package net.sf.openrocket.util; import java.util.Locale; import net.sf.openrocket.l10n.Translator; import net.sf.openrocket.startup.Application; /** * A strategy that performs computations on WorldCoordinates. * <p> * The directions of the coordinate is: * positive X = EAST * positive Y = NORTH * positive Z = UPWARDS */ public enum GeodeticComputationStrategy { /** * Perform computations using a flat Earth approximation. addCoordinate computes the * location using a direct meters-per-degree scaling and getCoriolisAcceleration always * returns NUL. */ FLAT { private static final double METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE = 111325; // "standard figure" private static final double METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE_EQUATOR = 111050; @Override public WorldCoordinate addCoordinate(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate delta) { double metersPerDegreeLongitude = METERS_PER_DEGREE_LONGITUDE_EQUATOR * Math.cos(location.getLatitudeRad()); // Limit to 1 meter per degree near poles metersPerDegreeLongitude = MathUtil.max(metersPerDegreeLongitude, 1); double newLat = location.getLatitudeDeg() + delta.y / METERS_PER_DEGREE_LATITUDE; double newLon = location.getLongitudeDeg() + delta.x / metersPerDegreeLongitude; double newAlt = location.getAltitude() + delta.z; return new WorldCoordinate(newLat, newLon, newAlt); } @Override public Coordinate getCoriolisAcceleration(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate velocity) { return Coordinate.NUL; } }, /** * Perform geodetic computations with a spherical Earth approximation. */ SPHERICAL { @Override public WorldCoordinate addCoordinate(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate delta) { double newAlt = location.getAltitude() + delta.z; // bearing (in radians, clockwise from north); // d/R is the angular distance (in radians), where d is the distance traveled and R is the earth's radius double d = MathUtil.hypot(delta.x, delta.y); // Check for zero movement before computing bearing if (MathUtil.equals(d, 0)) { return new WorldCoordinate(location.getLatitudeDeg(), location.getLongitudeDeg(), newAlt); } double bearing = Math.atan2(delta.x, delta.y); // Calculate the new lat and lon double newLat, newLon; double sinLat = Math.sin(location.getLatitudeRad()); double cosLat = Math.cos(location.getLatitudeRad()); double sinDR = Math.sin(d / WorldCoordinate.REARTH); double cosDR = Math.cos(d / WorldCoordinate.REARTH); newLat = Math.asin(sinLat * cosDR + cosLat * sinDR * Math.cos(bearing)); newLon = location.getLongitudeRad() + Math.atan2(Math.sin(bearing) * sinDR * cosLat, cosDR - sinLat * Math.sin(newLat)); if (Double.isNaN(newLat) || Double.isNaN(newLon)) { throw new BugException("addCoordinate resulted in NaN location: location=" + location + " delta=" + delta + " newLat=" + newLat + " newLon=" + newLon); } return new WorldCoordinate(Math.toDegrees(newLat), Math.toDegrees(newLon), newAlt); } @Override public Coordinate getCoriolisAcceleration(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate velocity) { return computeCoriolisAcceleration(location, velocity); } }, /** * Perform geodetic computations on a WGS84 reference ellipsoid using Vincenty Direct Solution. */ WGS84 { @Override public WorldCoordinate addCoordinate(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate delta) { double newAlt = location.getAltitude() + delta.z; // bearing (in radians, clockwise from north); // d/R is the angular distance (in radians), where d is the distance traveled and R is the earth's radius double d = MathUtil.hypot(delta.x, delta.y); // Check for zero movement before computing bearing if (MathUtil.equals(d, 0)) { return new WorldCoordinate(location.getLatitudeDeg(), location.getLongitudeDeg(), newAlt); } double bearing = Math.atan(delta.x / delta.y); if (delta.y < 0) bearing = bearing + Math.PI; // Calculate the new lat and lon double newLat, newLon; double ret[] = dirct1(location.getLatitudeRad(), location.getLongitudeRad(), bearing, d, 6378137, 1.0 / 298.25722210088); newLat = ret[0]; newLon = ret[1]; if (Double.isNaN(newLat) || Double.isNaN(newLon)) { throw new BugException("addCoordinate resulted in NaN location: location=" + location + " delta=" + delta + " newLat=" + newLat + " newLon=" + newLon); } return new WorldCoordinate(Math.toDegrees(newLat), Math.toDegrees(newLon), newAlt); } @Override public Coordinate getCoriolisAcceleration(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate velocity) { return