package org.sharegov.cirm.legacy; import static org.sharegov.cirm.OWL.fullIri; import static org.sharegov.cirm.OWL.owlClass; import static org.sharegov.cirm.OWL.reasoner; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataFactory; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLLiteral; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChange; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner; import org.sharegov.cirm.MetaOntology; import org.sharegov.cirm.OWL; import org.sharegov.cirm.Refs; import org.sharegov.cirm.StartUp; import org.sharegov.cirm.owl.OwlRepo; import; import; import org.sharegov.cirm.utils.GenUtils; import org.sharegov.cirm.utils.ThreadLocalStopwatch; import mjson.Json; /** * Handles the User Cases for CIRM Admin Interface * * @author chirino, hilpold, dwong, sabbas */ public class ServiceCaseManager extends OntoAdmin { private static final String PREFIX = "legacy:"; private static String jenkingsEndpointRefreshOntosOnlyTest = ""; private static String jenkingsEndpointRefreshOntosOnlyProduction = ""; private static ServiceCaseManager instance = null; private Map<String, Json> cache; private Map<String, Long> changes; private Map<String, Set <String>> dptActivities; private Map<String, Set <String>> dptOutcomes; private Map<String, Json> activities; private Map<String, Json> outcomes; /** * private to defeat multiple instantiation * */ private ServiceCaseManager() { cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Json>(); changes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); dptActivities = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set <String>>(); dptOutcomes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set <String>>(); activities = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Json>(); outcomes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Json>(); ThreadLocalStopwatch.startTop("Started Service Case Admin Cache."); getAll();"End Service Case Admin Cache."); } /** * Singleton instance getter. Synchronized to defeat multiple instantiation when instance == null * * @return the same unique instance of the class */ public synchronized static ServiceCaseManager getInstance(){ if (instance == null){ instance = new ServiceCaseManager (); } return instance; } /** * Getter for the OWL repository * * @return */ private OwlRepo getRepo() { return Refs.owlRepo.resolve(); } /** * Takes Just the Code of what was changed and saves the date on the list * */ private void registerChange (String srType){ if (!srType.contains("legacy:")){ srType = PREFIX + srType; } changes.put(srType, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Determines if a local change for the given individual exists that was committed after the given date. * TODO currently only works for SR type individuals * @param individualID prefixed IRI (e.g. legacy:311DUMP) * @param date timestamp in milliseconds * @return false, if no change after date or no change found since server startup. */ public boolean isInvididualModifiedAfter (String individualID, long date){ Long lastChanged = changes.get(individualID); if (lastChanged != null) { return lastChanged > date; } else { return false; } } /** * Removes object defined by aKey from the cache * * @param aKey null not allowed */ private synchronized void clearCache (String aKey){ cache.remove(aKey); cache.remove(PREFIX + aKey); MetaOntology.clearCacheAndSynchronizeReasoner(); } /** * Removes a list of objects identified by their keys from the cache * * * @param keys a list of keys to remove from the cache. */ private synchronized void clearCache(List<String> keys){ for (String key: keys){ cache.remove(key); cache.remove(PREFIX + key); } MetaOntology.clearCacheAndSynchronizeReasoner(); } /** * * @return a formated list of enabled Service Case Types */ public Json getEnabled() { return getServiceCasesByStatus(true); } /** * * @return a formated list of disabled Service Case Types */ public Json getDisabled() { return getServiceCasesByStatus(false); } /** * Search a parent Agency for the individual p within the ontology * * @param p a serialized individual * @return the parent agency name as string */ private String getParentAgencyName (Json p){ if (p.has("hasParentAgency")) { String parentIri; if ("hasParentAgency").isObject()){ if ("hasParentAgency").has("iri")){ parentIri = ("hasParentAgency").at("iri").asString()); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find IRI property for Individual: " + p.asString()); } else parentIri ="hasParentAgency").asString(); OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual(parentIri); Json np = getSerializedIndividual(ind.getIRI().getFragment(), ind.getIRI().getScheme()); return getParentAgencyName (np); } return p.has("Name")?"Name").asString()"label").asString(); } /** * * @param srType a serialized individual * @return the name of the jurisdiction to whom the individual belongs */ private String findJusrisdiction (Json srType){ if (srType.has("providedBy")) return getParentAgencyName("providedBy")); return ""; } /** * Recursive search of the department/office to whom the individual p belongs on the ontology * * @param p a serialized individual * @return Json representation of the attributes of the department/office */ private Json resolveDepartment (Json p){ if (p.has("hasParentAgency")) p ="hasParentAgency"); else if (p.has("Department")) p ="Department"); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Division: " +"iri").asString() + " have no Parent Agency or Department assigned."); String iri; if (p.isObject()){ if (p.has("iri")){ iri = ("iri").asString()); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find IRI property for Individual: " + p.asString()); } else iri = p.asString(); OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual(iri); Json np = (p.isObject() && p.has("type") && (p.has("Name") || p.has("label"))) ? p : getSerializedIndividual(ind.getIRI().getFragment(), ind.getIRI().getScheme()); if (np.has("type") &&"type").asString().toLowerCase().compareTo("division_county") != 0){ return Json.object().set("Name", np.has("Name")?"Name").asString()"label").asString()).set("Type","type").asString()).set("fragment", MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(("iri").asString()))); } else { return resolveDepartment(np); } } private Json