package org.archive.wayback.replay.mimetype; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.archive.wayback.core.Resource; import org.archive.wayback.replay.GzipDecodingResource; import org.archive.wayback.replay.charset.CharsetDetector; import org.archive.wayback.replay.charset.StandardCharsetDetector; /** * Simple {@link MimeTypeDetector} implementation. * It's ad-hoc and not customizable, just tested against many samples. */ public class SimpleMimeTypeDetector implements MimeTypeDetector { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleMimeTypeDetector.class.getName()); /** * default value for {@code sniffLength}. */ public static final int DEFAULT_SNIFF_LENGTH = 1536; /** * minimum size of sniffing byte buffer to allocate (to * prevent {@code ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException}.) */ protected static final int MINIMUM_SNIFF_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; private int sniffLength = DEFAULT_SNIFF_LENGTH; private CharsetDetector charsetDetector = new StandardCharsetDetector(); /** * number of bytes to read from resource. * @param sniffLength */ public void setSniffLength(int sniffLength) { this.sniffLength = sniffLength; } public int getSniffLength() { return sniffLength; } /** * {@link CharsetDetector} to use for detecting character encoding. * <p>{@link StandardCharsetDetector} is used by default.</p> * @param charsetDetector */ public void setCharsetDetector(CharsetDetector charsetDetector) { if (charsetDetector != null) this.charsetDetector = charsetDetector; else this.charsetDetector = new StandardCharsetDetector(); } private static final String BINARY_FILE = "application/octet-stream"; /** * Return {@code true} if {@code bytes} looks like a beginning of a * binary file. * <p>Looks for well-known binary format MAGICs.</p> * @param bytes array of bytes. * @return detected mimetype, or {@code null} if no binary * format is detected. */ private String detectBinaryTypes(byte[] bytes) { // NB: there are a lot of specific mimetypes we can detect by file // magic, but we don't want to make too much effort here. // "application/octet-stream" is fine if file looks very much like // binary but don't know what exactly. Returned value is not really // used beyond being non-null. We're only concerned with file formats // frequently sent out with imprecise Content-Type. switch (bytes[0]) { case (byte)0xFF: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xFE) { // UTF-16LE BOM return null; } else if ((bytes[1] & 0xFE) == (byte)0xFA) { // audio/mp3 return "audio/mp3"; } else if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xD8) { // image/jpeg - commonly <FF><D8><FF><E0> or <FF><D8><FF><E1> return "image/jpeg"; } // WordPerfect (<FF>WPC) falls in this category. // (WordPerfect also has <D8>WPC return BINARY_FILE; case (byte)0xFE: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xFF) { // UTF-16BE BOM return null; } break; case (byte)0xF7: if (bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x01) { // unconfirmed. return "application/x-dvi"; } break; case (byte)0xEF: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xBB && bytes[2] == (byte)0xBF) { // UTF-8 BOM return null; } break; case (byte)0xD0: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xCF && bytes[2] == 0x11 && bytes[2] == (byte)0xE1) { // MS Word.Document.8 return BINARY_FILE; } break; case (byte)0xCA: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xFE && bytes[2] == (byte)0xBA && bytes[3] == (byte)0xBE) { // application/java (class files) return "application/java"; } break; case (byte)0x89: if (bytes[1] == 'P' && bytes[2] == 'N' && bytes[3] == 'G') { return "image/png"; } break; case 0x00: if (bytes[1] == 0x00) { // Windows icon resource falls in this category. return BINARY_FILE; } else if (bytes[1] == 0x01) { // TTF? return BINARY_FILE; } break; case 0x01: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0xB3 || bytes[1] == (byte)0xBA) { return "video/mpeg"; } else if (bytes[1] == 0x00) { // very likely is a binary file return BINARY_FILE; } break; case 0x1F: if (bytes[1] == (byte)0x8B) { return "application/x-gzip"; } else