package no.trank.openpipe.lemmatizer.util; /* * MG4J: Managing Gigabytes for Java * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class TernarySearchTree<V extends TreeValue> { private static final byte VERSION = (byte) 1; private static final byte[] HEADER = new byte[]{(byte) 'o', (byte) '|', VERSION}; /** * The root of the tree. */ private Node<V> root; /** * The number of nodes in the tree. */ private int size; private final TreeValueFactory<V> factory; private static final int LEN_ZK = 1; private static final int CHAR_ZK = 3; /** * Creates a new empty ternary search tree. */ public TernarySearchTree(TreeValueFactory<V> factory) { if (factory == null) { throw new NullPointerException("TreeValueFactory cannot be null"); } this.factory = factory; } /** * Creates a new empty ternary search tree and populates it with a given collection of character sequences. * * @param c a collection of character sequences. */ public TernarySearchTree(final Iterable<TreeEntry<V>> c, TreeValueFactory<V> factory) { this(factory); for (final TreeEntry<V> entry : c) { put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } public V get(final CharSequence s) { final int l = s.length(); Node<V> e = root; int offset = 0; while (e != null) { final char[] path = e.path; int i = 0; for (; i < path.length - 1; i++) { if (offset + i == l || s.charAt(offset + i) != path[i]) { return null; } } offset += i; if (offset == l) { return null; } final char c = s.charAt(offset); if (c < e.path[i]) { e = e.left; } else if (c > e.path[i]) { e = e.right; } else { offset++; if (offset == l) { return e.value; } e = e.middle; } } return null; } public boolean contains(CharSequence s) { return get(s) != null; } /** * True if the last {@link #add(CharSequence)} modified the tree. */ private boolean modified; public boolean put(final CharSequence s, final V value) { modified = false; root = addRec(s, 0, s.length(), root, value); return modified; } /** * Inserts the given character sequence, starting at the given position, in the given subtree. * * @param s the character sequence containing the characters to be inserted. * @param offset the first character to be inserted. * @param length the number of characters to be inserted. * @param e the subtree in which the characters should be inserted, or <code>null</code> if * a new node should be created. * @return the new node at the top of the subtree. */ private Node<V> addRec(final CharSequence s, final int offset, final int length, final Node<V> e, final V value) { if (e == null) { // We create a new node containing all the characters and return it. modified = true; size++; return new Node<V>(s, offset, length, value); } /* We start scanning the path contained in the current node, up to * the last character excluded. If we find a mismatch, or if we exhaust our * characters, we must fork this node. */ int i; Node<V> n = null; final char[] path = e.path; for (i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { final char c = s.charAt(offset + i); if (c < path[i]) { /* We fork on the left, keeping just the first i + 1 characters (this is necessary * as at least one character must be present in every node). The new * node will cover one word more than e. */ n = new Node<V>(path, 0, i + 1, null); n.middle = e; e.removePathPrefix(i + 1); n.left = addRec(s, offset + i, length - i, null, value); break; } else if (c > path[i]) { // As before, but on the right. n = new Node<V>(path, 0, i + 1, null); n.middle = e; e.removePathPrefix(i + 1); n.right = addRec(s, offset + i, length - i, null, value); break; } else { if (i == length - 1) { /* We exhausted the character sequence. We fork in the middle, * keeping length characters and marking the new node as * containing one work. Again, the new code will cover one word * more than e. */ n = new Node<V>(s, offset, length, value); n.middle = e; e.removePathPrefix(length); size++; modified = true; break; } } } if (i < path.length - 1) { return n; } /* We are positioned on the last character of the path. In this case our * behaviour is different, as if we must fork we must not perform any * splitting. Moreover, if we exhaust the characters we either found * the new sequence in the tree, or we just have to mark the node. */ final char c = s.charAt(offset + i); if (c < path[i]) { /** We fork on the left. The number of words under this node will * increase only if the structure is modified. */ e.left = addRec(s, offset + i, length - i, e.left, value); } else