package org.intrace.agent; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer; import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.intrace.agent.server.AgentClientConnection; import org.intrace.agent.server.AgentServer; import org.intrace.output.AgentHelper; import org.intrace.output.InstruRunnable; import org.intrace.output.trace.TraceHandler; import org.intrace.shared.AgentConfigConstants; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor; /** * Uses ASM2 to transform class files to add Trace instrumentation. */ public class ClassTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer { /** * Pattern which matches anything */ public static final String MATCH_ALL = "*"; /** * Pattern which matches nothing */ public static final String MATCH_NONE = ""; /** * Set of modified class names */ private final Set<ComparableClassName> modifiedClasses = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<ComparableClassName>(); /** * Map of all seen class names */ private final Set<ComparableClassName> allClasses = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<ComparableClassName>(); /** * Instrumentation interface. */ private final Instrumentation inst; /** * Settings for this Transformer */ private final AgentSettings settings; /** * Marker indicating whether many classes are currently being updated */ private final AtomicBoolean bulkUpdateActive = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * cTor * * @param xiInst * @param xiEnableTracing * @param xiClassRegex * @param xiWriteModifiedClassfiles * @param xiVerboseMode * @param xiEnableTraceJars */ public ClassTransformer(Instrumentation xiInst, AgentSettings xiArgs) { inst = xiInst; settings = xiArgs; if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: " + settings.toString()); } } /** * Generate and return instrumented class bytes. * * @param xiClassName * @param classfileBuffer * @param shouldInstrument * @return Instrumented class bytes */ private byte[] getInstrumentedClassBytes(String xiClassName, byte[] classfileBuffer, boolean shouldInstrument) { try { ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(classfileBuffer); ClassAnalysis analysis = new ClassAnalysis(); cr.accept(analysis, 0); InstrumentedClassWriter writer = new InstrumentedClassWriter(xiClassName, cr, analysis, shouldInstrument, settings); cr.accept(writer, 0); return writer.toByteArray(); } catch (Throwable th) { System.err.println("Caught Throwable when trying to instrument: " + xiClassName); th.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Determine whether a given className is eligible for modification. Any of * the following conditions will make a class ineligible for instrumentation. * <ul> * <li>Class name which begins with "org.intrace" * <li>Class name which begins with "org.objectweb.asm" * <li>The class has already been modified * <li>Class name ends with "Test" * <li>Class name doesn't match the regex * <li>Class is in a JAR and JAR instrumention is disabled * </ul> * * @param klass * @param className * @param protectionDomain * @param originalClassfile * @return True if the Class with name className should be instrumented. */ private boolean isToBeConsideredForInstrumentation( Class<?> klass, ClassLoader klassloader, String className, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, byte[] originalClassfile) { ComparableClassName compklass = new ComparableClassName(className, klassloader); // Record all class names which get this far allClasses.add(compklass); // Don't modify anything if tracing is disabled if (!settings.isInstrumentationEnabled()) { return false; } // Don't instrument sensitive classes if (isSensitiveClass(className)) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring system class: " + className); } return false; } // Don't modify a class which is already modified if (modifiedClasses.contains(compklass)) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring class already modified: " + compklass); } return false; } if (this.settings.getClassesToExclude() != null && this.settings.getClassesToExclude().allMethodsSpecified(className)) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring class matching the active exclude regex: " + className); } return false; } // Don't modify classes which fail to match the regex if ((settings.getClassRegex() == null) || !matches(settings.getClassRegex(), className)) { // Actually we should modify if any of the interfaces match the regex boolean matchedInterface = false; for(String klassInterface : getInterfaces(className, originalClassfile)) { if ((settings.getClassRegex() != null) && matches(settings.getClassRegex(), klassInterface)) { matchedInterface |= true; } } if(!matchedInterface) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring class not matching the active include regex: " + className); } return false; } } // All checks passed - class can be instrumented return true; } private String[] getInterfaces(String className, byte[] originalClassfile) { try { final String[][] interfaceNames = new String[1][]; ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(originalClassfile); ClassVisitor cv = new EmptyVisitor() { @Override public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) { interfaceNames[0] = interfaces; super.