package in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.impl; import in.partake.base.PartakeRuntimeException; import in.partake.base.TimeUtil; import in.partake.model.dao.DAOException; import in.partake.model.dao.DataIterator; import in.partake.model.dao.MapperDataIterator; import in.partake.model.dao.PartakeConnection; import in.partake.model.dao.access.IEventAccess; import in.partake.model.dao.auxiliary.EventFilterCondition; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9Connection; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9Dao; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9DataIterator; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9Entity; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9EntityDao; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9EntityDataMapper; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9IdMapper; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9IndexDao; import in.partake.model.dao.postgres9.Postgres9StatementAndResultSet; import in.partake.model.daoutil.DAOUtil; import in.partake.model.dto.Event; import in.partake.resource.ServerErrorCode; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; class EntityEventMapper extends Postgres9EntityDataMapper<Event> { public Event map(ObjectNode obj) { return new Event(obj).freeze(); } } public class Postgres9EventDao extends Postgres9Dao implements IEventAccess { static final String ENTITY_TABLE_NAME = "EventEntities"; static final String INDEX_TABLE_NAME = "EventIndex"; static final String EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME = "EventIndexForEditor"; static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 1; private final Postgres9EntityDao entityDao; private final Postgres9IndexDao indexDao; private final Postgres9IndexDao editorIndexDao; private final EntityEventMapper mapper; public Postgres9EventDao() { this.entityDao = new Postgres9EntityDao(ENTITY_TABLE_NAME); this.indexDao = new Postgres9IndexDao(INDEX_TABLE_NAME); this.editorIndexDao = new Postgres9IndexDao(EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME); this.mapper = new EntityEventMapper(); } @Override public void initialize(PartakeConnection con) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; entityDao.initialize(pcon); if (!existsTable(pcon, INDEX_TABLE_NAME)) { indexDao.createIndexTable(pcon, "CREATE TABLE " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, ownerId TEXT NOT NULL, draft BOOL NOT NULL, isPrivate BOOL NOT NULL, beginDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"); indexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "OwnerId" + " ON " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(ownerId, draft, beginDate)"); indexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "Draft" + " ON " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(draft)"); indexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "isPrivate" + " ON " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(isPrivate)"); } if (!existsTable(pcon, EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME)) { editorIndexDao.createIndexTable(pcon, "CREATE TABLE " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(id TEXT NOT NULL, editorId TEXT NOT NULL, draft BOOL NOT NULL, isPrivate BOOL NOT NULL, beginDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)"); editorIndexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "Unique" + " ON " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(id, editorId)"); editorIndexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "EditorId" + " ON " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(editorId, draft, beginDate)"); editorIndexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "Draft" + " ON " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(draft)"); editorIndexDao.createIndex(pcon, "CREATE INDEX " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "isPrivate" + " ON " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + "(isPrivate)"); } } @Override public void truncate(PartakeConnection con) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; entityDao.truncate(pcon); indexDao.truncate(pcon); editorIndexDao.truncate(pcon); } @Override public void put(PartakeConnection con, Event event) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; Postgres9Entity entity = new Postgres9Entity(event.getId(), CURRENT_VERSION, event.toJSON().toString().getBytes(UTF8), null, TimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime()); if (entityDao.exists(pcon, event.getId())) entityDao.update(pcon, entity); else entityDao.insert(pcon, entity); updateIndex(con, event); } @Override public void updateIndex(PartakeConnection con, Event event) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; indexDao.put(pcon, new String[] {"id", "ownerId", "draft", "isPrivate", "beginDate" }, new Object[] { event.getId(), event.getOwnerId(), event.isDraft(), !StringUtils.isEmpty(event.getPasscode()), event.getBeginDate() }); editorIndexDao.remove(pcon, "id", event.getId()); if (event.getEditorIds() != null) { for (String editorId : event.getEditorIds()) { if (editorIndexDao.exists2(pcon, "id", event.getId(), "editorId", editorId)) { editorIndexDao.update2(pcon, new String[] { "id", "editorId", "draft", "isPrivate", "beginDate" }, new Object[] { event.getId(), editorId, event.isDraft(), !StringUtils.isEmpty(event.getPasscode()), event.getBeginDate() }); } else { editorIndexDao.insert(pcon, new String[] { "id", "editorId", "draft", "isPrivate", "beginDate" }, new Object[] { event.getId(), editorId, event.isDraft(), !StringUtils.isEmpty(event.getPasscode()), event.getBeginDate() }); } } } } @Override public Event find(PartakeConnection con, String id) throws DAOException { return con, id)); } @Override public boolean exists(PartakeConnection con, String id) throws DAOException { return entityDao.exists((Postgres9Connection) con, id); } @Override public void remove(PartakeConnection con, String id) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; entityDao.remove(pcon, id); indexDao.remove(pcon, "id", id); editorIndexDao.remove(pcon, "id", id); } @Override public DataIterator<Event> getIterator(PartakeConnection con) throws DAOException { return new MapperDataIterator<Postgres9Entity, Event>(mapper, entityDao.getIterator((Postgres9Connection) con)); } @Override public String getFreshId(PartakeConnection con) throws DAOException { return entityDao.getFreshId((Postgres9Connection) con); } @Override public boolean isRemoved(PartakeConnection con, String eventId) throws DAOException { // TODO: should be implemented. return false; } @Override public List<Event> findByOwnerId(PartakeConnection con, String userId, EventFilterCondition