getDepartmentDivisionSerializedIndividual (Json p){ OWLNamedIndividual ind; if (p.isObject()){ if (p.has("iri")){ ind = OWL.individual("iri").asString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find IRI property for Individual: " + p.asString()); } } else { try { ind = OWL.individual(p.asString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build Individual: " + p.asString()); } } return getSerializedIndividual(ind.getIRI().getFragment(), ind.getIRI().getStart()); } /** * Returns the Division and Department to whom the individual belongs * * @param p a serialized individual * @return a Json representation of the attributes of the department and division */ private Json resolveDepartmentDivision (Json p){ Json result = Json.object(); Json np = (p.isObject() && p.has("type") && (p.has("Name")||p.has("label"))&&p.has("hasParentAgency")&&p.has("Department")) ? p: getDepartmentDivisionSerializedIndividual (p); if (np.has("type") &&"type").asString().toLowerCase().compareTo("division_county") == 0){ result.set("division", Json.object().set("Name", np.has("Name")?"Name").asString()"label").asString()).set("Division_Code","Division_Code").asString()).set("fragment", MetaOntology.getIdFromUri("iri").asString()))); result.set("department", resolveDepartment (np)); } else { result.set("division", Json.object().set("Name", Json.nil()).set("Division_Code", Json.nil()).set("fragment", Json.nil())); result.set("department", Json.object().set("Name", np.has("Name") ?"Name").asString():"label").asString()).set("Type", np.has("type") ?"type").asString(): Json.nil()).set("fragment", MetaOntology.getIdFromUri("iri").asString()))); } return result; } /** * Entry point for the search of the department/division * * @param srType * @return a Json representation of the attributes of the department and division */ private Json findDepartmentDivision (Json srType){ if (srType.has("providedBy")) return resolveDepartmentDivision ("providedBy")); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find providedBy property for SR type: ""iri").asString()); } /** * * @param srType * @return a Json structure that contains the contracted SR Type data for the user interface */ private Json getServiceCaseFormated (String srType){ OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual(PREFIX + srType); return getRequiredData(ind); } /** * retrieves the contracted information of a Service Case Type from the ontology * * @param individual assumes is type Service Case * @return Json representation of the contracted data required for the user interface */ private Json getRequiredData (OWLNamedIndividual individual){ Json el = cache.get(individual.getIRI().getFragment()); if (el != null && !el.isNull()) return el; String iri = individual.getIRI().toString(); Json result = Json.object().set("iri", MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(iri) + ":" + individual.getIRI().getFragment()) // .set("code", individual.getIRI().getFragment()) .set("label", OWL.getEntityLabel(individual)) .set("disabled", isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate(individual)); try { Json jIndividual = getSerializedMetaIndividual(individual.getIRI().getFragment()); String jurisdiction; if (jIndividual.has("hasJurisdictionDescription")){ jurisdiction ="hasJurisdictionDescription").asString(); } else { jurisdiction = findJusrisdiction(jIndividual); if (jurisdiction == null || jurisdiction.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Individual legacy:" + individual.getIRI().getFragment() + " have no jurisdiction associated."); } result.set("jurisdiction", jurisdiction); Json depdiv = findDepartmentDivision(jIndividual); if (!depdiv.has("department")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Individual legacy:" + individual.getIRI().getFragment() + " have no provider/owner associated."); if (!depdiv.has("division")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot resolve division for Individual legacy:" + individual.getIRI().getFragment()); result.with(depdiv); //caching activities by department addActitivitesByDepartment(individual.getIRI().getFragment(), jIndividual,"department").at("fragment").asString()); Json isInterfaceSR = Json.object().set("interface_sr", false); if (jIndividual.has("hasLegacyInterface")){ // jIndividual.set("hasLegacyInterface", MetaOntology.resolveAllIris("hasLegacyInterface "))); if ("hasLegacyInterface").isArray()){ List<Json> array ="hasLegacyInterface").asJsonList(); for (Json elem : array) { if (isInterfaceSR(elem)){ isInterfaceSR.set("interface_sr", true); break; } } } else if ("hasLegacyInterface").isObject()){ if (isInterfaceSR("hasLegacyInterface"))){ isInterfaceSR.set("interface_sr", true); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value of property hasLegacyInterface on legacy:" + individual.getIRI().getFragment()); } } result.with(isInterfaceSR); //caching activities by department addActitivitesByDepartment(individual.getIRI().getFragment(), jIndividual,"department").at("fragment").asString()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while trying to resolve data for legacy:" + individual.getIRI().getFragment()); if (e.getMessage() != null ){ System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!result.has("jurisdiction")) result.set("jurisdiction", Json.nil()); if (!result.has("department")) result.set("department", Json.nil()); if (!result.has("division")) result.set("division", Json.nil()); } cache.put(individual.getIRI().getFragment(), result); return result; } private void addActitivitesByDepartment(String srType, Json serializedSrType, String departmentIriFragment){ if (serializedSrType.has("hasActivity")){ Json srTypeActivities = MetaOntology.resolveIRIs("hasActivity"), "legacy"); Set <String> S = new HashSet<>(); if (srTypeActivities.isArray()){ for (Json atx : srTypeActivities.asJsonList()){ if (!atx.isObject()){ atx = getSerializedIndividual(MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(atx.asString()), MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(atx.asString())); } addToCache(atx, S, activities); addOutcomesByDepartment (srType, atx, departmentIriFragment); } } else { addToCache(srTypeActivities, S, activities); addOutcomesByDepartment (srType, srTypeActivities, departmentIriFragment); } if (dptActivities.containsKey(departmentIriFragment)){ dptActivities.get(departmentIriFragment).addAll(S); } else { dptActivities.put(departmentIriFragment, S); } } } private void addOutcomesByDepartment (String srType, Json serializedActivity, String departmentIriFragment){ if (serializedActivity.has("hasAllowableOutcome")){ Set <String> S = new HashSet<>(); Json activityOutcomes ="hasAllowableOutcome"); if (activityOutcomes.isArray()){ for (Json outcx : activityOutcomes.asJsonList()){ if (!outcx.isObject()){ outcx = getSerializedIndividual(MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(outcx.asString()), MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(outcx.asString())); } addToCache(outcx, S, outcomes); } } else { addToCache(activityOutcomes, S, outcomes); } if (dptOutcomes.containsKey(departmentIriFragment)){ dptOutcomes.get(departmentIriFragment).addAll(S); } else { dptOutcomes.put(departmentIriFragment, S); } } } private void addToCache (Json atx, Set<String> S, Map <String, Json> cachePtr){ if (atx.has("iri")){ String iri ="iri").asString(); if (!cachePtr.containsKey(iri)){ cachePtr.put(iri, atx); } S.add(iri); } } private boolean isInterfaceSR(Json interfaceDescription){ return (interfaceDescription.isObject() && interfaceDescription.has("isExternal") &&"isExternal").asString().compareToIgnoreCase("true")==0); } /** * * Get Activities by department, if department == ALL return all activities on cache * * Empty array is returned if no results found. * */ public Json getActivities (String departmentFragment){ Json result = Json.array(); if (departmentFragment.compareToIgnoreCase("all") == 0){ Set<OWLNamedIndividual> all = getAllActivityIndividuals(); for (OWLNamedIndividual indx: all){ String iri = indx.getIRI().toString(); if (!activities.containsKey(iri)){ Json atx = getSerializedIndividual(MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(iri), MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(iri)); if (atx.has("iri")){ activities.put(iri, atx); } } } for (Json atx: activities.values()){ result.add(atx); } } else { if (dptActivities.containsKey(departmentFragment)){ for (String iri : dptActivities.get(departmentFragment)) { result.add(activities.get(iri)); } } } return result; } /** * * Get Outcomes by department, if department == ALL return all outcomes on cache * * Empty array is returned if no results found. * */ public Json getOutcomes (String departmentFragment){ Json result = Json.array(); if (departmentFragment.compareToIgnoreCase("all") == 0){ Set<OWLNamedIndividual> all = getAllOutcomeIndividuals(); for (OWLNamedIndividual indx: all){ String iri = indx.getIRI().toString(); if (!outcomes.containsKey(iri)){ Json atx = getSerializedIndividual(MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(iri), MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(iri)); if (atx.has("iri")){ outcomes.put(iri, atx); } } } for (Json atx: outcomes.values()){ result.add(atx); } } else { if (dptOutcomes.containsKey(departmentFragment)){ for (String iri : dptOutcomes.get(departmentFragment)) { result.add(outcomes.get(iri)); } } } return result; } /** * * Get Outcomes by department * * Empty array is returned if no results found. * */ public Json getOutcomes (String... departments){ Set<String> allIris = new HashSet<>(); for(String departmentFragment : departments) { if (dptOutcomes.containsKey(departmentFragment)){ for (String iri : dptOutcomes.get(departmentFragment)) { allIris.add(iri); } } } Json result = Json.array(); for (String iri: allIris){ result.add(outcomes.get(iri)); } return result; } /** * * @return a list of Service Case Types that contains the required data for the user interface */ public Json getAll() { Set<OWLNamedIndividual> S = getAllIndividuals(); Json A = Json.array(); for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : S) { A.add(getOne(ind)); } return A; } /** * * @return a Service Case Type that contains the required data for the user interface */ public Json getOne(OWLNamedIndividual individual){ return getRequiredData(individual); } /** * Removes all objects on cache except the service cases * * @return */ public void clearAllCachedButServiceCase() { Set<OWLNamedIndividual> S = getAllIndividuals(); Map <String, Json> tmpcache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Json>(); for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : S) { Json el = cache.get(ind.getIRI().getFragment()); if (el != null && !el.isNull()) tmpcache.put(ind.getIRI().getFragment(), el); else { System.out.println("Named Individual not in cache: " + ind.getIRI().getFragment()); System.out.println("Resolving: " + ind.getIRI().getFragment()); el = getRequiredData(ind); System.out.println("Done resolving: " + ind.getIRI().getFragment()); if (el != null && !el.isNull()) tmpcache.put(ind.getIRI().getFragment(), el); else System.out.println("Error: Cannot resolve individual: " + ind.getIRI().getFragment()); } } cache.clear(); cache.putAll(tmpcache); } /** * * @return a list of individuals that belong to the class ServiceCase */ private Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getAllIndividuals() { OWLReasoner reasoner = reasoner(); OWLClass serviceCase = owlClass(PREFIX + "ServiceCase"); // TODO: Permission check // permissionCheck(serviceCase) return reasoner.getInstances(serviceCase, false).getFlattened(); } /** * * @param isGetEnabled describes whether the function returns all enabled or all disabled SRs * if isGetEnabled == true, returns all enabled * if isGetEnabled == false, returns all disabled * * @return a list of enabled/disabled service cases */ private Json getServiceCasesByStatus(boolean isGetEnabled) { Set<OWLNamedIndividual> S = getAllIndividuals(); Json A = Json.array(); for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : S) { boolean isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate = isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate(ind); boolean shouldAddServiceCase = (!isGetEnabled && isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate) || (isGetEnabled && !isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate); if (shouldAddServiceCase) { A.add(getRequiredData(ind)); } } return A; } /** * Checks if an Sr has isDisabledCreate true or isDisabled true * * @param srTypeIndividual * @return false if either no property */ private boolean