package de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.ocrComponents.webservice; /* Copyright 2010 SUB Goettingen. All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.jws.WebService; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.ocr.util.FileAccess; import de.unigoettingen.sub.ocr.controller.OcrEngineStarter; import de.unigoettingen.sub.ocr.controller.OcrParameters; /** * IMPACT Abbyy Fine Reader 8.0 Service. This service provides the basic * functionality of the Abbyy Fine Reader 8.0 text recogntion engine for * applying OCR to an image file. * * @author mabergn * */ @WebService(endpointInterface = "de.unigoettingen.sub.commons.ocrComponents.webservice.OcrService") public class OcrServiceImpl implements OcrService { @Resource private WebServiceContext wsContext; static String ocrEngineId = "abbyy-multiuser"; private final String appName = "ws"; private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(OcrServiceImpl.class); FileAccess getFileAccess() { return new FileAccess(); } OcrEngineStarter getEngineStarter() { return new OcrEngineStarter(); } String getJobName() { int randomNumber = Math.abs((int) ((Math.random()*((int) System.currentTimeMillis()))+1)); return "OcrServiceImplService_outputUrl"+ "_" + randomNumber; } @Override public ByUrlResponseType ocrImageFileByUrl(ByUrlRequestType request) { Date stampStart = new Date(); ByUrlResponseType response = new ByUrlResponseType(); FileAccess fileAccess = getFileAccess(); Properties props = fileAccess.getPropertiesFromFile(""); String inputTempDir = props.getProperty("localpath"); if(inputTempDir == null || inputTempDir.equals("")){ inputTempDir = System.getProperty(""); } if(!inputTempDir.endsWith("/")){ inputTempDir += "/"; } String webserverPath = props.getProperty("webserverpath"); if(webserverPath == null || webserverPath.equals("")){ webserverPath = System.getProperty("ocrWebservice.root"); } if(!webserverPath.endsWith("/")){ webserverPath += "/"; } String jobName = getJobName(); RecognitionLanguages langs = request.getOcrlanguages(); List<String> langStringsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (RecognitionLanguage lang : langs.getRecognitionLanguage()) { langStringsList.add(lang.toString()); } File imageTempFile = new File(inputTempDir + jobName + "/input.tif"); try { fileAccess.copyUrlToFile(request.getInputUrl(), imageTempFile); } catch (IOException e) { String error = "ERROR CANNOT COPY URL: " + request.getInputUrl() + " To Local File"; LOGGER.error(error); return getErrorResponse(webserverPath, error, response); } OcrParameters params = new OcrParameters(); params.ocrEngine = ocrEngineId; params.outputFormats = new String[]{request.getOutputFormat().toString()}; params.inputFolder = inputTempDir + jobName; params.inputFormats = new String[]{"tif"}; params.inputLanguages = langStringsList.toArray(new String[]{}); params.inputTextType = request.getTextType().toString(); params.priority = "3"; params.outputFolder = webserverPath + "ocrresults"; params.props = new Properties(); getEngineStarter().startOcrWithParams(params); String resultsDir = "ocrresults"; try { fileAccess.deleteFile(imageTempFile); fileAccess.deleteDir(imageTempFile.getParentFile()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while cleaning temp data.", e); } File resultFile = new File(webserverPath + resultsDir + "/" + jobName + "." + params.outputFormats[0].toLowerCase()); if( !fileAccess.fileExists(resultFile)){ LOGGER.error("ERROR. CANNOT Find File: "+ resultFile.toString()); String error = "File could not be processed: " + request.getInputUrl(); return getErrorResponse(webserverPath, error, response); } Date stampFinish = new Date(); long duration = stampFinish.getTime() - stampStart.getTime(); String webserverHostname = ""; if(props.getProperty("hostname") == null || props.getProperty("hostname").equals("no")){ MessageContext mc = wsContext.getMessageContext(); URI url = (URI) mc.get(""); String hostname = url.getHost(); webserverHostname = "http://" + hostname + "/" + appName + "/"; }else { webserverHostname = props.getProperty("hostname"); } String newLine = ".\n"; response.setMessage("Process finished successfully after " + duration + " milliseconds."); response.setOutputUrl(webserverHostname + resultsDir + "/"+ jobName + "." + params.outputFormats[0].toLowerCase()); response.setProcessingLog("========= PROCESSING REQUEST (by URL) =========. "+ "\n" + "Using service: OcrServiceImplService. "+ "\n" + "Parameter processingUnit: "+ webserverHostname + newLine + "URL of input image: "+ request.getInputUrl()+ newLine + "Wrote file " + imageTempFile.toString()+ newLine + "OUTFORMAT substitution variable value: "+params.outputFormats[0].toLowerCase()+ newLine + "OUTFILE substitution variable value: " + resultFile.getAbsolutePath()+ newLine + "LANGUAGES substitution variable value: "+ params.inputLanguages + newLine + "INFILE substitution variable value: "+ imageTempFile.toString()+ newLine + "INTEXTTYPE substitution variable value: "+ request.getTextType()+ newLine + "Process finished successfully with code 0."+ "\n" + "Output file has been created successfully.."+ "\n" + "Output Url: " + webserverHostname + resultsDir + "/" + jobName + "." + params.outputFormats[0].toLowerCase()+ newLine + "Output Url-Abbyy-Result : " + webserverHostname + resultsDir + "/" + jobName + ".xml.result.xml" + newLine + "Output Url-Summary-File : " + webserverHostname + resultsDir + "/" + jobName + "-textMD.xml" + newLine + "Process finished successfully after " + duration + " milliseconds.." ); response.setProcessingUnit(webserverHostname); response.setReturncode(0); response.setSuccess(true); response.setToolProcessingTime(duration); return response; } private ByUrlResponseType getErrorResponse(String webserverPath, String error, ByUrlResponseType byUrlResponseType) { byUrlResponseType.setMessage("Process finished unsuccessfully "); byUrlResponseType.setOutputUrl(""); byUrlResponseType.setProcessingLog(error); byUrlResponseType.setProcessingUnit(webserverPath); byUrlResponseType.setReturncode(1); byUrlResponseType.setSuccess(false); byUrlResponseType.setToolProcessingTime(0L); return byUrlResponseType; } }