criteria, int offset, int limit) throws DAOException { String draftSql = conditionClauseForCriteria(criteria); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT id FROM " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE ownerId = ? " + draftSql + " ORDER BY beginDate DESC OFFSET ? LIMIT ?", new Object[] { userId, offset, limit }); Postgres9IdMapper<Event> idMapper = new Postgres9IdMapper<Event>((Postgres9Connection) con, mapper, entityDao); try { ArrayList<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>(); DataIterator<Event> it = new Postgres9DataIterator<Event>(idMapper, psars); while (it.hasNext()) { Event event =; if (event == null) continue; events.add(event); } return events; } finally { psars.close(); } } @Override public DataIterator<Event> getIterator(PartakeConnection con, EventFilterCondition condition) throws DAOException { String draftSql = conditionClauseForCriteria(condition); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT id FROM " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE 1 = 1 " + draftSql + " ORDER BY beginDate DESC", new Object[] {}); Postgres9IdMapper<Event> idMapper = new Postgres9IdMapper<Event>((Postgres9Connection) con, mapper, entityDao); return new Postgres9DataIterator<Event>(idMapper, psars); } @Override public List<Event> findByEditorUserId(PartakeConnection con, String editorUserId, EventFilterCondition criteria, int offset, int limit) throws DAOException { String condition = conditionClauseForCriteria(criteria); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT id FROM " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE editorId = ? " + condition + " ORDER BY beginDate DESC OFFSET ? LIMIT ?", new Object[] { editorUserId, offset, limit }); Postgres9IdMapper<Event> idMapper = new Postgres9IdMapper<Event>((Postgres9Connection) con, mapper, entityDao); try { DataIterator<Event> it = new Postgres9DataIterator<Event>(idMapper, psars); return DAOUtil.convertToList(it); } finally { psars.close(); } } @Override public int count(PartakeConnection con) throws DAOException { return entityDao.count((Postgres9Connection) con); } @Override public int count(PartakeConnection con, EventFilterCondition condition) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; switch (condition) { case ALL_EVENTS: return entityDao.count(pcon); case DRAFT_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "draft" }, new Object[] { true }); case PRIVATE_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { true }); case PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { false }); case PUBLISHED_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "draft" }, new Object[] { false }); case PUBLISHED_PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "draft", "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { false, false }); } assert false; throw new PartakeRuntimeException(ServerErrorCode.LOGIC_ERROR); } @Override public int countEventsByOwnerId(PartakeConnection con, String userId, EventFilterCondition criteria) throws DAOException { Postgres9Connection pcon = (Postgres9Connection) con; switch (criteria) { case ALL_EVENTS: return indexDao.count(pcon, "ownerId", userId); case DRAFT_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "ownerId", "draft" }, new Object[] { userId, true }); case PRIVATE_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "ownerId", "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { userId, true }); case PUBLISHED_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "ownerId", "draft" }, new Object[] { userId, false }); case PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "ownerId", "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { userId, false }); case PUBLISHED_PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return indexDao.count(pcon, new String[] { "ownerId", "draft", "isPrivate" }, new Object[] { userId, false, false }); } assert false; throw new PartakeRuntimeException(ServerErrorCode.LOGIC_ERROR); } @Override public int countByEditorUserId(PartakeConnection con, String editorId, EventFilterCondition criteria) throws DAOException { String condition = conditionClauseForCriteria(criteria); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT count(1) FROM " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE editorId = ? " + condition, new Object[] { editorId }); try { ResultSet rs = psars.getResultSet(); if ( return rs.getInt(1); else return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DAOException(e); } finally { psars.close(); } } @Override public int countEventsByOwnerIdAndEditorId(PartakeConnection con, String userId, EventFilterCondition criteria) throws DAOException { String condition = conditionClauseForCriteria(criteria); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT count(1) FROM (" + "SELECT id FROM " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE ownerId = ? " + condition + " UNION " + "SELECT id FROM " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE editorId = ? " + condition + ") as a", new Object[] { userId, userId }); try { ResultSet rs = psars.getResultSet(); if ( return rs.getInt(1); else return 0; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DAOException(e); } finally { psars.close(); } } @Override public List<Event> findByOwnerIdAndEditorId(PartakeConnection con, String userId, EventFilterCondition criteria) throws DAOException { String condition = conditionClauseForCriteria(criteria); Postgres9StatementAndResultSet psars = con, "SELECT id FROM " + INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE ownerId = ? " + condition + " UNION " + "SELECT id FROM " + EDITOR_INDEX_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE editorId = ? " + condition, new Object[] { userId, userId }); Postgres9IdMapper<Event> idMapper = new Postgres9IdMapper<Event>((Postgres9Connection) con, mapper, entityDao); try { DataIterator<Event> it = new Postgres9DataIterator<Event>(idMapper, psars); return DAOUtil.convertToList(it); } finally { psars.close(); } } private String conditionClauseForCriteria(EventFilterCondition criteria) { switch (criteria) { case ALL_EVENTS: return ""; case DRAFT_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND draft = true"; case PUBLISHED_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND draft = false"; case PRIVATE_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND isPrivate = true"; case PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND isPrivate = false"; case PUBLISHED_PUBLIC_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND draft = false AND isPrivate = false"; case UPCOMING_EVENT_ONLY: return " AND beginDate >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; } return ""; } }