package com.opentrust.spi.pdf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ess.ESSCertID; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ess.ESSCertIDv2; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.Channel; import com.opentrust.spi.logger.SPILogger; public class PAdESHelper { private static SPILogger log = SPILogger.getLogger("PDFSIGN"); /** * Checks whether this PDF signature conforms to ISO 32000-1 * return a list of error messages, or empty list when no error */ public static List<String> isISO32000_1Conformant(PDFEnvelopedSignature pdfSignature, boolean fastFail, boolean excludePAdESV3Overrides) { List<String> conformanceReport = new ArrayList<String>(); //FIXME : implement. For now, mainly covered in the building process of PDFEnvelopedSignature object, // which would fail with bouncycastle.CMSException if signature was not ISO 32000-1 compliant //ISO32000_1, 12.8.1, Signature dictionary 'Cert' entry: // If SubFilter is adbe.pkcs7.detached or adbe.pkcs7.sha1, this entry shall not be used, and the certificate chain shall be put in the PKCS#7 envelope in Contents. String subFilter = pdfSignature.getSubFilter(); if((PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED.equals(subFilter) || PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ADBE_PKCS7_SHA1.equals(subFilter)) && pdfSignature.getDictionaryCert()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature dictionay 'Cert' entry should not be used with subFilter '%1$s'", subFilter); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } return conformanceReport; } /** * Checks whether this PDF signature conforms to PAdES 'v2' (or 'basic' or 'cms') * Refers to ETSI TS 102 778-2 */ public static List<String> isPAdESBasicConformant(PDFEnvelopedSignature pdfSignature, boolean fastFail) { // 5.1.a - PAdES basic comes on top of ISO 32000 List<String> conformanceReport = isISO32000_1Conformant(pdfSignature, fastFail, false); if(fastFail && !conformanceReport.isEmpty()) return conformanceReport; // 5.1.b - ByteRange shall be the entire file, excluding the PDF signature // (other 5.1.b requirements are covered by parsing performed in iText AcroFields class) if(pdfSignature.getByteRange()[0]!=0 || pdfSignature.getRevisionLength()!=(pdfSignature.getByteRange()[2]+pdfSignature.getByteRange()[3])) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature does not cover the whole document"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 5.1.c - PDF signature is PKCS#7 // (other 5.1.c requirements are covered by parsing performed in iText AcroFields class) if(pdfSignature.getSubFilter()==null || PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ADBE_X509_RSA_SHA1.equals(pdfSignature.getSubFilter())) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature not a PKCS#7 (subFilter '%1$s')", pdfSignature.getSubFilter()); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // (5.1.d - PKCS#7 conforms to RFC 2315 : covered by spi-cms module) // 5.1.d - PKCS#7 shall include signing certificate if(pdfSignature.getSigningCertificate()==null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "PKCS#7 does not contain signer Certificate"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 5.1.e - Timestamping and revocation information should be included in the PDF signature //TODO : log warning if no TS & revocation info are found (revocation info for the chain) // 5.1.f - Any revocation information shall be a signed attribute //FIXME : see if we should consider the signature invalid, or only log a warning, when revocation info is found as unsigned property ? // 5.1.g - Use of RFC 3281 attribute certificates is not recommended //TODO : log warning if such attribute certificates are found // 5.1.h - The shall only be one SignerInfo : already covered in PDFEnvelopedSignature constructor) // 5.2.a - ? // 5.2.b - Only two values supported for SubFilter if(!PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ADBE_PKCS7_DETACHED.equals(pdfSignature.getSubFilter()) && !!PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ADBE_PKCS7_SHA1.equals(pdfSignature.getSubFilter())) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature subFilter '%1$s' not supported", pdfSignature.getSubFilter()); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 5.3.a - Verify that the document digest matches that in the signature : dealt with outside this module (spi-dssl for instance, by calling pdfSignature.verify()) // 5.3.b - Validate the path of certificates... : dealt with outside this module (spi-dssl for instance) // 5.4 & 5.5 & 5.6 : dealt with outside this module (not yet for 5.6) return conformanceReport; } /** * Checks whether this PDF signature conforms to PAdES 'v3' BES * Refers to ETSI TS 102 778-3 */ public static List<String> isPAdESBESConformant(PDFEnvelopedSignature pdfSignature, boolean fastFail) { return isPAdESBESConformant(pdfSignature, fastFail, false); } /** * Checks whether this PDF signature conforms to PAdES 'v3' BES * Refers to ETSI TS 102 778-3 */ private static List<String> isPAdESBESConformant(PDFEnvelopedSignature pdfSignature, boolean fastFail, boolean isForEPES) { // 4.2.a - ISO 32000-1 except where overridden by PAdES v3 List<String> conformanceReport = isISO32000_1Conformant(pdfSignature, fastFail, true); // 4.2.b - DER-encoded CMS SignedData object in the key Content of the signature dictionary : covered by parsing performed in iText AcroFields class + 4.2.e // 4.2.c - ByteRange shall be the entire file, excluding the PDF signature if(pdfSignature.getByteRange()[0]!