package com.openxc.messages; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import android.os.Parcel; import static; import; /** * A Command message defined by the OpenXC message format. * * Commands are keyed on the command name. */ public class Command extends KeyedMessage { protected static final String COMMAND_KEY = "command"; protected static final String DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST_KEY = "request"; protected static final String ACTION_KEY = "action"; public enum CommandType { VERSION, DEVICE_ID, DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST, PLATFORM } private static final String[] sRequiredFieldsValues = new String[] { COMMAND_KEY }; private static final Set<String> sRequiredFields = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList(sRequiredFieldsValues)); @SerializedName(COMMAND_KEY) private CommandType mCommand; @SerializedName(ACTION_KEY) private String mAction; @SerializedName(DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST_KEY) private DiagnosticRequest mDiagnosticRequest; public Command(CommandType command, String action) { mCommand = command; mAction = action; } public Command(CommandType command) { this(command, null); } public Command(DiagnosticRequest request, String action) { this(CommandType.DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST, action); mDiagnosticRequest = request; } public CommandType getCommand() { return mCommand; } public boolean hasAction() { return mAction != null && !mAction.isEmpty(); } public String getAction() { return mAction; } public DiagnosticRequest getDiagnosticRequest() { return mDiagnosticRequest; } @Override public MessageKey getKey() { if(super.getKey() == null) { HashMap<String, Object> key = new HashMap<>(); key.put(COMMAND_KEY, getCommand()); setKey(new MessageKey(key)); } return super.getKey(); } public static boolean containsRequiredFields(Set<String> fields) { return fields.containsAll(sRequiredFields); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(!super.equals(obj) || !(obj instanceof Command)) { return false; } final Command other = (Command) obj; return Objects.equal(getCommand(), other.getCommand()) && Objects.equal(getDiagnosticRequest(), other.getDiagnosticRequest()) && Objects.equal(getAction(), other.getAction()); } @Override public String toString() { return toStringHelper(this) .add("timestamp", getTimestamp()) .add("command", getCommand()) .add("action", getAction()) .add("diagnostic_request", getDiagnosticRequest()) .add("extras", getExtras()) .toString(); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); out.writeSerializable(getCommand()); out.writeString(getAction()); out.writeParcelable(getDiagnosticRequest(), flags); } @Override protected void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { super.readFromParcel(in); mCommand = (CommandType) in.readSerializable(); mAction = in.readString(); mDiagnosticRequest = in.readParcelable(DiagnosticRequest.class.getClassLoader()); } protected Command(Parcel in) { readFromParcel(in); } protected Command() { } }