isSrDisabledOrDisabledCreate(OWLNamedIndividual srTypeIndividual) { Set<OWLLiteral> values = OWL.dataProperties(srTypeIndividual, PREFIX + "isDisabledCreate"); boolean isDisabledCreate = values.contains(OWL.dataFactory() .getOWLLiteral(true)); values = OWL.dataProperties(srTypeIndividual, PREFIX + "isDisabled"); return isDisabledCreate || values.contains(OWL.dataFactory().getOWLLiteral(true)); } private String getIndividualLabel (String srType){ OWLNamedIndividual individual = OWL.individual(fullIri(PREFIX + srType)); return OWL.getEntityLabel(individual); } /** * Disables a Service Case Type * * @param srType individual identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json disable(String srType, String userName, String comment) { srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(srType, "isDisabledCreate")); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(srType, "isDisabled")); AddAxiom isDisabledCreateAddAxiom = MetaOntology.getIndividualLiteralAddAxiom(srType, "isDisabledCreate", true); changes.add(isDisabledCreateAddAxiom); comment = (comment==null)?"Disable Service Request "+PREFIX+srType + " - " + getIndividualLabel(srType):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) { registerChange(srType); clearCache(srType); return getServiceCaseFormated(srType); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to disable Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + srType); } } /** * Enables a Service Case Type * * @param srType individual identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json enable(String srType, String userName, String comment) { srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(srType, "isDisabledCreate")); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(srType, "isDisabled")); AddAxiom isDisabledCreateAddAxiom = MetaOntology.getIndividualLiteralAddAxiom(srType, "isDisabledCreate", false); changes.add(isDisabledCreateAddAxiom); comment = (comment==null)?"Enable Service Request "+PREFIX+srType + " - " + getIndividualLabel(srType):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) { registerChange(srType); clearCache(srType); return getServiceCaseFormated(srType); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to disable Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + srType); } } /** * Queries the reasoner for a serialized individual * * @param individualID identifier of the individual * @param ontologyID ontology prefix * @return a Json representation of the individual */ private Json getSerializedIndividual (String individualID, String ontologyID){ try { if (ontologyID.toLowerCase().contains("legacy")) ontologyID = "legacy"; else ontologyID = "mdc"; String cacheKey = ontologyID + ":" + individualID; Json el = cache.get(cacheKey); if (el != null && !el.isNull()) return el; // OWLNamedIndividual ind = individual(individualID); // Json jInd = OWL.toJSON(ontology(), ind); OWLIndividuals q = new OWLIndividuals(); Json S = q.doInternalQuery("{" + cacheKey + "}"); for (Json ind: S.asJsonList()){ cache.put(cacheKey, ind); return ind; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while querying the Ontology for " + ontologyID + ":" + individualID); e.printStackTrace(); } return Json.object(); } /** * getter for serialized individuals from the legacy ontology * * @param individualID individual identifier * @return a Json representation of the individual */ public Json getSerializedMetaIndividual (String individualID){ return getSerializedIndividual(individualID, "legacy"); } public Json getSerializedMetaIndividualFormatedIri (String individualID){ Json result = getSerializedIndividual(individualID, "legacy"); result.set("iri", PREFIX + MetaOntology.getIdFromUri("iri").asString())); return result; } public Json getServiceCaseAlert (String srType){ srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); Json sr = getSerializedMetaIndividual(srType); if (sr.has("hasServiceCaseAlert") &&"hasServiceCaseAlert").isObject()){ String iri ="hasServiceCaseAlert").at("iri").asString(); OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual(iri);"hasServiceCaseAlert").set("iri", MetaOntology.getOntologyFromUri(ind.getIRI().toString()) + ":" + ind.getIRI().getFragment()); return"hasServiceCaseAlert"); } else return Json.nil(); } /** * push committed changes from local ontology to the central repository * * @return whether the changes were successfully pushed or not */ public Json pushToRepo(String Username) { OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); return pushALL(); } } public Json addIndividualObjectPropertyToIndividual(String individualID, String propertyID, Json data, String userName, String comment){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = MetaOntology.getAddIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data); boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) clearCache(individualID); return Json.object().set("success", r); } } /** * Sends Jenkins the signal to start the job that restart servers with fresh ontologies * * @return whether Jenkins or Time Machines acknowledge the signal or not */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Json refreshOnto(String target, String date, String key) { switch (target) { case "production": // add this post call to the time machine. if (date == "0") return GenUtils.httpPostWithBasicAuth(jenkingsEndpointRefreshOntosOnlyProduction, "cirm", "admin", ""); else { String host = getHostIpAddress(); Json jsonContent = Json.object().set("key", key).set("timeStamp", System.currentTimeMillis()); Json jsonRestCall = Json.object().set("url", host + "/sradmin/deploy/production") .set("method", "POST") .set("content", jsonContent); Date time = new java.util.Date(Long.parseLong(date)); Json jsonDate = Json.object().set("second", "0") .set("minute", time.getMinutes()) .set("hour", time.getHours()) .set("day_of_month", time.getDate()) .set("month", time.getMonth() + 1) .set("year", 1900 + time.getYear()); Json tmJson = Json.object().set("name", "CIRM Admin Deployment") .set("group", "cirm_admin_tasks") .set("scheduleType", "SIMPLE") .set("scheduleData", Json.object()) .set("startTime", jsonDate) .set("endTime", "") .set("state", "NORMAL") .set("description", "Delayed CIRM production ontology only deployment") .set("restCall", jsonRestCall); final Json