/* * Copyright 2015 Terracotta, Inc., a Software AG company. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.listener.AbstractListenableStorageEngine; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.portability.Portability; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.portability.WriteBackPortability; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.portability.WriteContext; import static org.terracotta.offheapstore.util.ByteBufferUtils.aggregate; /** * * @author Chris Dennis */ public abstract class PortabilityBasedStorageEngine<K, V> extends AbstractListenableStorageEngine<K, V> implements StorageEngine<K, V>, BinaryStorageEngine { /* * Future design ideas: * * We might want to look in to supporting shrinking of the data areas, in case * our storage demands change (e.g. due to a change in key distribution, or * change in value types). */ protected final Portability<? super K> keyPortability; protected final Portability<? super V> valuePortability; private CachedEncode<K, V> lastMapping; /** * Creates a storage engine using the given portabilities. * * @param keyPortability key type portability * @param valuePortability value type portability */ public PortabilityBasedStorageEngine(Portability<? super K> keyPortability, Portability<? super V> valuePortability) { this.keyPortability = keyPortability; this.valuePortability = valuePortability; } @Override public final Long writeMapping(K key, V value, int hash, int metadata) { Long result; if (lastMapping != null && lastMapping.getKey() == key && lastMapping.getValue() == value) { result = writeMappingBuffers(lastMapping.getEncodedKey(), lastMapping.getEncodedValue(), hash); } else { ByteBuffer keyBuffer = keyPortability.encode(key); ByteBuffer valueBuffer = valuePortability.encode(value); result = writeMappingBuffers(keyBuffer.duplicate(), valueBuffer.duplicate(), hash); lastMapping = new CachedEncode<K, V>(key, value, keyBuffer, valueBuffer, result); } if (result != null) { fireWritten(key, value, lastMapping.getEncodedKey(), lastMapping.getEncodedValue(), hash, metadata, result); } return result; } @Override public void attachedMapping(long encoding, int hash, int metadata) { //no-op } @Override public final void freeMapping(long encoding, int hash, boolean removal) { if (hasListeners()) { ByteBuffer binaryKey = readBinaryKey(encoding); free(encoding); fireFreed(encoding, hash, binaryKey, removal); } else { free(encoding); } } @Override public final void clear() { clearInternal(); fireCleared(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V readValue(long encoding) { if (valuePortability instanceof WriteBackPortability<?>) { return (V) ((WriteBackPortability<? super V>) valuePortability).decode(readValueBuffer(encoding), getValueWriteContext(encoding)); } else { return (V) valuePortability.decode(readValueBuffer(encoding)); } } @Override public boolean equalsValue(Object value, long encoding) { return valuePortability.equals(value, readValueBuffer(encoding)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public K readKey(long encoding, int hashCode) { if (keyPortability instanceof WriteBackPortability<?>) { return (K) ((WriteBackPortability<? super K>) keyPortability).decode(readKeyBuffer(encoding), getKeyWriteContext(encoding)); } else { return (K) keyPortability.decode(readKeyBuffer(encoding)); } } @Override public boolean equalsKey(Object key, long encoding) { return keyPortability.equals(key, readKeyBuffer(encoding)); } @Override public ByteBuffer readBinaryKey(long encoding) { CachedEncode<K, V> cache = lastMapping; if (cache != null) { Long cachedEncoding = cache.getEncoding(); if (cachedEncoding != null && cachedEncoding == encoding) { return cache.getEncodedKey(); } } ByteBuffer attached = readKeyBuffer(encoding); ByteBuffer detached = ByteBuffer.allocate(attached.remaining()); detached.put(attached).flip(); return detached; } @Override public ByteBuffer readBinaryValue(long encoding) { CachedEncode<K, V> cache = lastMapping; if (cache != null) { Long cachedEncoding = cache.getEncoding(); if (cachedEncoding != null && cachedEncoding == encoding) { return cache.getEncodedValue(); } } ByteBuffer attached = readValueBuffer(encoding); ByteBuffer detached = ByteBuffer.allocate(attached.remaining()); detached.put(attached).flip(); return detached; } @Override public boolean equalsBinaryKey(ByteBuffer binaryKey, long encoding) { return binaryKey.equals(readBinaryKey(encoding)) || equalsKey(keyPortability.decode(binaryKey.duplicate()), encoding); } @Override public Long writeBinaryMapping(ByteBuffer[] binaryKey, ByteBuffer[] binaryValue, int pojoHash, int metadata) { return writeMappingBuffersGathering(binaryKey, binaryValue, pojoHash); } @Override public Long writeBinaryMapping(ByteBuffer binaryKey, ByteBuffer binaryValue, int pojoHash, int metadata) { return writeMappingBuffers(binaryKey, binaryValue, pojoHash); } protected Long writeMappingBuffersGathering(ByteBuffer[] keyBuffers, ByteBuffer[] valueBuffers, int hash) { return writeMappingBuffers(aggregate(keyBuffers), aggregate(valueBuffers), hash); } protected abstract void free(long address); protected abstract void clearInternal(); protected abstract ByteBuffer readKeyBuffer(long address); protected abstract WriteContext getKeyWriteContext(long address); protected abstract ByteBuffer readValueBuffer(long address); protected abstract WriteContext getValueWriteContext(long address); protected abstract Long writeMappingBuffers(ByteBuffer keyBuffer, ByteBuffer valueBuffer, int hash); @Override public void invalidateCache() { lastMapping = null; } static class CachedEncode<K, V> { private final K key; private final V value; private final ByteBuffer keyBuffer; private final ByteBuffer valueBuffer; private final Long encoding; public CachedEncode(K key, V value, ByteBuffer keyBuffer, ByteBuffer valueBuffer, Long encoding) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.keyBuffer = keyBuffer; this.valueBuffer = valueBuffer; this.encoding = encoding; } final K getKey() { return key; } final V getValue() { return value; } final ByteBuffer getEncodedKey() { return keyBuffer.duplicate(); } final ByteBuffer getEncodedValue() { return valueBuffer.duplicate(); } final Long getEncoding() { return encoding; } } }