package; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import; /** * {@link EmailContent}-like base class for change log tables. * Accounts that upsync message changes require a change log to track local changes between upsyncs. * A single instance of this class (or subclass) represents one change to upsync to the server. * This object may actually correspond to multiple rows in the table. * This class (and subclasses) also contains constants for the table columns and values stored in * the DB. The base class contains the ones common to all change logs. */ public abstract class MessageChangeLogTable { // DB columns. Note that this class (and subclasses) use some denormalized columns // (e.g. accountKey) for simplicity at query time and debugging ease. /** Column name for the row key; this is an autoincrement key. */ public static final String ID = "_id"; /** Column name for a foreign key into Message for the message that's moving. */ public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "messageKey"; /** Column name for the server-side id for messageKey. */ public static final String SERVER_ID = "messageServerId"; /** Column name for a foreign key into Account for the message that's moving. */ public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey"; /** Column name for a status value indicating where we are with processing this move request. */ public static final String STATUS = "status"; // Status values. /** Status value indicating this move has not yet been unpsynced. */ public static final int STATUS_NONE = 0; public static final String STATUS_NONE_STRING = String.valueOf(STATUS_NONE); /** Status value indicating this move is being upsynced right now. */ public static final int STATUS_PROCESSING = 1; public static final String STATUS_PROCESSING_STRING = String.valueOf(STATUS_PROCESSING); /** Status value indicating this move failed to upsync. */ public static final int STATUS_FAILED = 2; public static final String STATUS_FAILED_STRING = String.valueOf(STATUS_FAILED); /** Selection string for querying this table. */ private static final String SELECTION_BY_ACCOUNT_KEY_AND_STATUS = ACCOUNT_KEY + "=? and " + STATUS + "=?"; /** Selection string prefix for deleting moves for a set of messages. */ private static final String SELECTION_BY_MESSAGE_KEYS_PREFIX = MESSAGE_KEY + " in ("; protected final long mMessageKey; protected final String mServerId; protected long mLastId; protected MessageChangeLogTable(final long messageKey, final String serverId, final long id) { mMessageKey = messageKey; mServerId = serverId; mLastId = id; } public final long getMessageId() { return mMessageKey; } public final String getServerId() { return mServerId; } /** * Update status of all change entries for an account: * - {@link #STATUS_NONE} -> {@link #STATUS_PROCESSING} * - {@link #STATUS_PROCESSING} -> {@link #STATUS_FAILED} * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The content uri for this table. * @param accountId The account we want to update. * @return The number of change entries that are now in {@link #STATUS_PROCESSING}. */ private static int startProcessing(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final String accountId) { final String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = accountId; final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1); // First mark anything that's still processing as failed. args[1] = STATUS_PROCESSING_STRING; cv.put(STATUS, STATUS_FAILED); cr.update(uri, cv, SELECTION_BY_ACCOUNT_KEY_AND_STATUS, args); // Now mark all unprocessed messages as processing. args[1] = STATUS_NONE_STRING; cv.put(STATUS, STATUS_PROCESSING); return cr.update(uri, cv, SELECTION_BY_ACCOUNT_KEY_AND_STATUS, args); } /** * Query for all move records that are in {@link #STATUS_PROCESSING}. * Note that this function assumes the underlying table uses an autoincrement id key: it assumes * that ascending id is the same as chronological order. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The content uri for this table. * @param projection The projection to use for this query. * @param accountId The account we want to update. * @return A {@link android.database.Cursor} containing all rows, in id order. */ private static Cursor getRowsToProcess(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final String[] projection, final String accountId) { final String[] args = { accountId, STATUS_PROCESSING_STRING }; return cr.query(uri, projection, SELECTION_BY_ACCOUNT_KEY_AND_STATUS, args, ID + " ASC"); } /** * Create a selection string for all messages in a set. * @param messageKeys The set of messages we're interested in. * @param count The number of messages we're interested in. * @return The selection string for these messages. */ private static String getSelectionForMessages(final long[] messageKeys, final int count) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SELECTION_BY_MESSAGE_KEYS_PREFIX); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(messageKeys[i]); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Delete all rows for a set of messages. Used to clear no-op changes (i.e. multiple rows for * a message that reverts it to the original state) and after successful upsync. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The content uri for this table. * @param messageKeys The messages to clear. * @param count The number of message keys. * @return The number of rows deleted from the DB. */ protected static int deleteRowsForMessages(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final long[] messageKeys, final int count) { if (count == 0) { return 0; } return cr.delete(uri, getSelectionForMessages(messageKeys, count), null); } /** * Set the status value for a set of messages. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The {@link Uri} for the update. * @param messageKeys The messages to update. * @param count The number of messageKeys. * @param status The new status value for the messages. * @return The number of rows updated. */ private static int updateStatusForMessages(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final long[] messageKeys, final int count, final int status) { if (count == 0) { return 0; } final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1); cv.put(STATUS, status); return cr.update(uri, cv, getSelectionForMessages(messageKeys, count), null); } /** * Set a set of messages to status = retry. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The {@link Uri} for the update. * @param messageKeys The messages to update. * @param count The number of messageKeys. * @return The number of rows updated. */ protected static int retryMessages(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final long[] messageKeys, final int count) { return updateStatusForMessages(cr, uri, messageKeys, count, STATUS_NONE); } /** * Set a set of messages to status = failed. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The {@link Uri} for the update. * @param messageKeys The messages to update. * @param count The number of messageKeys. * @return The number of rows updated. */ protected static int failMessages(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final long[] messageKeys, final int count) { return updateStatusForMessages(cr, uri, messageKeys, count, STATUS_FAILED); } /** * Start processing our table and get a {@link Cursor} for the rows to process. * @param cr A {@link ContentResolver}. * @param uri The {@link Uri} for the update. * @param projection The projection to use for our read. * @param accountId The account we're interested in. * @return A {@link Cursor} with the change log rows we're interested in. */ protected static Cursor getCursor(final ContentResolver cr, final Uri uri, final String[] projection, final long accountId) { final String accountIdString = String.valueOf(accountId); if (startProcessing(cr, uri, accountIdString) <= 0) { return null; } return getRowsToProcess(cr, uri, projection, accountIdString); } }