timeMachine = OWL.toJSON((OWLIndividual)Refs.configSet.resolve().get("TimeMachineConfig")); return GenUtils.httpPostJson("hasUrl").asString() + "/task", tmJson); } case "test": return GenUtils.httpPostWithBasicAuth(jenkingsEndpointRefreshOntosOnlyTest, "cirm", "admin", ""); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid target value was passed to the refresh ontologies method."); } /** * * @param individualID * @param newLabelContent * @param userName * @param comment * @return */ public Json replaceAlertLabel(String srIndividualID, String alertIndividualID, String newLabelContent, String userName){ srIndividualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srIndividualID); alertIndividualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(alertIndividualID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(srIndividualID); evictionList.add(alertIndividualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = MetaOntology.getReplaceObjectAnnotationChanges(alertIndividualID, newLabelContent); String comment = "Replace Alert Message for SR type: " + PREFIX + srIndividualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(srIndividualID); boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r){ registerChange(srIndividualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getSerializedMetaIndividualFormatedIri(alertIndividualID); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update alert label to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + srIndividualID); } } public Json replaceAlertServiceCase (String individualID, String alertIndividualID, String newLabelContent, String userName, String comment){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); String propertyID = "hasServiceCaseAlert"; Date now = new Date(); String newIri = individualID + "_ALERT_" + Long.toString(now.getTime()); Json data = Json.object().set("iri", newIri) .set("label", newLabelContent) .set("type", "ServiceCaseAlert"); Json oldAlert = getServiceCaseAlert(individualID); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes; if (oldAlert.isObject() && oldAlert.has("iri")){ OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual("iri").asString()); oldAlert.set("iri", ind.getIRI().getFragment()); evictionList.add(ind.getIRI().getFragment()); changes = MetaOntology.getAddReplaceIndividualObjectPropertyFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data, oldAlert); } else { changes = MetaOntology.getAddIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data); } comment = (comment==null)?"Replace Alert Message for SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getSerializedMetaIndividualFormatedIri("iri").asString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update label to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } } /** * Creates or Replace the alert message of a Service Case Type * * @param individualID the identifier of the Service Case Type * @param data the Json representation of the Service Case Alert * @param userName that performs the commit * @return */ public Json addNewAlertServiceCase (String individualID, Json data, String userName, String comment){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); String propertyID = "hasServiceCaseAlert"; if("iri").isNull()) { Date now = new Date(); String newIri = individualID + "_ALERT_" + Long.toString(now.getTime()); data.set("iri", newIri); } Json oldAlert = getServiceCaseAlert(individualID); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes; if (oldAlert.isObject() && oldAlert.has("iri")){ OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual("iri").asString()); oldAlert.set("iri", ind.getIRI().getFragment()); evictionList.add(ind.getIRI().getFragment()); changes = MetaOntology.getAddReplaceIndividualObjectPropertyFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data, oldAlert); } else { changes = MetaOntology.getAddIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data); } comment = (comment==null)?"Create new Alert Message for SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getSerializedMetaIndividualFormatedIri("iri").asString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update label to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } } /** * Delete the current alert message of a Service Case Type * * @param individualID the identifier of the Service Case Type * @param userName that performs the commit * @return */ public Json deleteAlertServiceCase (String individualID, String userName){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); Json oldAlert = getServiceCaseAlert(individualID); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes; if (oldAlert.isObject() && oldAlert.has("iri")){ OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual("iri").asString()); evictionList.add(ind.getIRI().getFragment()); changes = MetaOntology.getRemoveAllPropertiesIndividualChanges(ind); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("No alert for individual " + PREFIX + individualID); String comment = "Delete Alert Message for SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID); boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); } return Json.object().set("success", r); } } /** * * */ public Json getServiceCaseQuestions (String srType){ srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); Json sr = getSerializedMetaIndividual(srType); if (sr.has("hasServiceField")){ Json questions = MetaOntology.resolveIRIs("hasServiceField"), "legacy"); if (!questions.isArray()){ return Json.array().add(questions); } else { return questions; } } else return Json.nil(); } /** * * */ public Json getServiceCaseActivities (String srType){ srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); Json sr = getSerializedMetaIndividual(srType); if (sr.has("hasActivity")){ Json activities = MetaOntology.resolveIRIs("hasActivity"), "legacy"); if (!activities.isArray()){ return Json.array().add(activities); } else { return activities; } } else return Json.nil(); } private Json getSerializedActivities (Json activities){ if (activities.isArray()){ Json result = Json.array(); for (Json actvx: activities.asJsonList()){ if (actvx.isObject()){ result.add(actvx); } else { result.add(getSerializedIndividual(actvx.asString(), "legacy")); } } return result; } else if (activities.isObject()){ return Json.array().add(activities); } else { return Json.array().add(getSerializedIndividual(activities.asString(), "legacy")); } } public boolean doRollBack (List<Integer> revisionNumbers){ boolean result = rollBackRevisions(revisionNumbers); if (result){ clearAllCachedButServiceCase(); MetaOntology.clearCacheAndSynchronizeReasoner(); } return result; } private String getHostIpAddress (){ String host = "", protocol = "", port = ""; try { host =; protocol = StartUp.getConfig().at("ssl").asBoolean() ? "https://": "http://"; port = StartUp.getConfig().at("ssl").asBoolean() ? StartUp.getConfig().at("ssl-port").asInteger() != 443 ? ":" + StartUp.getConfig().at("ssl-port").asString(): "": StartUp.getConfig().at("port").asInteger() != 80 ? ":" + StartUp.getConfig().at("port").asString(): ""; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Cannot retreive IP address for localhost"); e.printStackTrace(); } return protocol + host + port; } public Json addQuestionsServiceCase (String individualID, Json data, String userName, String comment){ String host = getHostIpAddress(); if (!host.isEmpty() && validateJson(host + "/javascript/schemas/service_field_list_compact.json", data)){ List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); String propertyID = "hasServiceField"; comment = (comment==null)?"Create/Replace Questions for SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; Json oldQuestions = getServiceCaseQuestions(individualID); if (addObjectsToIndividualProperty (individualID, propertyID, data, userName, comment, evictionList, oldQuestions)){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getServiceCaseQuestions(individualID); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update Questions to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Json object does not match questions schema: " + data.asString()); } public Json addActivitesServiceCase (String individualID, Json data, String userName, String comment){ String host = getHostIpAddress(); if (!host.isEmpty() && validateJson(host + "/javascript/schemas/activity_list_compact.json", data)){ List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); String propertyID = "hasActivity"; comment = (comment==null)?"Create/Replace Activities for SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; Json oldActivities = getServiceCaseActivities(individualID); if (addObjectsToIndividualProperty (individualID, propertyID, data, userName, comment, evictionList, oldActivities)){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getServiceCaseActivities(individualID); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update Activities to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Json object does not match activity schema: " + data.asString()); } public Json addObjectOnto (String individualIRI, Json data, String userName, String comment){ String individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualIRI); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); boolean r = false; OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>();"---- Start Creating New Objects for individual: " + individualID); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getCreateIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(data)); changes = MetaOntology.clearChanges(changes);"---- Ended Creating New Objects for individual: " + individualID);"---- Start Commiting Changes."); r = commit(userName, comment, changes);"---- Ended Commiting Changes."); } if (r){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return MetaOntology.getSerializedOntologyObject(individualIRI); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add new object: "+ PREFIX + individualID + " to the ontology."); } public Json cloneObjectOnto (String sourceID, String newID, String userName, String comment){ Json data = MetaOntology.cloneSerializedIndividual(sourceID, newID); boolean r = false; OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>();"---- Start Creating New Objects for individual: " + newID); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getCreateIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(data)); changes = MetaOntology.clearChanges(changes);"---- Ended Creating New Objects for individual: " + newID);"---- Start Commiting Changes."); r = commit(userName, comment, changes);"---- Ended Commiting Changes."); } if (r){ registerChange(newID); MetaOntology.clearCacheAndSynchronizeReasoner(); return MetaOntology.getSerializedOntologyObject("iri").asString()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add new object: "+ PREFIX + newID + " to the ontology."); } public boolean addObjectsToIndividualProperty (String individualID, String propertyID, Json data, String userName, String comment, List<String> evictionList, Json toRemove){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>();"---- Started Removing Old Objects from individual: " + individualID + " property: " + propertyID); if (toRemove.isArray()){ for (Json ox: toRemove.asJsonList()){ String iri = removeObjectOnto (ox, evictionList); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualObjectPropertyReferenceChanges(individualID, propertyID, iri)); } } else { String iri = removeObjectOnto (toRemove, evictionList); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualObjectPropertyReferenceChanges(individualID, propertyID, iri)); }"---- Ended Removing Old Objects from individual: " + individualID + " property: " + propertyID);"---- Start Creating New Objects for individual: " + individualID + " property: " + propertyID); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getAddIndividualObjectFromJsonChanges(individualID, propertyID, data)); changes = MetaOntology.clearChanges(changes);"---- Ended Creating New Objects for individual: " + individualID + " property: " + propertyID);"---- Start Commiting Changes."); boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes);"---- Ended Commiting Changes."); return r; } } /** * Adds a single (existing) activity to a service case. No state changes are assumed for either the activity o * * @param individualID * @param activityID * @param userName * @return */ public Json addActivityToServiceCase (String individualID, String activityID, String userName, String