=0 || pdfSignature.getRevisionLength()!=(pdfSignature.getByteRange()[2]+pdfSignature.getByteRange()[3])) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature does not cover the whole document"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.2.d - ISO 32000-1, & do not apply // 4.2.e - SubFilter shall be ETSI.CAdES.detached if(!PDFEnvelopedSignature.SF_ETSI_CADES_DETACHED.equals(pdfSignature.getSubFilter())) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature subFilter '%1$s' not supported", pdfSignature.getSubFilter()); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.2.f - ? // 4.2.g - signature dictionary shall not contain Cert entry if(pdfSignature.getDictionaryCert()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "Signature shall not contain Cert entry"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.2.h - Unsigned signature attributes may be ignored : OK... // 4.2.i - A timestamp should be applied immediately after the signature is created : OK... // 4.3 - only a single SignerInfo : already covered in PDFEnvelopedSignature constructor // 4.4.1 - content-type attribute mandatory with value "id-data" // content-type attribute presence and equality to eContentInfo.contentype already a requirement of CMS RFC : covered by CMSSignature class if(! { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "content-type attribute should be '%1$s' but is '%2$s'",, pdfSignature.getCmsContentType()); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.4.2 - message-digest attribute shall be used if(pdfSignature.getDigest()==null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "message-digest attribute is missing"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.4.3 - signing-certificate (when SHA-1 is used) or signing-certificate-v2 (when any other than SHA-1 is used) shall be used ESSCertID signingCertificateAttribute = pdfSignature.getSigningCertificateAttribute(); ESSCertIDv2 signingCertificateV2Attribute = pdfSignature.getSigningCertificateV2Attribute(); if(signingCertificateAttribute==null && signingCertificateV2Attribute==null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "both signing-certificate and signing-certificate-v2 attributes are missing"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } else if(signingCertificateAttribute!=null && !"SHA1".equals(pdfSignature.getDataDigestAlgorithm())){ addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "signing-certificate should not be used with "+pdfSignature.getDataDigestAlgorithm()); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } else if(signingCertificateV2Attribute!=null && "SHA1".equals(pdfSignature.getDataDigestAlgorithm())){ addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "signing-certificate-v2 should not be used with SHA1"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.1 - (see EPES validation) // 4.5.2 - signature-time-stamp should be present //TODO : log warning if no TS ? // 4.5.3 - signing-time attribute shall not be used if(pdfSignature.getCmsSignDate()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "signing-time CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.4 - counter-signature attribute shall not be used if(pdfSignature.getCounterSignatures()!=null && pdfSignature.getCounterSignatures().size()!=0) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "counter-signature CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.5 - content-reference attribute shall not be used if(pdfSignature.getContentReferenceAttribute()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "content-reference CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.6 - content-identifier attribute shall not be used if(pdfSignature.getContentIdentifierAttribute()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "content-identifier CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.7 - content-hints attribute shall not be used if(pdfSignature.getContentHintsAttribute()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "content-hints CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.8 - commitment-type-indication may be present for EPES. Shall not be present for BES if(!isForEPES && pdfSignature.getCommitmentTypeIndicationAttribute()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "commitment-type-indication CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } // 4.5.9 - signer-location attribute shall not be present if(pdfSignature.getSignerLocationAttribute()!=null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "signer-location CMS attribute shall not be used"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } //4.7 - extensions dictionary //FIXME : check extensions dictionary contains ESIC/1.7/3 return conformanceReport; } /** * Checks whether this PDF signature conforms to PAdES 'v3' EPES * Refers to ETSI TS 102 778-3 */ public static List<String> isPAdESEPESConformant(PDFEnvelopedSignature pdfSignature, boolean fastFail) { List<String> conformanceReport = isPAdESBESConformant(pdfSignature, fastFail, true); // 4.5.1 - signature-policy-identifier attribute shall be present if(pdfSignature.getSignaturePolicyIdentifierAttribute()==null) { addErrorToReport(conformanceReport, "signature-policy-identifier attribute is missing"); if(fastFail) return conformanceReport; } return conformanceReport; } private static void addErrorToReport(List<String> conformanceReport, String error, Object... params) { String formattedString = String.format(error, params); log.debug(Channel.TECH, formattedString); conformanceReport.add(formattedString); } }