computeCoriolisAcceleration(location, velocity); } }; private static final Translator trans = Application.getTranslator(); private static final double PRECISION_LIMIT = 0.5e-13; /** * Return the name of this geodetic computation method. */ public String getName() { return trans.get(name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".name"); } /** * Return a description of the geodetic computation methods. */ public String getDescription() { return trans.get(name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".desc"); } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Add a cartesian movement coordinate to a WorldCoordinate. */ public abstract WorldCoordinate addCoordinate(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate delta); /** * Compute the coriolis acceleration at a specified WorldCoordinate and velocity. */ public abstract Coordinate getCoriolisAcceleration(WorldCoordinate location, Coordinate velocity); private static Coordinate computeCoriolisAcceleration(WorldCoordinate latlon, Coordinate velocity) { double sinlat = Math.sin(latlon.getLatitudeRad()); double coslat = Math.cos(latlon.getLatitudeRad()); double v_n = velocity.y; double v_e = -1 * velocity.x; double v_u = velocity.z; // Not exactly sure why I have to reverse the x direction, but this gives the precession in the // correct direction (e.g, flying north in northern hemisphere should cause defection to the east (+ve x)) // All the directions are very confusing because they are tied to the wind direction (to/from?), in which // +ve x or east according to WorldCoordinate is what everything is relative to. // The directions of everything need so thought, ideally the wind direction and launch rod should be // able to be set independently and in terms of bearing with north == +ve y. Coordinate coriolis = new Coordinate(2.0 * WorldCoordinate.EROT * (v_n * sinlat - v_u * coslat), 2.0 * WorldCoordinate.EROT * (-1.0 * v_e * sinlat), 2.0 * WorldCoordinate.EROT * (v_e * coslat) ); return coriolis; } // ******************************************************************** // // The Vincenty Direct Solution. // Code from, Ian Cameron Smith, GPL // ******************************************************************** // /** * Solution of the geodetic direct problem after T. Vincenty. * Modified Rainsford's method with Helmert's elliptical terms. * Effective in any azimuth and at any distance short of antipodal. * * Programmed for the CDC-6600 by lcdr L. Pfeifer, NGS Rockville MD, * 20 Feb 1975. * * @param glat1 The latitude of the starting point, in radians, * positive north. * @param glon1 The latitude of the starting point, in radians, * positive east. * @param azimuth The azimuth to the desired location, in radians * clockwise from north. * @param dist The distance to the desired location, in meters. * @param axis The semi-major axis of the reference ellipsoid, * in meters. * @param flat The flattening of the reference ellipsoid. * @return An array containing the latitude and longitude * of the desired point, in radians, and the * azimuth back from that point to the starting * point, in radians clockwise from north. */ private static double[] dirct1(double glat1, double glon1, double azimuth, double dist, double axis, double flat) { double r = 1.0 - flat; double tu = r * Math.sin(glat1) / Math.cos(glat1); double sf = Math.sin(azimuth); double cf = Math.cos(azimuth); double baz = 0.0; if (cf != 0.0) baz = Math.atan2(tu, cf) * 2.0; double cu = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(tu * tu + 1.0); double su = tu * cu; double sa = cu * sf; double c2a = -sa * sa + 1.0; double x = Math.sqrt((1.0 / r / r - 1.0) * c2a + 1.0) + 1.0; x = (x - 2.0) / x; double c = 1.0 - x; c = (x * x / 4.0 + 1) / c; double d = (0.375 * x * x - 1.0) * x; tu = dist / r / axis / c; double y = tu; double sy, cy, cz, e; do { sy = Math.sin(y); cy = Math.cos(y); cz = Math.cos(baz + y); e = cz * cz * 2.0 - 1.0; c = y; x = e * cy; y = e + e - 1.0; y = (((sy * sy * 4.0 - 3.0) * y * cz * d / 6.0 + x) * d / 4.0 - cz) * sy * d + tu; } while (Math.abs(y - c) > PRECISION_LIMIT); baz = cu * cy * cf - su * sy; c = r * Math.sqrt(sa * sa + baz * baz); d = su * cy + cu * sy * cf; double glat2 = Math.atan2(d, c); c = cu * cy - su * sy * cf; x = Math.atan2(sy * sf, c); c = ((-3.0 * c2a + 4.0) * flat + 4.0) * c2a * flat / 16.0; d = ((e * cy * c + cz) * sy * c + y) * sa; double glon2 = glon1 + x - (1.0 - c) * d * flat; baz = Math.atan2(sa, baz) + Math.PI; double[] ret = new double[3]; ret[0] = glat2; ret[1] = glon2; ret[2] = baz; return ret; } }