/* * PatientView * * Copyright (c) Worth Solutions Limited 2004-2013 * * This file is part of PatientView. * * PatientView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * PatientView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PatientView in a file * titled COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @package PatientView * @link http://www.patientview.org * @author PatientView <info@patientview.org> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Worth Solutions Limited * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html The GNU General Public License V3.0 */ package org.patientview.radar.model.sequenced; import org.patientview.radar.model.Phenotype; import java.util.Date; public class ClinicalData extends SequencedModel { public static final String OPHTHALMOSCOPY_HELP_TEXT = "If abnormal describe result, " + "eg hypertensive, retinopathy or Drusen"; public enum DiabetesType { TYPE_I(1, "Type I IDDM"), TYPE_II(2, "Type II NIDDM"), NO(99, "No"); private int id; private String label; DiabetesType(int id, String label) { this.id = id; this.label = label; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getLabel() { return label; } } public enum CourseOfDisease { ACUTE(1), CHRONIC(2), UNKNOWN(9); private int id; CourseOfDisease(int id) { this.id = id; } public int getId() { return id; } } public enum CkdStage { ONE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3), FOUR(4), FIVE(5), UNKNOWN(0); private int id; CkdStage(int id) { this.id = id; } public int getId() { return id; } } private Date clinicalPictureDate; private Double height, weight; // Height in cm Weight in Kg // Check it out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_pressure private Integer systolicBloodPressure, diastolicBloodPressure; private Phenotype phenotype1, phenotype2, phenotype3, phenotype4; private String comments; private CourseOfDisease courseOfDisease; private String significantDiagnosis1, significantDiagnosis2; private Boolean oedema, anaemia, hypovalaemia, fever, thrombosis, peritonitis, pulmonaryOedema, hypertension, urticaria; private DiabetesType diabetesType; private Boolean rash, possibleImmunisationTrigger, partialLipodystrophy, preceedingInfection, chronicInfection, ophthalmoscopy; private String rashDetail, preceedingInfectionDetail, chronicInfectionDetail, ophthalmoscopyDetail; // For follow up page private Boolean infectionNecessitatingHospitalisation, complicationThrombosis; private String infectionDetail, complicationThrombosisDetail; private CkdStage ckdStage; private Boolean listedForTransplant; public Double getMeanArterialPressure() { // Got this from wikipedia if (diastolicBloodPressure != null && systolicBloodPressure != null) { return (double) diastolicBloodPressure + (1D / 3D) * (systolicBloodPressure - diastolicBloodPressure); } return null; } public Date getClinicalPictureDate() { return clinicalPictureDate; } public void setClinicalPictureDate(Date clinicalPictureDate) { this.clinicalPictureDate = clinicalPictureDate; } public Double getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(Double height) { this.height = height; } public Double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(Double weight) { this.weight = weight; } public Integer getSystolicBloodPressure() { return systolicBloodPressure; } public void setSystolicBloodPressure(Integer systolicBloodPressure) { this.systolicBloodPressure = systolicBloodPressure; } public Integer getDiastolicBloodPressure() { return diastolicBloodPressure; } public void setDiastolicBloodPressure(Integer diastolicBloodPressure) { this.diastolicBloodPressure = diastolicBloodPressure; } public Phenotype getPhenotype1() { return phenotype1; } public void setPhenotype1(Phenotype phenotype1) { this.phenotype1 = phenotype1; } public Phenotype getPhenotype2() { return phenotype2; } public void setPhenotype2(Phenotype phenotype2) { this.phenotype2 = phenotype2; } public Phenotype getPhenotype3() { return phenotype3; } public void setPhenotype3(Phenotype phenotype3) { this.phenotype3 = phenotype3; } public Phenotype getPhenotype4() { return phenotype4; } public void setPhenotype4(Phenotype phenotype4) { this.phenotype4 = phenotype4; } public String getComments() { return comments; } public void setComments(String comments) { this.comments = comments; } public CourseOfDisease getCourseOfDisease() { return courseOfDisease; } public void setCourseOfDisease(CourseOfDisease courseOfDisease) { this.courseOfDisease = courseOfDisease; } public String getSignificantDiagnosis1() { return significantDiagnosis1; } public void setSignificantDiagnosis1(String