package osgi.logger.provider; import osgi.enroute.logger.api.Level; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta.AD; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta.OCD; /** * Define the configuraiton of the Logger Admin. */ @OCD(description = "The Logger Admin provides runtime control of the that come from SLF4J and java.util.logging logging") interface Configuration { @AD(description = "The minimum level to log", deflt = "WARN", required = false) Level level(); @AD(description = "Print stack traces when an exception occurs", deflt = "false", required=false) boolean traces(); @AD(description = "Provide the location of the caller method in the log.", deflt = "false", required=false) boolean where(); @AD(description= "Use the log output from java.util.logging", required=false) boolean javaUtilLogging(); }