if (c > path[i]) { e.right = addRec(s, offset + i, length - i, e.right, value); } else { if (i == length - 1) { // This is the node. if (modified = e.value != null) { size++; } e.value = value; } else { // We add a node in the middle, completing the sequence. e.middle = addRec(s, offset + i + 1, length - i - 1, e.middle, value); } } return e; } public int size() { return size; } public void read(InputStream in) throws IOException { readHeader(in); final InputBitStream inB = new InputBitStream(in); final long serialVersionUID = inB.readLongNibble(); if (serialVersionUID != factory.getSerialVersionUID()) { throw new IOException("serialVersionUID missmatch, read " + serialVersionUID + " exptected " + factory.getSerialVersionUID()); } size = inB.readNibble(); factory.readHeader(inB); root = readNode(inB); } private Node<V> readNode(InputBitStream in) throws IOException { final int len = in.readZeta(LEN_ZK); if (len > 0) { final char[] path = new char[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { path[i] = (char) (in.readZeta(CHAR_ZK) + '0'); } final V value; if (in.readBit() == 1) { value = factory.newValue();; } else { value = null; } final Node<V> node = new Node<V>(path, value); node.left = readNode(in); node.middle = readNode(in); node.right = readNode(in); return node; } return null; } private static void readHeader(InputStream in) throws IOException { final byte[] buf = new byte[HEADER.length]; final int len =; if (len != buf.length) { throw new IOException("Could not read header from stream, got " + len + " bytes expected " + HEADER.length); } else if (!Arrays.equals(HEADER, buf)) { throw new IOException("Could not read header from stream, got " + Arrays.toString(buf) + " expected " + Arrays.toString(HEADER)); } } public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(HEADER); final OutputBitStream outB = new OutputBitStream(out); try { outB.writeLongNibble(factory.getSerialVersionUID()); outB.writeNibble(size); factory.writeHeader(outB); writeNode(root, outB); } finally { outB.flush(); } } private void writeNode(final Node<V> node, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { if (node == null) { out.writeZeta(0, LEN_ZK); } else { final char[] path = node.path; final int len = path.length; out.writeZeta(len, LEN_ZK); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { out.writeZeta(path[i] - '0', CHAR_ZK); } final boolean hasValue = node.value != null; out.writeBit(hasValue); if (hasValue) { node.value.write(out); } writeNode(node.left, out); writeNode(node.middle, out); writeNode(node.right, out); } } /** * A node of the tree. */ private static final class Node<V extends TreeValue> { /** * A pointer to the left subtree. */ private Node<V> left; /** * A pointer to the middle subtree. */ private Node<V> middle; /** * A pointer to the right subtree. */ private Node<V> right; /** * The nonempty path compressed at this node. */ private char[] path; /** * Whether this node represents a word. */ private V value; /** * Creates a new node containing a path specified by a character-sequence fragment. * * @param s a character sequence contaning the path of the node. * @param offset the starting character of the path. * @param length the length of the path. * @param value the value of this node. */ public Node(final CharSequence s, final int offset, final int length, final V value) { this.value = value; path = new char[length]; MutableString.getChars(s, offset, offset + length, path, 0); } /** * Creates a new node containing a path specified by a character-array fragment. * * @param a a character array contaning the path of the node. * @param offset the starting character of the path. * @param length the length of the path. * @param value the value of this node. */ public Node(final char[] a, final int offset, final int length, final V value) { this.value = value; path = new char[length]; System.arraycopy(a, offset, path, 0, length); } /** * Creates a new node containing a path specified by a character-array fragment. * * @param path a character array contaning the path of the node. * @param value the value of this node. */ public Node(char[] path, V value) { this.path = path; this.value = value; } /** * Removes a prefix from the path of this node. * * @param length the length of the prefix to be removed */ public void removePathPrefix(final int length) { final char[] a = new char[path.length - length]; System.arraycopy(path, length, a, 0, a.length); path = a; } } }