if (bytes[1] == (byte)0x9D) { // followed by 0x90 return "application/x-compress"; } break; case '%': if (bytes[1] == 'P' && bytes[2] == 'D' && bytes[3] == 'F' && bytes[4] == '-') { return "application/pdf"; } else if (bytes[1] == '!' && bytes[2] == 'P' && bytes[3] == 'S' && bytes[4] == '-') { // application/postscript, Type 1 font. return "application/postscript"; } break; case 'B': if (bytes[1] == 'Z' && bytes[2] == 'h') { return "application/x-bzip2"; } break; case 'F': if (bytes[1] == 'W' && bytes[2] == 'S') { // followed by <04> or <05>. Also 'CWS<07>? return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; } else if (bytes[1] == 'L' && bytes[2] == 'V' && bytes[3] == 0x01) { return "video/x-flv"; } break; case 'G': if (bytes[1] == 'I' && bytes[2] == 'F' && bytes[3] == '8') { // GIF87a or GIF89a return "image/gif"; } break; case 'M': if (bytes[1] == 'Z') { // MS-DOS Executable (MZ <00-FF><00-01>) if (bytes[3] == 0x00 || bytes[3] == 0x01) { return "application/x-dosexec"; } } else if (bytes[1] == 'S' && bytes[2] == 'C' && bytes[3] == 'F') { // MS cab file return "application/"; } else if (bytes[1] == 'T' && bytes[2] == 'h' && bytes[3] == 'd') { // MIDI return "audio/midi"; // or "application/x-midi" } break; case 'P': if (bytes[1] == 'K' && bytes[2] == 0x03 && bytes[3] == 0x04) { return "application/zip"; } else if (bytes[1] == 'E' && bytes[2] == 0x00 && bytes[3] == 0x00 && bytes[4] == 'M' && bytes[5] == 'S') { // Windows PE return BINARY_FILE; } break; case 'm': if (bytes[1] == 'o' && bytes[2] == 'o' && bytes[3] == 'v') { return "video/quicktime"; } else if (bytes[1] == 'd' && bytes[2] == 'a' && bytes[3] == 't') { return "video/quicktime"; } break; case '{': if (bytes[1] == '\\' && bytes[2] == 'r' && bytes[3] == 't' && bytes[4] == 'f' && bytes[5] == '1') { return "application/rtf"; } break; } if (bytes[2] == '-' && bytes[3] == 'l' && bytes[4] == 'h' && bytes[5] == '5' && bytes[6] == '-') { // LZH archive return BINARY_FILE; } // Other formats we may want to add // "RIFF" <?><?><?><?> "WAVEfmt " - "audio/wav" // <DB><A5><2D><00> - commonly with suffix .doc. files command doesn't know this format. // <C5><D0><D3><C6><1E><00><00><00> - some EPS has a binary header starting with this, before "%!PS-" return null; } /** * Read first {@code sniffLength} bytes of {@code resource}'s payload, * decoding {@code Content-Encoding} if any. Reset {@code resource}'s * read position back to zero. * @param resource Resource to load bytes from * @return bytes, zero-padded if payload is shorter. * @throws IOException */ protected byte[] peekContent(Resource resource) throws IOException { byte[] bbuffer = new byte[Math.max(sniffLength, MINIMUM_SNIFF_BUFFER_SIZE)]; String encoding = resource.getHeader("content-encoding"); if ("gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding) || "x-gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) { // use larger readlimit, because gzip-ed data can be larger than the original // at low compression level. resource.mark(sniffLength + 100); @SuppressWarnings("resource") Resource z = new GzipDecodingResource(resource);, 0, sniffLength); resource.reset(); } else { resource.mark(sniffLength);, 0, sniffLength); resource.reset(); } return bbuffer; } @Override public String sniff(Resource resource) { // This sniffer only works with HTTP response record. // TODO: check record type. byte[] bbuffer; try { bbuffer = peekContent(resource); } catch (IOException ex) { // Caveat: IOException from reset() (i.e. mark got invalidated) will have major // consequences. Should we re-throw some runtime exception? logger.warning("error reading " + sniffLength + " from resource: " + ex.getMessage()); return null; } // Spare decoding and regexp-matching for clearly-binary files. // Most mimetype detector libraries are overkill since we don't // need to know the details (ex. bitrate of MP3, PDF version). // So we use our own detector. String ctype = detectBinaryTypes(bbuffer); if (ctype != null) { // Very like be a binary file. return ctype; } // Try decoding as text and look for signature patterns. // It doesn't need to be too complex, since want to differentiate // only a handful of text types: HTML, JAVASCRIPT, JSON and CSS. String encoding; try { encoding = charsetDetector.getCharset(resource, null); } catch (IOException ex1) { // IO error at this stage means we won't be able to sniff // content type either. // TODO: log return null; } //System.err.println("detected encoding: " + encoding); String text; try { text = new String(bbuffer, encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { // likely to happen, already checked by CharsetDetector. return null; } // strip off BOM - all variants are decoded into \ufeff. if (text.length() > 0 && text.charAt(0) == '\ufeff') { text = text.substring(1); } ctype = detectHTML(text); if (ctype != null) return ctype; ctype = detectJavaScript(text); if (ctype != null) return ctype; ctype = detectCSS(text); if (ctype != null) return ctype; return null; } private static final Pattern RE_XML_PROLOGUE = Pattern .compile("\\s*<\\?xml\\s+version=\"[.\\d]+\"\\s+.*\\?>"); private static final Pattern RE_HTML_ELEMENTS = Pattern .compile("(?i)\\s*<(HTML|HEAD|STYLE|SCRIPT|META|BODY)(\\s|>)"); private static final Pattern RE_DOCTYPE_HTML = Pattern .compile("(?i)\\s*<!DOCTYPE\\s+HTML"); private static final Pattern RE_SGML_COMMENT = Pattern .compile("(?s)\\s*<!--.*?-->"); private static final Pattern RE_END_TAG = Pattern .compile("(?i)</[a-z][a-z0-9]*>"); protected String detectHTML(String text) { int pos = 0; { Matcher m = RE_XML_PROLOGUE.matcher(text); if (m.lookingAt()) { pos = m.end(); } } { Matcher m = RE_SGML_COMMENT.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); while (m.lookingAt()) { m.region(pos = m.end(), text.length()); } } { Matcher m = RE_DOCTYPE_HTML.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); if (m.lookingAt()) return "text/html"; } { Matcher m = RE_HTML_ELEMENTS.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); if (m.lookingAt()) return "text/html"; } { Matcher m = RE_END_TAG.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); if (m.find()) return "text/html"; } return null; } private static final Pattern RE_JS_VAR = Pattern .compile("(?m)^var\\s+[_a-zA-Z$][_a-zA-Z$0-9]+"); private static final Pattern RE_JS_FUNCTION = Pattern .compile("(?s)function(?:\\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_$]+\\s*)?\\("); private static final Pattern RE_JSON_HEAD = Pattern .compile("\\s*\\{\\s*\""); protected String detectJavaScript(String text) { { Matcher m = RE_JS_VAR.matcher(text); if (m.find()) return "text/javascript"; } { Matcher m = RE_JS_FUNCTION.matcher(text); if (m.find()) return "text/javascript"; } { Matcher m = RE_JSON_HEAD.matcher(text); if (m.lookingAt()) { // TODO: if resource has content-type "text/javascript", just // use it. return "application/json"; } } return null; } private static final Pattern RE_CSS_COMMENT = Pattern.compile("\\s*/\\*.*?\\*/"); private static final Pattern RE_CSS_AT_RULE = Pattern.compile("\\s*@(import|media|document|charset|font-face|keyframes|namespace|supports)\\s+"); private static final String RE_CSS_SIMPLE_SELECTOR = "(?:(?:[-a-z0-9]+|\\*)(?:[.#:][-_a-z0-9]+|\\[.+?\\])*|(?:[.#:][-_a-z0-9]+|\\[.+?\\])+)"; private static final Pattern RE_CSS_RULESET_START = Pattern .compile("(?i)\\s*" + RE_CSS_SIMPLE_SELECTOR + "(?:[\\s,+>]+" + RE_CSS_SIMPLE_SELECTOR + ")*\\s*\\{"); private static final Pattern RE_CSS_DECLARATION = Pattern .compile("(?i)\\s*[-a-z]+\\s*:\\s*[^;}]+[;}]"); protected String detectCSS(String text) { // CSS (they are rarely returned with mimetype "unk" or "text/html") int pos = 0; Matcher cm = RE_CSS_COMMENT.matcher(text); { cm.region(pos, text.length()); while (cm.lookingAt()) { cm.region(pos = cm.end(), text.length()); } } { Matcher m = RE_CSS_AT_RULE.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); if (m.lookingAt()) { return "text/css"; } } { Matcher m = RE_CSS_RULESET_START.matcher(text); m.region(pos, text.length()); if (m.lookingAt()) { cm.region(pos = m.end(), text.length()); while (cm.lookingAt()) { cm.region(pos = cm.end(), text.length()); } Matcher sm = RE_CSS_DECLARATION.matcher(text); sm.region(pos, text.length()); if (sm.lookingAt()) { return "text/css"; } } } return null; } }