significantDiagnosis1) { this.significantDiagnosis1 = significantDiagnosis1; } public String getSignificantDiagnosis2() { return significantDiagnosis2; } public void setSignificantDiagnosis2(String significantDiagnosis2) { this.significantDiagnosis2 = significantDiagnosis2; } public Boolean getOedema() { return oedema; } public void setOedema(Boolean oedema) { this.oedema = oedema; } public Boolean getAnaemia() { return anaemia; } public void setAnaemia(Boolean anaemia) { this.anaemia = anaemia; } public Boolean getHypovalaemia() { return hypovalaemia; } public void setHypovalaemia(Boolean hypovalaemia) { this.hypovalaemia = hypovalaemia; } public Boolean getFever() { return fever; } public void setFever(Boolean fever) { this.fever = fever; } public Boolean getThrombosis() { return thrombosis; } public void setThrombosis(Boolean thrombosis) { this.thrombosis = thrombosis; } public Boolean getPeritonitis() { return peritonitis; } public void setPeritonitis(Boolean peritonitis) { this.peritonitis = peritonitis; } public Boolean getPulmonaryOedema() { return pulmonaryOedema; } public void setPulmonaryOedema(Boolean pulmonaryOedema) { this.pulmonaryOedema = pulmonaryOedema; } public Boolean getHypertension() { return hypertension; } public void setHypertension(Boolean hypertension) { this.hypertension = hypertension; } public Boolean getUrticaria() { return urticaria; } public void setUrticaria(Boolean urticaria) { this.urticaria = urticaria; } public DiabetesType getDiabetesType() { return diabetesType; } public void setDiabetesType(DiabetesType diabetesType) { this.diabetesType = diabetesType; } public Boolean getRash() { return rash; } public void setRash(Boolean rash) { this.rash = rash; } public Boolean getPossibleImmunisationTrigger() { return possibleImmunisationTrigger; } public void setPossibleImmunisationTrigger(Boolean possibleImmunisationTrigger) { this.possibleImmunisationTrigger = possibleImmunisationTrigger; } public Boolean getPartialLipodystrophy() { return partialLipodystrophy; } public void setPartialLipodystrophy(Boolean partialLipodystrophy) { this.partialLipodystrophy = partialLipodystrophy; } public Boolean getPreceedingInfection() { return preceedingInfection; } public void setPreceedingInfection(Boolean preceedingInfection) { this.preceedingInfection = preceedingInfection; } public Boolean getChronicInfection() { return chronicInfection; } public void setChronicInfection(Boolean chronicInfection) { this.chronicInfection = chronicInfection; } public Boolean getOphthalmoscopy() { return ophthalmoscopy; } public void setOphthalmoscopy(Boolean ophthalmoscopy) { this.ophthalmoscopy = ophthalmoscopy; } public String getRashDetail() { return rashDetail; } public void setRashDetail(String rashDetail) { this.rashDetail = rashDetail; } public String getPreceedingInfectionDetail() { return preceedingInfectionDetail; } public void setPreceedingInfectionDetail(String preceedingInfectionDetail) { this.preceedingInfectionDetail = preceedingInfectionDetail; } public String getChronicInfectionDetail() { return chronicInfectionDetail; } public void setChronicInfectionDetail(String chronicInfectionDetail) { this.chronicInfectionDetail = chronicInfectionDetail; } public String getOphthalmoscopyDetail() { return ophthalmoscopyDetail; } public void setOphthalmoscopyDetail(String ophthalmoscopyDetail) { this.ophthalmoscopyDetail = ophthalmoscopyDetail; } public Boolean getInfectionNecessitatingHospitalisation() { return infectionNecessitatingHospitalisation; } public void setInfectionNecessitatingHospitalisation(Boolean infectionNecessitatingHospitalisation) { this.infectionNecessitatingHospitalisation = infectionNecessitatingHospitalisation; } public Boolean getComplicationThrombosis() { return complicationThrombosis; } public void setComplicationThrombosis(Boolean complicationThrombosis) { this.complicationThrombosis = complicationThrombosis; } public String getInfectionDetail() { return infectionDetail; } public void setInfectionDetail(String infectionDetail) { this.infectionDetail = infectionDetail; } public String getComplicationThrombosisDetail() { return complicationThrombosisDetail; } public void setComplicationThrombosisDetail(String complicationThrombosisDetail) { this.complicationThrombosisDetail = complicationThrombosisDetail; } public CkdStage getCkdStage() { return ckdStage; } public void setCkdStage(CkdStage ckdStage) { this.ckdStage = ckdStage; } public Boolean getListedForTransplant() { return listedForTransplant; } public void setListedForTransplant(Boolean listedForTransplant) { this.listedForTransplant = listedForTransplant; } }