comment){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); activityID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(activityID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); String propertyID = "hasActivity"; comment = (comment==null)?"Add Activity: " + activityID + " to SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; if (commit(userName, comment, MetaOntology.getAddIndividualObjectProperty (individualID, propertyID, activityID))){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getServiceCaseActivities(individualID); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update Activities to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } /** * Remove a single (existing) activity to a service case. No state changes are assumed for either the activity o * * @param individualID * @param activityID * @param userName * @return */ public Json removeActivityFromServiceCase (String individualID, String activityID, String userName, String comment){ individualID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(individualID); activityID = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(activityID); List<String> evictionList = new ArrayList<String>(); evictionList.add(individualID); String propertyID = "hasActivity"; comment = (comment==null)? "Remove Activity: " + activityID + " to SR "+ PREFIX + individualID + " - " + getIndividualLabel(individualID):comment; if (commit(userName, comment, MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualObjectProperty (individualID, propertyID, activityID))){ registerChange(individualID); clearCache(evictionList); return getServiceCaseActivities(individualID); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot update Activities to Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + individualID); } private String getIriFromIdividualSerialization (Json serialization){ String iri = ""; if (serialization.isObject()) if (serialization.has("iri")){ iri ="iri").asString(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find iri property for object: "+ serialization.asString()); else { iri = serialization.asString(); } return iri; } private String removeObjectOnto (Json ox, List<String> evictionList){ String iri = MetaOntology.getIdFromUri(getIriFromIdividualSerialization(ox)); OWLNamedIndividual ind = OWL.individual(PREFIX + iri); evictionList.add(ind.getIRI().getFragment()); return iri; } public boolean validateJson (String schemaUri, Json o){ // try { // Json.Schema schema = Json.schema(new URI(schemaUri)); // Json errors = schema.validate(o); // // if (errors.has("errors")) { // for (Json error :"errors").asJsonList()) System.out.println("Validation error " + error.asString()); // return false; // } // // } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("Error ocurred while validating JSON using Schema: " + schemaUri); // e.printStackTrace(); // return false; // } return true; } public Json getSchema (String schemaUri){ try { URL url = new URL(schemaUri); String host = url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + ":" + Integer.toString(url.getPort()); String path = url.getPath(); return GenUtils.httpGetJson(host + path); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Malformed JSON Schema URI:" + schemaUri); e.printStackTrace(); } return Json.object(); } public Json getFullSchema (String schemaUri){ try { URL url = new URL(schemaUri); String host = url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + ":" + Integer.toString(url.getPort()); String path = url.getPath(); return cleanSchema (buildFullSchema (host , path, Json.nil())); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Malformed JSON Schema URI:" + schemaUri); e.printStackTrace(); } return Json.object(); } private Json buildFullSchema (String host, String path, Json fullSchema){ Json content = Json.nil(); if (!path.contains("#")) content = GenUtils.httpGetJson(host + path); else content = getFromDefinitions(path, fullSchema); Json result = parseSchema (content, host, fullSchema.isNull() ? content: fullSchema); return result; } private Json parseSchema (Json o, String host, Json fullSchema){ if (o.isArray()){ int i = 0; for(Json e: o.asJsonList()){ String reference = getReference(e); if (reference != null){ o.asJsonList().set(i, buildFullSchema(host, reference, fullSchema)); } else { o.asJsonList().set(i, parseSchema(e, host, fullSchema)); } i++; } } else if (o.isObject()){ Map<String,Json> properties = o.asJsonMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Json> propKeyValue : properties.entrySet()) { if (propKeyValue.getKey().compareTo("definitions") != 0){ Json e = propKeyValue.getValue(); String reference = getReference(e); if (reference != null){ o.set(propKeyValue.getKey(), buildFullSchema(host, reference, fullSchema)); } else { o.set(propKeyValue.getKey(), parseSchema(e, host, fullSchema)); } } } } return o; } private Json cleanSchema (Json o){ if (o.isArray()){ for(Json e: o.asJsonList()) cleanSchema(e); } else if (o.isObject()){ if (o.has("definitions")) o.delAt("definitions"); } return o; } private String getReference (Json e){ return e.isObject() && e.has("$ref") ?"$ref").asString() : null; } private Json getFromDefinitions (String path, Json o){ path = path.replace("#", ""); String[] l = path.split("/"); Json result = o; for (String nodeName: l){ if (result.has(nodeName)) result =; else if (!nodeName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find property for question: "+ nodeName + " on schema."); } return result; } /** * * @return a list of individuals that belong to the class Activity */ public Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getAllActivityIndividuals() { return getAllIndividualsOfClass("Activity"); } /** * * @return a list of individuals that belong to the class Outcome */ private Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getAllOutcomeIndividuals() { return getAllIndividualsOfClass("Outcome"); } /** * * @return a list of individuals that belong to the class aClass */ private Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getAllIndividualsOfClass(String aClass) { OWLReasoner reasoner = reasoner(); OWLClass activity = owlClass(PREFIX + aClass); return reasoner.getInstances(activity, false).getFlattened(); } public Json getServiceCasesByActivityFromCache(String activityIRI){ try { Json S = Json.array(); OWLNamedIndividual