package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.acra.ACRA; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; /** * Holds data sent in intents. * Directly serializing a TreeMap in an intent does not work, as it comes out as a HashMap (?!?) * @author Jan */ public class PropertyEditorData implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L; private static final String DEBUG_TAG = PropertyEditorData.class.getSimpleName(); public final long osmId; public final String type; public final LinkedHashMap<String,String> tags; public final LinkedHashMap<String,String> originalTags; public final HashMap<Long,String> parents; // just store the ids and role public final HashMap<Long,String> originalParents; // just store the ids and role public final ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> members; public final ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> originalMembers; public String focusOnKey = null; public PropertyEditorData(long osmId, String type, Map<String, String> tags, Map<String, String> originalTags, HashMap<Long,String> parents, HashMap<Long,String> originalParents, ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> members, ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> originalMembers) { this(osmId, type, tags, originalTags, parents, originalParents, members, originalMembers, null); } private PropertyEditorData(long osmId, String type, Map<String, String> tags, Map<String, String> originalTags, HashMap<Long, String> parents, HashMap<Long, String> originalParents, ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> members, ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> originalMembers, String focusOnKey) { this.osmId = osmId; this.type = type; this.tags = tags != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(tags) : null; this.originalTags = originalTags != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(originalTags) : null; this.parents = parents; this.originalParents = originalParents; this.members = members; this.originalMembers = originalMembers; this.focusOnKey = focusOnKey; } public PropertyEditorData(OsmElement selectedElement, String focusOnKey) { osmId = selectedElement.getOsmId(); type = selectedElement.getName(); tags = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(selectedElement.getTags()); originalTags = tags; HashMap<Long,String> tempParents = new HashMap<Long,String>(); if (selectedElement.getParentRelations() != null) { for (Relation r:selectedElement.getParentRelations()) { RelationMember rm = r.getMember(selectedElement); if (rm != null) { tempParents.put(Long.valueOf(r.getOsmId()), rm.getRole()); } else { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG,"inconsistency in relation membership"); ACRA.getErrorReporter().putCustomData("STATUS", "NOCRASH"); ACRA.getErrorReporter().handleException(null); } } parents = tempParents; originalParents = parents; } else { parents = null; originalParents = null; } ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription> tempMembers = new ArrayList<RelationMemberDescription>(); if (selectedElement.getName().equals(Relation.NAME)) { for (RelationMember rm:((Relation)selectedElement).getMembers()) { RelationMemberDescription newRm = new RelationMemberDescription(rm); tempMembers.add(newRm); } members = tempMembers; originalMembers = members; } else { members = null; originalMembers = null; } this.focusOnKey = focusOnKey; } public static PropertyEditorData[] deserializeArray(Serializable s) { Object[] a = (Object[]) s; PropertyEditorData[] r = new PropertyEditorData[a.length]; for (int i=0;i<a.length;i++) { r[i] = (PropertyEditorData) a[i]; } return r; } }