/* * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * <http://www.apache.org/>. * */ package org.apache.ogt.http.impl.conn; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.ogt.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.ogt.http.HttpRequest; import org.apache.ogt.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.ogt.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.ogt.http.HttpVersion; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ClientConnectionOperator; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ClientConnectionRequest; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.ManagedClientConnection; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.OperatedClientConnection; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.routing.HttpRoute; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry; import org.apache.ogt.http.conn.scheme.SchemeSocketFactory; import org.apache.ogt.http.impl.conn.AbstractClientConnAdapter; import org.apache.ogt.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager; import org.apache.ogt.http.localserver.ServerTestBase; import org.apache.ogt.http.message.BasicHttpRequest; import org.apache.ogt.http.params.HttpParams; import org.apache.ogt.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext; import org.apache.ogt.http.protocol.ExecutionContext; import org.apache.ogt.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.ogt.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests for <code>ThreadSafeClientConnManager</code> that do require * a server to communicate with. */ public class TestTSCCMWithServer extends ServerTestBase { /** * Helper to instantiate a <code>ThreadSafeClientConnManager</code>. * * @param schreg the scheme registry, or * <code>null</code> to use defaults * * @return a connection manager to test */ public ThreadSafeClientConnManager createTSCCM(SchemeRegistry schreg) { return createTSCCM(schreg, -1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public ThreadSafeClientConnManager createTSCCM(SchemeRegistry schreg, long connTTL, TimeUnit connTTLTimeUnit) { if (schreg == null) schreg = supportedSchemes; return new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(schreg, connTTL, connTTLTimeUnit); } /** * Tests executing several requests in parallel. */ @Test public void testParallelRequests() throws Exception { // 3.x: TestHttpConnectionManager.testGetFromMultipleThreads final int COUNT = 8; // adjust to execute more requests ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); mgr.setMaxTotal(COUNT/2); mgr.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(COUNT/2); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final int rsplen = 8; final String uri = "/random/" + rsplen; ExecReqThread[] threads = new ExecReqThread [COUNT]; for (int i=0; i<COUNT; i++) { HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest ("GET", uri, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); ExecReqThread.RequestSpec ertrs = new ExecReqThread.RequestSpec(); ertrs.executor = httpExecutor; ertrs.processor = httpProcessor; ertrs.context = new BasicHttpContext(null); ertrs.params = defaultParams; ertrs.context.setAttribute (ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST, target); ertrs.context.setAttribute (ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQUEST, request); threads[i] = new ExecReqThread(mgr, route, 5000L, ertrs); } for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) { threads[i].start(); } for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) { threads[i].join(10000); Assert.assertNull("exception in thread " + i, threads[i].getException()); Assert.assertNotNull("no response in thread " + i, threads[i].getResponse()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status code in thread " + i, 200, threads[i].getResponse() .getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); Assert.assertNotNull("no response data in thread " + i, threads[i].getResponseData()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of data in thread" + i, rsplen, threads[i].getResponseData().length); } mgr.shutdown(); } private static ManagedClientConnection getConnection( final ClientConnectionManager mgr, final HttpRoute route, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws ConnectionPoolTimeoutException, InterruptedException { ClientConnectionRequest connRequest = mgr.requestConnection(route, null); return connRequest.getConnection(timeout, unit); } private static ManagedClientConnection getConnection( final ClientConnectionManager mgr, final HttpRoute route) throws ConnectionPoolTimeoutException, InterruptedException { ClientConnectionRequest connRequest = mgr.requestConnection(route, null); return connRequest.getConnection(0, null); } /** * Tests releasing and re-using a connection after a response is read. */ @Test public void testReleaseConnection() throws Exception { ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final int rsplen = 8; final String uri = "/random/" + rsplen; HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", uri, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); // a new context is created for each testcase, no need to reset HttpResponse response = Helper.execute( request, conn, target, httpExecutor, httpProcessor, defaultParams, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in first response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); byte[] data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of first response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read // check that there is no auto-release by default try { // this should fail quickly, connection has not been released getConnection(mgr, route, 10L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Assert.fail("ConnectionPoolTimeoutException should have been thrown"); } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) { // expected } // release connection without marking for re-use // expect the next connection obtained to be closed mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, null); conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn.isOpen()); // repeat the communication, no need to prepare the request again conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); httpContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn); response = httpExecutor.execute(request, conn, httpContext); httpExecutor.postProcess(response, httpProcessor, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in second response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of second response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read // release connection after marking it for re-use // expect the next connection obtained to be open conn.markReusable(); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, null); conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue("connection should have been open", conn.isOpen()); // repeat the communication, no need to prepare the request again httpContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn); response = httpExecutor.execute(request, conn, httpContext); httpExecutor.postProcess(response, httpProcessor, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in third response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of third response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } /** * Tests releasing with time limits. */ @Test public void testReleaseConnectionWithTimeLimits() throws Exception { ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final int rsplen = 8; final String uri = "/random/" + rsplen; HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", uri, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); // a new context is created for each testcase, no need to reset HttpResponse response = Helper.execute( request, conn, target, httpExecutor, httpProcessor, defaultParams, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in first response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); byte[] data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of first response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read // check that there is no auto-release by default try { // this should fail quickly, connection has not been released getConnection(mgr, route, 10L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Assert.fail("ConnectionPoolTimeoutException should have been thrown"); } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) { // expected } // release connection without marking for re-use // expect the next connection obtained to be closed mgr.releaseConnection(conn, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn.isOpen()); // repeat the communication, no need to prepare the request again conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); httpContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn); response = httpExecutor.execute(request, conn, httpContext); httpExecutor.postProcess(response, httpProcessor, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in second response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of second response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read // release connection after marking it for re-use // expect the next connection obtained to be open conn.markReusable(); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue("connection should have been open", conn.isOpen()); // repeat the communication, no need to prepare the request again httpContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn); response = httpExecutor.execute(request, conn, httpContext); httpExecutor.postProcess(response, httpProcessor, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in third response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of third response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read conn.markReusable(); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Thread.sleep(150); conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue("connection should have been closed", !conn.isOpen()); // repeat the communication, no need to prepare the request again conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); httpContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn); response = httpExecutor.execute(request, conn, httpContext); httpExecutor.postProcess(response, httpProcessor, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in third response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); Assert.assertEquals("wrong length of fourth response entity", rsplen, data.length); // ignore data, but it must be read mgr.shutdown(); } @Test public void testCloseExpiredIdleConnections() throws Exception { ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Released, still active. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); mgr.closeExpiredConnections(); // Time has not expired yet. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); Thread.sleep(150); mgr.closeExpiredConnections(); // Time expired now, connections are destroyed. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 0, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 0, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); mgr.shutdown(); } @Test public void testCloseExpiredTTLConnections() throws Exception { ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); // Release, let remain idle for forever mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Released, still active. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); mgr.closeExpiredConnections(); // Time has not expired yet. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 1, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); Thread.sleep(150); mgr.closeExpiredConnections(); // TTL expired now, connections are destroyed. Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool", 0, mgr.getConnectionsInPool()); Assert.assertEquals("connectionsInPool(host)", 0, mgr.getConnectionsInPool(route)); mgr.shutdown(); } /** * Tests releasing connection from #abort method called from the * main execution thread while there is no blocking I/O operation. */ @Test public void testReleaseConnectionOnAbort() throws Exception { ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final int rsplen = 8; final String uri = "/random/" + rsplen; HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", uri, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); // a new context is created for each testcase, no need to reset HttpResponse response = Helper.execute( request, conn, target, httpExecutor, httpProcessor, defaultParams, httpContext); Assert.assertEquals("wrong status in first response", HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); // check that there are no connections available try { // this should fail quickly, connection has not been released getConnection(mgr, route, 100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Assert.fail("ConnectionPoolTimeoutException should have been thrown"); } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) { // expected } // abort the connection Assert.assertTrue(conn instanceof AbstractClientConnAdapter); ((AbstractClientConnAdapter) conn).abortConnection(); // the connection is expected to be released back to the manager conn = getConnection(mgr, route, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn.isOpen()); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } /** * Tests GC of an unreferenced connection manager. */ @Test public void testConnectionManagerGC() throws Exception { // 3.x: TestHttpConnectionManager.testDroppedThread ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(null); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final int rsplen = 8; final String uri = "/random/" + rsplen; HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", uri, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); // a new context is created for each testcase, no need to reset HttpResponse response = Helper.execute(request, conn, target, httpExecutor, httpProcessor, defaultParams, httpContext); EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); // release connection after marking it for re-use conn.markReusable(); mgr.releaseConnection(conn, -1, null); // We now have a manager with an open connection in its pool. // We drop all potential hard reference to the manager and check // whether it is GCed. Internal references might prevent that // if set up incorrectly. // Note that we still keep references to the connection wrapper // we got from the manager, directly as well as in the request // and in the context. The manager will be GCed only if the // connection wrapper is truly detached. WeakReference<ThreadSafeClientConnManager> wref = new WeakReference<ThreadSafeClientConnManager>(mgr); mgr = null; // Java does not guarantee that this will trigger the GC, but // it does in the test environment. GC is asynchronous, so we // need to give the garbage collector some time afterwards. System.gc(); Thread.sleep(1000); Assert.assertNull("TSCCM not garbage collected", wref.get()); } @Test public void testAbortDuringConnecting() throws Exception { final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final StallingSocketFactory stallingSocketFactory = new StallingSocketFactory( connectLatch, WaitPolicy.BEFORE_CONNECT, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()); Scheme scheme = new Scheme("http", 80, stallingSocketFactory); SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry(); registry.register(scheme); ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(registry); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue(conn instanceof AbstractClientConnAdapter); final AtomicReference<Throwable> throwRef = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Thread abortingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { stallingSocketFactory.waitForState(); conn.abortConnection(); connectLatch.countDown(); } catch (Throwable e) { throwRef.set(e); } } }); abortingThread.start(); try { conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.fail("expected SocketException"); } catch(SocketException expected) {} abortingThread.join(5000); if(throwRef.get() != null) throw new RuntimeException(throwRef.get()); Assert.assertFalse(conn.isOpen()); Assert.assertEquals(0, localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount()); // the connection is expected to be released back to the manager ManagedClientConnection conn2 = getConnection(mgr, route, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn2.isOpen()); mgr.releaseConnection(conn2, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } @Test public void testAbortBeforeSocketCreate() throws Exception { final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final StallingSocketFactory stallingSocketFactory = new StallingSocketFactory( connectLatch, WaitPolicy.BEFORE_CREATE, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()); Scheme scheme = new Scheme("http", 80, stallingSocketFactory); SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry(); registry.register(scheme); ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(registry); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue(conn instanceof AbstractClientConnAdapter); final AtomicReference<Throwable> throwRef = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Thread abortingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { stallingSocketFactory.waitForState(); conn.abortConnection(); connectLatch.countDown(); } catch (Throwable e) { throwRef.set(e); } } }); abortingThread.start(); try { conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException expected) { Assert.assertEquals("Connection already shutdown", expected.getMessage()); } abortingThread.join(5000); if(throwRef.get() != null) throw new RuntimeException(throwRef.get()); Assert.assertFalse(conn.isOpen()); Assert.assertEquals(0, localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount()); // the connection is expected to be released back to the manager ManagedClientConnection conn2 = getConnection(mgr, route, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn2.isOpen()); mgr.releaseConnection(conn2, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } @Test public void testAbortAfterSocketConnect() throws Exception { final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final StallingSocketFactory stallingSocketFactory = new StallingSocketFactory( connectLatch, WaitPolicy.AFTER_CONNECT, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()); Scheme scheme = new Scheme("http", 80, stallingSocketFactory); SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry(); registry.register(scheme); ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = createTSCCM(registry); mgr.setMaxTotal(1); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue(conn instanceof AbstractClientConnAdapter); final AtomicReference<Throwable> throwRef = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Thread abortingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { stallingSocketFactory.waitForState(); conn.abortConnection(); connectLatch.countDown(); } catch (Throwable e) { throwRef.set(e); } } }); abortingThread.start(); try { conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.fail("expected SocketException"); } catch(SocketException expected) {} abortingThread.join(5000); if(throwRef.get() != null) throw new RuntimeException(throwRef.get()); Assert.assertFalse(conn.isOpen()); // Give the server a bit of time to accept the connection, but // ensure that it can accept it. for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount() == 1) break; Thread.sleep(100); } Assert.assertEquals(1, localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount()); // the connection is expected to be released back to the manager ManagedClientConnection conn2 = getConnection(mgr, route, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn2.isOpen()); mgr.releaseConnection(conn2, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } @Test public void testAbortAfterOperatorOpen() throws Exception { final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicReference<StallingOperator> operatorRef = new AtomicReference<StallingOperator>(); ThreadSafeClientConnManager mgr = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(supportedSchemes) { @Override protected ClientConnectionOperator createConnectionOperator( SchemeRegistry schreg) { operatorRef.set(new StallingOperator(connectLatch, WaitPolicy.AFTER_OPEN, super.createConnectionOperator(schreg))); return operatorRef.get(); } }; mgr.setMaxTotal(1); Assert.assertNotNull(operatorRef.get()); final HttpHost target = getServerHttp(); final HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(target, null, false); final ManagedClientConnection conn = getConnection(mgr, route); Assert.assertTrue(conn instanceof AbstractClientConnAdapter); final AtomicReference<Throwable> throwRef = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Thread abortingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { operatorRef.get().waitForState(); conn.abortConnection(); connectLatch.countDown(); } catch (Throwable e) { throwRef.set(e); } } }); abortingThread.start(); try { conn.open(route, httpContext, defaultParams); Assert.fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException iox) { Assert.assertEquals("Request aborted", iox.getMessage()); } abortingThread.join(5000); if(throwRef.get() != null) throw new RuntimeException(throwRef.get()); Assert.assertFalse(conn.isOpen()); // Give the server a bit of time to accept the connection, but // ensure that it can accept it. for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount() == 1) break; Thread.sleep(100); } Assert.assertEquals(1, localServer.getAcceptedConnectionCount()); // the connection is expected to be released back to the manager ManagedClientConnection conn2 = getConnection(mgr, route, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertFalse("connection should have been closed", conn2.isOpen()); mgr.releaseConnection(conn2, -1, null); mgr.shutdown(); } private static class LatchSupport { private final CountDownLatch continueLatch; private final CountDownLatch waitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); protected final WaitPolicy waitPolicy; LatchSupport(CountDownLatch continueLatch, WaitPolicy waitPolicy) { this.continueLatch = continueLatch; this.waitPolicy = waitPolicy; } void waitForState() throws InterruptedException { if(!waitLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) throw new RuntimeException("waited too long"); } void latch() { waitLatch.countDown(); try { if (!continueLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) throw new RuntimeException("waited too long!"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private static class StallingOperator extends LatchSupport implements ClientConnectionOperator { private final ClientConnectionOperator delegate; public StallingOperator(CountDownLatch continueLatch, WaitPolicy waitPolicy, ClientConnectionOperator delegate) { super(continueLatch, waitPolicy); this.delegate = delegate; } public OperatedClientConnection createConnection() { return delegate.createConnection(); } public void openConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn, HttpHost target, InetAddress local, HttpContext context, HttpParams params) throws IOException { delegate.openConnection(conn, target, local, context, params); if(waitPolicy == WaitPolicy.AFTER_OPEN) latch(); } public void updateSecureConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn, HttpHost target, HttpContext context, HttpParams params) throws IOException { delegate.updateSecureConnection(conn, target, context, params); } } private static class StallingSocketFactory extends LatchSupport implements SchemeSocketFactory { private final SchemeSocketFactory delegate; public StallingSocketFactory( final CountDownLatch continueLatch, final WaitPolicy waitPolicy, final SchemeSocketFactory delegate) { super(continueLatch, waitPolicy); this.delegate = delegate; } public Socket connectSocket( final Socket sock, final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, final InetSocketAddress localAddress, final HttpParams params) throws IOException, UnknownHostException, ConnectTimeoutException { if(waitPolicy == WaitPolicy.BEFORE_CONNECT) latch(); Socket socket = delegate.connectSocket(sock, remoteAddress, localAddress, params); if(waitPolicy == WaitPolicy.AFTER_CONNECT) latch(); return socket; } public Socket createSocket(final HttpParams params) throws IOException { if(waitPolicy == WaitPolicy.BEFORE_CREATE) latch(); return delegate.createSocket(params); } public boolean isSecure(Socket sock) throws IllegalArgumentException { return delegate.isSecure(sock); } } private enum WaitPolicy { BEFORE_CREATE, BEFORE_CONNECT, AFTER_CONNECT, AFTER_OPEN } }