package org.liveSense.server.i18n.messages; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.junit.Test; import org.liveSense.server.i18n.I18N; import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class TestMessages extends TestCase { protected final static String ENGLISH_MSG = "The message is "; protected final static String FRENCH_MSG = "Le message est "; private final static Byte Byte_VALUE = 1; private final static Short Short_VALUE = 1; private final static Integer Integer_VALUE = 1; private final static Long Long_VALUE = 1l; private final static Float Float_VALUE = 1.0f; private final static Double Double_VALUE = 1.0d; private final static Character Character_VALUE = '1'; private final static String String_VALUE = "1"; private final static Object Object_VALUE = "1"; @Test public void testMessages() throws Exception { test(FooMessages.class, ""); } @Test public void testMessagesPureInterface() throws Exception { test(FooMessagesPureInterface.class, ""); } @Test public void testMessagesWithAnnotation() throws Exception { test(FooMessagesWithAnnotation.class, "method_"); } @Test public void testPluralMessages() throws Exception { FooPluralMessages msg = I18N.create(FooPluralMessages.class); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(0)", "the value is zero", msg.method_test_simple_int(0)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(1)", "the value is O N E", msg.method_test_simple_int(1)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(2)", "the value is T W O", msg.method_test_simple_int(2)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(3)", "the value 3 is between THREE and TEN", msg.method_test_simple_int(3)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(4)", "the value 4 is between THREE and TEN", msg.method_test_simple_int(4)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(10)", "the value 10 is between THREE and TEN", msg.method_test_simple_int(10)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(11)", "the value 11 is between ELEVEN and a HUNDRED", msg.method_test_simple_int(11)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(99)", "the value 99 is between ELEVEN and a HUNDRED", msg.method_test_simple_int(99)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(100)", "the value is 100", msg.method_test_simple_int(100)); Assert.assertEquals("method_test_simple_int(101)", "the value is 101", msg.method_test_simple_int(101)); } protected <T> void test(Class<T> c, String method_prefix) throws Exception { T msg_default = I18N.create(c); T msg_french = I18N.create(c, "fr"); Method[] methods = c.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { // System.out.println("testing method " + method.toGenericString()); invoke(msg_default, ENGLISH_MSG, method, false, method_prefix); invoke(msg_default, ENGLISH_MSG, method, true, method_prefix); invoke(msg_french, FRENCH_MSG, method, false, method_prefix); invoke(msg_french, FRENCH_MSG, method, true, method_prefix); } } protected void invoke(Object o, String languagePrefix, Method method, boolean setToNullIfPossible, String method_prefix) throws Exception { Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); Object[] paramValues = new Object[paramTypes.length]; String expected = languagePrefix + method.getName().substring(method_prefix.length()) + '('; String sep = ""; int paramIdx = 0; for(Class<?> paramType : paramTypes) { String paramAsString; if (setToNullIfPossible && !paramType.isPrimitive()) { paramValues[paramIdx] = null; paramAsString = "null"; } else if (Byte.class.equals(paramType) || byte.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Byte_VALUE; paramAsString = Byte_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Short.class.equals(paramType) || short.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Short_VALUE; paramAsString = Short_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Integer.class.equals(paramType) || int.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Integer_VALUE; paramAsString = Integer_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Long.class.equals(paramType) || long.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Long_VALUE; paramAsString = Long_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Float.class.equals(paramType) || float.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Float_VALUE; paramAsString = Float_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Double.class.equals(paramType) || double.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Double_VALUE; paramAsString = Double_VALUE.toString(); } else if (String.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = String_VALUE; paramAsString = String_VALUE.toString(); } else if (Character.class.equals(paramType) || char.class.equals(paramType)) { paramValues[paramIdx] = Character_VALUE; paramAsString = Character_VALUE.toString(); } else { paramValues[paramIdx] = Object_VALUE; paramAsString = Object_VALUE.toString(); } expected += sep + paramAsString; sep =","; paramIdx++; } expected += ')'; Object found = null; try { found = method.invoke(o, paramValues); } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); fail(t.getMessage()); return; } String assertMsg = method.toString() + ", lang=" + languagePrefix + ", setToNull="+setToNullIfPossible; Assert.assertNotNull(assertMsg, found); Assert.assertEquals(assertMsg, String.class, found.getClass()); if (!expected.equals(found)) { System.out.println("expected: '" + expected + "'"); System.out.println("found: '" + found + "'"); } Assert.assertEquals(assertMsg, expected, (String) found); } }