package; import gw.internal.gosu.parser.GosuClassProxyFactory; import gw.internal.gosu.parser.TypeLord; import gw.lang.parser.ISource; import gw.lang.reflect.IMethodInfo; import gw.lang.reflect.IParameterInfo; import gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo; import gw.lang.reflect.IRelativeTypeInfo; import gw.lang.reflect.IType; import gw.lang.reflect.ITypeInfo; import gw.lang.reflect.TypeInfoUtil; import gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gw.lang.reflect.module.IModule; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** */ public class StructuralTypeProxyGenerator { public static Class makeProxy( String iface, Class<?> rootClass, final String name ) { final IType type = TypeLord.getPureGenericType( TypeSystem.get( rootClass ) ); final IType ifaceType = TypeLord.getPureGenericType( TypeSystem.getByFullName( iface ) ); final IModule module = ifaceType.getTypeLoader().getModule(); GosuClassTypeLoader loader = GosuClassTypeLoader.getDefaultClassLoader( module ); IGosuClass gsProxy = loader.makeNewClass( new LazyStringSourceFileHandle( getNamespace( ifaceType ), name, new Callable<StringBuilder>() { public StringBuilder call() { TypeSystem.pushModule( module ); try { return generateProxy( ifaceType, type, name ); } finally { TypeSystem.popModule( module ); } } } ) ); return gsProxy.getBackingClass(); } private static class LazyStringSourceFileHandle extends StringSourceFileHandle { private Callable<StringBuilder> _sourceGen; private String _namespace; public LazyStringSourceFileHandle( String nspace, String fqn, Callable<StringBuilder> sourceGen ) { super( fqn, null, false, ClassType.Class ); _namespace = nspace; _sourceGen = sourceGen; } public String getTypeNamespace() { return _namespace; } @Override public ISource getSource() { if( getRawSource() == null ) { try { setRawSource( ); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } return super.getSource(); } } private static StringBuilder generateProxy( IType ifaceType, IType type, String name ) { return new StringBuilder() .append( "package " ).append( getNamespace( ifaceType ) ).append( "\n" ) .append( "\n" ) .append( "class " ).append( name ).append( " implements " ).append( ifaceType.getName() ).append( " {\n" ) .append( " var _root: " ).append( type.getName() ).append( "\n" ) .append( " \n" ) .append( " construct( root: " ).append( type.getName() ).append( " ) {\n" ) .append( " _root = root\n" ) .append( " }\n" ) .append( " \n" ) .append( implementIface( ifaceType, type ) ) .append( "}" ); } private static String getNamespace( IType ifaceType ) { String nspace = TypeLord.getOuterMostEnclosingClass( ifaceType ).getNamespace(); if( nspace.startsWith( "java." ) || nspace.startsWith( "javax." ) ) { nspace = "not" + nspace; } return nspace; } private static String implementIface( IType ifaceType, IType rootType ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ITypeInfo ti = ifaceType.getTypeInfo(); // Interface properties for( Object o : ti.getProperties() ) { IPropertyInfo pi = (IPropertyInfo)o; genInterfacePropertyDecl( sb, pi, rootType ); } // Interface methods for( Object o : ti.getMethods() ) { IMethodInfo mi = (IMethodInfo)o; genInterfaceMethodDecl( sb, mi, rootType ); } return sb.toString(); } // Note we need to include type variables for generic methods so that the bytecode signatures, which include type vars as params, will be compatible. // All other type variable references, including the method's type vars, are erased to their bounding types. // e.g., // structure FooBar<T extends CharSequence> { // function foo<E>( e: E ) : T // } // class MyClass<T extends CharSequence> { // structurally implemetns FooBar<T> // function foo<E>( e: E ) : T { // return x // } // } // // We generate the followin proxy for MyClass, notice we preserve the E type var for the method: // // class MyClass_structuralproxy_Foobar implements FooBar { // function foo<E>( e: Object ) : CharSequence { // return e ) // } // } private static void genInterfaceMethodDecl( StringBuilder sb, IMethodInfo mi, IType rootType ) { if( mi.getOwnersType() instanceof IGosuEnhancement ) { return; } if( mi.getDisplayName().startsWith( "@" ) ) { // property return; } if( GosuClassProxyFactory.isObjectMethod( mi ) ) { return; } if( mi.getOwnersType() == JavaTypes.IGOSU_OBJECT().getAdapterClass() ) { return; } sb.append( " function " ).append( mi.getDisplayName() ).append( TypeInfoUtil.getTypeVarList( mi ) ).append( "(" ); IParameterInfo[] params = GosuClassProxyFactory.getGenericParameters( mi ); for( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { IParameterInfo pi = params[i]; sb.append( ' ' ).append( "p" ).append( i ).append( ": " ).append( TypeLord.replaceTypeVariableTypeParametersWithBoundingTypes( pi.getFeatureType() ).getName() ); sb.append( i < params.length - 1 ? ',' : ' ' ); } IType returnType = TypeLord.replaceTypeVariableTypeParametersWithBoundingTypes( mi.getReturnType() ); sb.append( ") : " ).append( returnType.getName() ).append( " {\n" ) .append( returnType == JavaTypes.pVOID() ? " " : " return " ) //## todo: maybe we need to explicitly parameterize if the method is generic for some cases? .append( "_root." ).append( mi.getDisplayName() ).append( "(" ); for( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { IParameterInfo pi = params[i]; sb.append( ' ' ).append( "p" ).append( i ).append( maybeCastParamType( mi, TypeLord.replaceTypeVariableTypeParametersWithBoundingTypes( pi.getFeatureType() ), rootType, i ) ) .append( i < params.length - 1 ? ',' : ' ' ); } sb.append( ")" ).append( maybeCastReturnType( mi, returnType, rootType ) ) .append( " }\n" ); } private static String maybeCastReturnType( IMethodInfo mi, IType returnType, IType rootType ) { //## todo: return returnType != JavaTypes.pVOID() ? " as " + returnType.getName() : ""; } private static String maybeCastParamType( IMethodInfo ifaceMethod, IType paramType, IType rootType, int iParam ) { //## todo: find the parameter type in the corresponding method in rootType, and then cast to that type *only* if necessary return ""; } private static String maybeCastPropertyAssignment( IPropertyInfo pi, IType rootType ) { //## todo: find the corresponding property type in rootType, and then cast to that type *only* if necessary return " as " + TypeLord.replaceTypeVariableTypeParametersWithBoundingTypes( pi.getFeatureType() ).getName() + "\n"; } private static void genInterfacePropertyDecl( StringBuilder sb, IPropertyInfo pi, IType rootType ) { if( pi.isStatic() ) { return; } if( !pi.isReadable() ) { return; } if( pi.getOwnersType() instanceof IGosuEnhancement ) { return; } if( pi.getOwnersType() == JavaTypes.IGOSU_OBJECT().getAdapterClass() ) { return; } IType ifacePropertyType = TypeLord.getPureGenericType( TypeLord.getDefaultParameterizedType( pi.getFeatureType() ) ); if( pi.getDescription() != null ) { sb.append( "\n/** " ).append( pi.getDescription() ).append( " */\n" ); } ITypeInfo rootTypeInfo = rootType.getTypeInfo(); // Have to handle private for inner class case e.g., a privagte field on the inner class implements a property on a structure boolean bPrivate = rootTypeInfo instanceof IRelativeTypeInfo && ((IRelativeTypeInfo) rootTypeInfo).getProperty( rootType, pi.getName() ).isPrivate(); sb.append( " property get " ).append( pi.getName() ).append( "() : " ).append( ifacePropertyType.getName() ).append( " {\n" ); if( bPrivate ) { sb.append( " return _root[\"" ).append( pi.getName() ).append( "\"] as " ).append( ifacePropertyType.getName() ).append( "\n" ); } else { sb.append( " return _root." ).append( pi.getName() ).append( " as " ).append( ifacePropertyType.getName() ).append( "\n" ); } sb.append( " }\n" ); if( pi.isWritable( pi.getOwnersType() ) ) { sb.append( " property set " ).append( pi.getName() ).append( "( value: " ).append( ifacePropertyType.getName() ).append( " ) {\n" ); if( bPrivate ) { sb.append( " _root[\"" ).append( pi.getName() ).append( "\"] = value" ).append( maybeCastPropertyAssignment( pi, rootType ) ); } else { sb.append( " _root." ).append( pi.getName() ).append( " = value" ).append( maybeCastPropertyAssignment( pi, rootType ) ); } sb.append( " }\n" ); } } }