package com.codepoetics.octarine.records; import org.pcollections.HashTreePMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; public interface Record { static final Record EMPTY_RECORD = new HashRecord(HashTreePMap.empty()); @SafeVarargs public static <S> Function<S, Record> reader(Function<S, Value>...readers) { return s -> of(Stream.of(readers).map(r -> r.apply(s))); } public static Record empty() { return EMPTY_RECORD; } public static Record of(Collection<Value> values) { return of(; } public static Record of(Value...values) { return values.length == 0 ? empty() : of(Stream.of(values)); } public static Record of(Stream<Value> values) { /* * Collectors.toMap will call HashMap.merge() which will throw a NullPointerException if supplied with a null * for the value parameter, so filter out null values first. */ return new HashRecord(HashTreePMap.from(values.filter(v -> null != v.value()).collect(Collectors.toMap(Value::key, Value::value)))); } <T> Optional<T> get(Key<? extends T> key); default <T> T getOrElse(Key<? extends T> key, T defaultValue) { return get(key).orElse(defaultValue); } Set<Key<?>> keys(); Map<Key<?>, Object> values(); boolean containsKey(Key<?> key); Record with(Value... values); Record with(Record other); default Record without(Key<?>... keys) { return without(Stream.of(keys).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } Record without(Collection<Key<?>> keys); MutableRecord mutable(); default Record immutable() { return this; } Record select(Collection<Key<?>> selectedKeys); default Record select(Key<?>... keys) { return select(Stream.of(keys).collect(Collectors.toSet())); } }