/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Brian Ferris <bdferris@onebusaway.org> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.bundle.tasks.transfer_pattern.graph; import java.util.List; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.otp.GraphContext; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.otp.ItineraryWeightingLibrary; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.otp.OBAStateEditor; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.otp.graph.AbstractEdge; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.StopTimeService; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.tripplanner.StopTimeInstance; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.tripplanner.StopTransfer; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.EdgeNarrative; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseOptions; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.Vertex; public class TPOfflineTransferEdge extends AbstractEdge { private final Vertex _fromVertex; private final StopTransfer _transfer; public TPOfflineTransferEdge(GraphContext context, Vertex fromVertex, StopTransfer transfer) { super(context); _fromVertex = fromVertex; _transfer = transfer; } @Override public State traverse(State s0) { TraverseOptions options = s0.getOptions(); if (options.isArriveBy()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); /** * Check if we've reached our transfer limit */ if (s0.getNumBoardings() > options.maxTransfers) return null; int transferTime = computeTransferTime(options); /** * We're using options.boardCost as a transfer penalty */ double transferWeight = transferTime * options.walkReluctance + options.minTransferTime * options.waitReluctance; if (s0.getNumBoardings() > 0) transferWeight += options.boardCost; StopTimeService stopTimeService = _context.getStopTimeService(); long time = s0.getTime() + (transferTime + options.minTransferTime) * 1000; List<StopTimeInstance> instances = stopTimeService.getNextBlockSequenceDeparturesForStop( _transfer.getStop(), time, false); State results = null; for (StopTimeInstance instance : instances) { State r = getDepartureAsTraverseResult(instance, s0, transferWeight); results = r.addToExistingResultChain(results); } return results; } /**** * Private Methods ****/ private int computeTransferTime(TraverseOptions options) { int transferTime = _transfer.getMinTransferTime(); if (transferTime > 0) return transferTime; double walkingVelocity = options.speed; double distance = _transfer.getDistance(); // time to walk = meters / (meters/sec) = sec int t = (int) (distance / walkingVelocity); // transfer time = time to walk + min transfer buffer time return t; } private State getDepartureAsTraverseResult(StopTimeInstance instance, State s0, double transferWeight) { long time = s0.getTime(); long departureTime = instance.getDepartureTime(); TPOfflineTransferVertex toVertex = new TPOfflineTransferVertex(_context, instance); EdgeNarrative narrative = narrative(s0, _fromVertex, toVertex); OBAStateEditor edit = (OBAStateEditor) s0.edit(this, narrative); edit.setTime(departureTime); int dwellTime = (int) ((departureTime - time) / 1000); double w = transferWeight + ItineraryWeightingLibrary.computeWeightForWait(s0, dwellTime); edit.incrementWeight(w); if (s0.getNumBoardings() == 0) edit.incrementInitialWaitTime(dwellTime * 1000); edit.appendTripSequence(instance.getStopTime().getTrip()); return edit.makeState(); } }