader = new PackageLoader(RESOURCE_NAME, "HPGLInterpreter"); Class[] constructorParams = { PrinterState.class }; Object[] ps = { _printerState }; Iterator iter = packageLoader.getClassList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String clsName = (String); try { Class cls = Class.forName(clsName); CommandHPGL o; if (cls.getSuperclass() == CommandHPGL.class) { Constructor constr = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(constructorParams); o = (CommandHPGL) constr.newInstance(ps); String cmd = o.getCommandString(); if (cmd != null) _cmdParsersHash.put(cmd, o); else _cmdParsers.add(o); } else { System.err.println("Incompatible class found: " + clsName); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public void parse(int data, InputStream in) throws IOException { char c = (char) data; while (data != -1 && (c == ' ' || c == ';')) { data =; c = (char) data; } if (data == -1) return; else if (c == ControlCodes.ESC) { executeEscCommand(in); } if (c <= ' ') // control command { executeControlCode(c, in); } else { String cmd = ""; cmd += c + (char); executeHPGLCommand(cmd, in); } } private void executeControlCode(char c, InputStream in) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executeEscCommand(InputStream in) throws IOException { } /** * @param in * @param family * @throws IOException */ private void executeHPGLCommand(String command, InputStream in) throws IOException { CommandHPGL cmd = (CommandHPGL) _cmdParsersHash.get(command); if (cmd != null) { cmd.execute(command, in); return; } Iterator iter = _cmdParsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { cmd = (CommandHPGL); if (cmd.execute(command, in)) return; } _cmdUnknown.execute(command, in); return; } } private PCL5Parser _pcl5Parser; private PJLParser _pjlParser; private HPGLParser _hpglParser; private IParser _activeParser; ReadParameterFromStream _paramReader; public Interpreter() throws IOException { _pcl5Parser = new PCL5Parser(); _pjlParser = new PJLParser(); _hpglParser = new HPGLParser(); _paramReader = new ReadParameterFromStream(); } public void parse(InputStream in, IPrint print) throws IOException { _activeParser = _pcl5Parser; print.processingStart(); _printerState.setPrinter(print); _printerState.reset(); int data =; while (data != -1) { _activeParser = getActiveParser(); _activeParser.parse(data, in); data =; } print.processingEnd(); } private IParser getActiveParser() { switch (_printerState.getActiveLanguage()) { case PrinterState.Language.PCL5: return _pcl5Parser; case PrinterState.Language.PJL: return _pjlParser; case PrinterState.Language.HPGL: return _hpglParser; } return null; } public void setBoundBoxColor(boolean boudBox) { _printerState.setBoundBoxColor(boudBox); } }