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces); } }; cr.accept(cv, 0); return interfaceNames[0]; } catch (Throwable th) { System.err.println("Caught Throwable when trying to instrument: " + className); th.printStackTrace(); return new String[0]; } } private boolean matches(String[] strs, String target) { for (String str : strs) { if (str.equals(MATCH_NONE)) { continue; } else if (str.equals(MATCH_ALL) || target.contains(str)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isSensitiveClass(String className) { return className.contains(".intrace.") || className.contains("objectweb.asm"); } /** * java.lang.instrument Entry Point * <p> * Optionally transform a class file to add instrumentation. * {@link ClassTransformer#isToBeConsideredForInstrumentation(String, ProtectionDomain)} * determines whether a class is eligible for instrumentation. */ @Override public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String internalClassName, Class<?> classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, byte[] originalClassfile) throws IllegalClassFormatException { // Accessing the Thread to set the UncaughtExceptionHandler is safe as we // have some specific exclusions in the isSensitiveClass method to block // instrumentation of this class. Thread currentTh = Thread.currentThread(); UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = currentTh.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); currentTh.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(AgentHelper.INSTRU_CRITICAL_BLOCK); try { String className = internalClassName.replace('/', '.'); ComparableClassName compclass = new ComparableClassName(className, loader); int modifiedSize = modifiedClasses.size(); int allClassesSize = allClasses.size(); boolean shouldInstrument = isToBeConsideredForInstrumentation(classBeingRedefined, loader, className, protectionDomain, originalClassfile); if (shouldInstrument && !"java.lang.Thread".equals(className)) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: !! Instrumenting class: " + compclass); if (settings.saveTracedClassfiles()) { writeClassBytes(originalClassfile, internalClassName + "_src.class"); } byte[] newBytes; try { newBytes = getInstrumentedClassBytes(className, originalClassfile, shouldInstrument); } catch (RuntimeException th) { // Ensure the JVM doesn't silently swallow an unchecked exception th.printStackTrace(); throw th; } catch (Error th) { // Ensure the JVM doesn't silently swallow an unchecked exception th.printStackTrace(); throw th; } if (settings.saveTracedClassfiles()) { writeClassBytes(newBytes, internalClassName + "_gen.class"); } modifiedClasses.add(compclass); sendStatusUpdate(modifiedSize, allClassesSize); return newBytes; } else { modifiedClasses.remove(compclass); sendStatusUpdate(modifiedSize, allClassesSize); return null; } } finally { currentTh.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler); } } private static class StatusUpdate { public final int modifiedSize; public final int allClassesSize; public StatusUpdate(int modifiedSize, int allClassesSize) { this.modifiedSize = modifiedSize; this.allClassesSize = allClassesSize; } } private static class StatusHolder { private StatusUpdate update; public synchronized void setStatus(StatusUpdate update) { this.update = update; this.notifyAll(); } public synchronized StatusUpdate getStatus() throws InterruptedException { while (update == null) { this.wait(); } StatusUpdate retVal = update; update = null; return retVal; } } private class StatusUpdateThread extends InstruRunnable { // Need more than 1 slot to allow for recursive status calls public final StatusHolder statusHolder = new StatusHolder(); @Override public void runMethod() { while (true) { try { StatusUpdate update = statusHolder.getStatus(); int newModifiedSize = modifiedClasses.size(); int newAllClassesSize = allClasses.size(); if (!bulkUpdateActive.get() && ((newModifiedSize != update.modifiedSize) || (newAllClassesSize != update.allClassesSize))) { broadcastStatus(modifiedClasses.size(), allClasses.size()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore - exit this thread } } } public StatusUpdateThread start() { Thread statusUpdateThread = new Thread(this); statusUpdateThread.setDaemon(true); statusUpdateThread.setName("Instrumentation Status Updates"); statusUpdateThread.start(); return this; } } private final StatusUpdateThread statusUpdater = new StatusUpdateThread().start(); /** * Asynchronously send a status update to all connected clients. * <p> * We do this asynchronously as it was observed that attempting to send responses from * the same thread that was doing the instrumentation caused problems. * @param modifiedSize * @param allClassesSize */ private void sendStatusUpdate(int modifiedSize, int allClassesSize) { statusUpdater.statusHolder.setStatus(new StatusUpdate(modifiedSize, allClassesSize)); } private void writeClassBytes(byte[] newBytes, String className) { File classOut = new File("./genbin/" + className); File parentDir = classOut.getParentFile(); boolean dirExists = parentDir.exists(); if (!dirExists) { dirExists = parentDir.mkdirs(); } if (dirExists) { try { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(classOut); try { out.write(newBytes); out.flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { // System.out.println("Can't create directory " + parentDir // + " for saving traced classfiles."); } } /** * Toggle whether instrumentation is enabled * * @param xiTracingEnabled */ public void setInstrumentationEnabled(boolean xiInstrumentationEnabled) { Set<ComparableClass> klasses; if (xiInstrumentationEnabled) { klasses = getLoadedClassesForModification(); } else { klasses = getModifiedClasses(); } instrumentKlasses(klasses); } /** * @return The currently active settings. */ public Map<String, String> getSettings() { Map<String, String> settingsMap = settings.getSettingsMap(); settingsMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.STCLS, Integer.toString(allClasses.size())); settingsMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.STINST, Integer.toString(modifiedClasses.size())); return settingsMap; } /** * Handle a message and return a response. * @param connection * * @param message * @return Response or null if there is no response. */ public List<String> getResponse(AgentClientConnection connection, String message) { List<String> responses = new ArrayList<String>(); AgentSettings oldSettings = new AgentSettings(settings); settings.parseArgs(message); if (settings.isVerboseMode() && (oldSettings.isVerboseMode() != settings.isVerboseMode())) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: " + settings.toString()); } else if (oldSettings.isInstrumentationEnabled() != settings .isInstrumentationEnabled()) { // System.out.println("## Settings Changed"); setInstrumentationEnabled(settings.isInstrumentationEnabled()); } else if (!Arrays.equals(oldSettings.getClassRegex(), settings.getClassRegex())) { // System.out.println("## Settings Changed"); Set<ComparableClass> klasses = new HashSet<ComparableClass>(getModifiedClasses()); modifiedClasses.clear(); klasses.addAll(getLoadedClassesForModification()); instrumentKlasses(klasses); } else if (!Arrays.equals(oldSettings.getExcludeClassRegex(), settings.getExcludeClassRegex())) { // System.out.println("## Settings Changed"); Set<ComparableClass> klasses = new HashSet<ComparableClass>(getModifiedClasses()); modifiedClasses.clear(); klasses.addAll(getLoadedClassesForModification()); instrumentKlasses(klasses); } else if (oldSettings.saveTracedClassfiles() != settings .saveTracedClassfiles()) { // System.out.println("## Settings Changed"); Set<ComparableClass> klasses = getModifiedClasses(); modifiedClasses.clear(); klasses.addAll(getLoadedClassesForModification()); instrumentKlasses(klasses); } else if (message.equals("[listmodifiedclasses")) { responses.add(modifiedClasses.toString()); } responses.addAll(AgentHelper.getResponses(connection, message)); return responses; } /** * Retransform all modified classes. * <p> * Iterates over all loaded classes and retransforms those which we know we * have modified. * * @param xiInst */ private Set<ComparableClass> getModifiedClasses() { Set<ComparableClass> modifiedKlasses = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<ComparableClass>(); Class<?>[] loadedClasses = inst.getAllLoadedClasses(); for (Class<?> loadedClass : loadedClasses) { ComparableClassName compclass = new ComparableClassName( loadedClass .getName(), loadedClass .getClassLoader()); if (modifiedClasses.contains(compclass)) { modifiedKlasses.add(new ComparableClass(loadedClass)); } } return modifiedKlasses; } /** * Consider loaded classes for transformation. Any of the following reasons * would prevent a loaded class from being eligible for instrumentation. * <ul> * <li>Class is an annotation * <li>Class is synthetic * <li>Class is not modifiable * </ul> */ public Set<ComparableClass> getLoadedClassesForModification() { Set<ComparableClass> unmodifiedKlasses = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<ComparableClass>(); Class<?>[] loadedClasses = inst.getAllLoadedClasses(); for (Class<?> loadedClass : loadedClasses) { if (loadedClass.isAnnotation()) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring annotation class: " + loadedClass.getCanonicalName()); } } else if (loadedClass.isSynthetic()) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring synthetic class: " + loadedClass.getCanonicalName()); } } else if (!inst.isModifiableClass(loadedClass)) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) { TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: Ignoring unmodifiable class: " + loadedClass.getCanonicalName()); } } else { ComparableClass loadedKlass = new ComparableClass(loadedClass); unmodifiedKlasses.add(loadedKlass); } } return unmodifiedKlasses; } public void instrumentKlasses(Set<ComparableClass> klasses) { if (!inst.isRetransformClassesSupported()) { System.out.println("## Retransform classes is not supported..."); return; } if (klasses.size() == 0) { return; } try { bulkUpdateActive.set(true); int countNumClasses = 0; int totalNumClasses = klasses.size(); broadcastProgress(countNumClasses, totalNumClasses); for (ComparableClass klass : klasses) { if (settings.isVerboseMode()) TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: !! ClassTransformer#instrumentKlasses [" + klass.klass.getName() + "]"); try { inst.retransformClasses(klass.klass); countNumClasses++; if ((countNumClasses % 100) == 0) { broadcastProgress(countNumClasses, totalNumClasses); } } catch (Throwable e) { String error = "Exception [" + e.getMessage() + "] instrumenting [" + klass.klass.getName() + "]"; if (settings.isVerboseMode()) TraceHandler.INSTANCE.writeTraceOutput("DEBUG: !! " + error); System.err.println(error); e.printStackTrace(); } } broadcastProgress(totalNumClasses, totalNumClasses, true); } finally { bulkUpdateActive.set(false); broadcastStatus(modifiedClasses.size(), allClasses.size()); } } private void broadcastProgress(int count, int total) { broadcastProgress(count, total, false); } private void broadcastProgress(int count, int total, boolean done) { Map<String, String> progressMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.NUM_PROGRESS_ID, AgentConfigConstants.NUM_PROGRESS_ID); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.NUM_PROGRESS_COUNT, Integer.toString(count)); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.NUM_PROGRESS_TOTAL, Integer.toString(total)); if (done) { progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.NUM_PROGRESS_DONE, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } try { AgentServer.broadcastMessage(null, progressMap); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void broadcastStatus(int count, int total) { Map<String, String> progressMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.STID, AgentConfigConstants.STID); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.STINST, Integer.toString(count)); progressMap.put(AgentConfigConstants.STCLS, Integer.toString(total)); try { AgentServer.broadcastMessage(null, progressMap); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Container for a Class Name to make it comparable. This is used when * collecting together a Set of which classes are already instrumented. We * cannot refer to the corresponding Class object as we need to construct * these objects before the corresponding Class object has been created by the * JVM. */ private static class ComparableClassName implements Comparable<ComparableClassName> { public final String klassName; public final ClassLoader klassloader; /** * cTor * * @param klassName * , ClassLoader klassloader */ public ComparableClassName(String klassName, ClassLoader klassloader) { this.klassName = klassName; this.klassloader = klassloader; } @Override public int compareTo(ComparableClassName other) { if (other.klassloader != this.klassloader) { // klasses loaded by different classloaders are never equal. Compare the // hashcodes of the names to come up with a number which satisfies the // requirement of // compareTo: // sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) // // Note that this approach is not guaranteed to work as the hashCode is // allowed to be the same for different objects. return this.toRegularString().compareTo(other.toRegularString()); } else { // klasses loaded by the same classloader can be compared by name. This // allows us to use the String compareTo method. return this.klassName.compareTo(other.klassName); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ComparableClassName) { ComparableClassName compClass = (ComparableClassName) obj; return (compClass.klassloader == this.klassloader) && compClass.klassName.equals(this.klassName); } else { return super.equals(obj); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return klassName.hashCode(); } protected String toRegularString() { String klassloaderStr = ""; if (klassloader != null) { klassloaderStr = klassloader.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(klassloader.hashCode()) + ":"; } return klassloaderStr + klassName; } @Override public String toString() { String klassLoaderName = ""; if (klassloader != null) { if (klassloader.getClass().getName() .equals("org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader")) { klassLoaderName = klassloader.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(klassloader.hashCode()); try { Method klassLoaderJarPath = klassloader.getClass() .getMethod("getURLs"); URL[] classURLs = (URL[]) klassLoaderJarPath .invoke(klassloader, (Object[]) null); if (classURLs != null && classURLs.length > 0 && classURLs[0] != null) { Set<String> urlSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (URL classURL : classURLs) { if (classURL != null) { String urlPath = classURL.getPath(); urlPath = urlPath .substring( 0, urlPath .lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); urlSet.add(urlPath); } } if (urlSet.size() > 0) { klassLoaderName += "\nClasspaths:\n"; StringBuilder classUrlStr = new StringBuilder(); for (String classURLStr : urlSet) { classUrlStr.append(classURLStr).append("\n"); } klassLoaderName += classUrlStr.toString(); } } } catch (Throwable th) { // Discard } } else { klassLoaderName = klassloader.toString(); } klassLoaderName += ":"; } return klassLoaderName + klassName; } } /** * Container for a Class to make it comparable. This is used when collecting * together a Set of Class objects for reinstrumentation. */ private static class ComparableClass implements Comparable<ComparableClass> { public final Class<?> klass; public final ClassLoader klassloader; /** * cTor * * @param klass */ public ComparableClass(Class<?> klass) { this.klass = klass; this.klassloader = klass.getClassLoader(); } @Override public int compareTo(ComparableClass other) { if (other.klassloader != this.klassloader) { // klasses loaded by different classloaders are never equal. Compare the // hashcodes to come up with a number which satisfies the requirement of // compareTo: // sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) // // Note that this approach is not guaranteed to work as the hashCode is // allowed to be the same for different objects. return this.toString().compareTo(other.toString()); } else { // klasses loaded by the same classloader can be compared by name. This // allows us to use the String compareTo method. String thisName = this.klass.getName(); String otherName = other.klass.getName(); return thisName.compareTo(otherName); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ComparableClass) { ComparableClass compClass = (ComparableClass) obj; return (compClass.klassloader == this.klassloader) && compClass.klass.equals(this.klass); } else { return super.equals(obj); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return klass.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { String klassloaderStr = ""; if (klassloader != null) { klassloaderStr = klassloader.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(klassloader.hashCode()) + ":"; } return klassloaderStr + klass.getName(); } } }