activityIndividual = OWL.individual(activityIRI); for(Json sr: getAll().asJsonList()){ Json serviceCase = getSerializedMetaIndividual("iri").toString().replace("\"", "").split(":")[1]); if(serviceCase.has("hasActivity") &&"hasActivity").isArray()) { for(Json activity :"hasActivity").asJsonList()){ String iri = null; if(activity.isObject()){ iri ="iri").asString(); }else{ iri = activity.asString(); } if( iri != null && iri.equals(activityIndividual.getIRI().toString())) { Json o = getOne(OWL.individual("iri").asString())); if(!S.asJsonList().contains(o)) S.add(o); } } } } return S; } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("Error while querying the cache for SRs with activity: " + activityIRI); throw e; } } /** * * @param activityIRI the short prefixed for of the iri. * * @return a list of service cases who have this activity assigned. */ public Json getServiceCasesByActivity(String activityIRI){ try { Json S = Json.array(); Set<OWLNamedIndividual> serviceCases = OWL .reasoner() .getInstances( OWL.and(OWL.owlClass("legacy:ServiceCase"), OWL.has(OWL .objectProperty("legacy:hasActivity"), OWL.individual(activityIRI))), true) .getFlattened(); for(OWLNamedIndividual serviceCase : serviceCases) { S.add(getOne(serviceCase)); } return S; } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("Error while querying the Ontology for SRs with activity: " + activityIRI); throw e; } } /** * Rename a Service Case * * @param srType individual identifier * @param newName The new name/label for the Service Case * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json rename(String srType, String newName, String userName, String comment) { srType = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(srType); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = MetaOntology.getReplaceObjectAnnotationChanges(srType, newName); comment = (comment==null)?"Rename Service Case "+PREFIX+srType + " - " + getIndividualLabel(srType):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) { registerChange(srType); clearCache(srType); return getServiceCaseFormated(srType); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to rename Service Case Type "+ PREFIX + srType); } } /** * Classify individuals as an Activity * * @param unclassifiedActivities individuals identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json classifyAsActivity(Set<OWLNamedIndividual> unclassifiedActivities, String userName, String comment) { OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); OWLOntology o = OWL.ontology(); OWLDataFactory factory = o.getOWLOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); for(OWLNamedIndividual activity: unclassifiedActivities) { List<OWLOntologyChange> thisChange = MetaOntology.addNewClassAssertion(activity, Json.array().add("Activity"), o, factory); changes.addAll(thisChange); } comment = (comment==null)?"Classifying a total of " + unclassifiedActivities.size() + " Activity (ies), which were unclassified":comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (!r) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to classify activities " + unclassifiedActivities.toArray().toString()); return Json.object(); } } /** * Classify individuals as an QuestionTrigger * * @param unclassifiedQuestionTriggers individuals identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json classifyAsQuestionTrigger(Set<OWLNamedIndividual> unclassifiedQuestionTriggers, String userName, String comment) { OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); OWLOntology o = OWL.ontology(); OWLDataFactory factory = o.getOWLOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); for(OWLNamedIndividual activity: unclassifiedQuestionTriggers) { List<OWLOntologyChange> thisChange = MetaOntology.addNewClassAssertion(activity, Json.array().add("QuestionTrigger"), o, factory); changes.addAll(thisChange); } comment = (comment==null)?"Classifying a total of " + unclassifiedQuestionTriggers.size() + " QuestionTriggers, which were unclassified":comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (!r) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to classify Question triggers " + unclassifiedQuestionTriggers.toArray().toString()); return Json.object(); } } /** * * @return a list of individuals that belong to the class LegacyTrigger. */ public Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getAllLegacyTriggerIndividuals() { return getAllIndividualsOfClass("LegacyTrigger"); } /** * Disables an Activity * * @param activity individual identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json disableActivity(String activity, String userName, String comment) { activity = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(activity); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(activity, "isDisabled")); AddAxiom isDisabledCreateAddAxiom = MetaOntology.getIndividualLiteralAddAxiom(activity, "isDisabled", true); changes.add(isDisabledCreateAddAxiom); comment = (comment==null)?"Disable Activity "+PREFIX+activity + " - " + getIndividualLabel(activity):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) { registerChange(activity); clearCache(activity); return getSerializedMetaIndividual(activity); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to disable Activity Type "+ PREFIX + activity); } } /** * Enables an Activity * * @param activity individual identifier * @param userName who commits the action * @return commit success true or false */ public Json enableActivity(String activity, String userName, String comment) { activity = MetaOntology.getIndividualIdentifier(activity); OwlRepo repo = getRepo(); synchronized (repo) { repo.ensurePeerStarted(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); changes.addAll(MetaOntology.getRemoveIndividualPropertyChanges(activity, "isDisabled")); AddAxiom isDisabledCreateAddAxiom = MetaOntology.getIndividualLiteralAddAxiom(activity, "isDisabled", false); changes.add(isDisabledCreateAddAxiom); comment = (comment==null)?"Enable Activity "+PREFIX+activity + " - " + getIndividualLabel(activity):comment; boolean r = commit(userName, comment, changes); if (r) { registerChange(activity); clearCache(activity); return getSerializedMetaIndividual(activity); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to enable Activity Type "+ PREFIX + activity); } } }