package netflix.ocelli.rxnetty.internal; import; import io.reactivex.netty.client.ConnectionFactory; import io.reactivex.netty.client.ConnectionObservable; import io.reactivex.netty.client.ConnectionObservable.AbstractOnSubscribeFunc; import io.reactivex.netty.client.ConnectionProvider; import io.reactivex.netty.client.pool.PooledConnectionProvider; import; import netflix.ocelli.Instance; import netflix.ocelli.LoadBalancerStrategy; import netflix.ocelli.rxnetty.FailureListener; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Func1; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * An abstract load balancer for all TCP based protocols. * * <h2>Failure detection</h2> * * For every host that this load balancer connects, it provides a way to register a {@link TcpClientEventListener} * instance that can detect failures based on the various events received. Upon detecting the failure, an appropriate * action can be taken for the host, using the provided {@link FailureListener}. * * <h2>Use with RxNetty clients</h2> * * In order to use this load balancer with RxNetty clients, one has to convert it to an instance of * {@link ConnectionProvider} by calling {@link #toConnectionProvider()} * * @param <W> Type of Objects written on the connections created by this load balancer. * @param <R> Type of Objects read from the connections created by this load balancer. */ public abstract class AbstractLoadBalancer<W, R> { protected final Observable<Instance<SocketAddress>> hosts; protected final LoadBalancerStrategy<HostConnectionProvider<W, R>> loadBalancer; protected final Func1<FailureListener, ? extends TcpClientEventListener> eventListenerFactory; protected AbstractLoadBalancer(Observable<Instance<SocketAddress>> hosts, Func1<FailureListener, ? extends TcpClientEventListener> eventListenerFactory, LoadBalancerStrategy<HostConnectionProvider<W, R>> loadBalancer) { this.hosts = hosts; this.eventListenerFactory = eventListenerFactory; this.loadBalancer = loadBalancer; } /** * Converts this load balancer to a {@link ConnectionProvider} to be used with RxNetty clients. * * @return {@link ConnectionProvider} for this load balancer. */ public ConnectionProvider<W, R> toConnectionProvider() { return ConnectionProvider.create(new Func1<ConnectionFactory<W, R>, ConnectionProvider<W, R>>() { @Override public ConnectionProvider<W, R> call(final ConnectionFactory<W, R> connectionFactory) { return toConnectionProvider(connectionFactory); } }); } /*Visible for testing*/ ConnectionProvider<W, R> toConnectionProvider(final ConnectionFactory<W, R> factory) { final Observable<Instance<ConnectionProvider<W, R>>> providerStream = Func1<Instance<SocketAddress>, Instance<ConnectionProvider<W, R>>>() { @Override public Instance<ConnectionProvider<W, R>> call(final Instance<SocketAddress> host) { final ConnectionProvider<W, R> pcp = newConnectionProviderForHost(host, factory); return new Instance<ConnectionProvider<W, R>>() { @Override public Observable<Void> getLifecycle() { return host.getLifecycle(); } @Override public ConnectionProvider<W, R> getValue() { return pcp; } }; } }); return new LoadBalancingProvider(factory, providerStream); } protected ConnectionProvider<W, R> newConnectionProviderForHost(Instance<SocketAddress> host, ConnectionFactory<W, R> connectionFactory) { /* * Bounds on the concurrency (concurrent connections) should be enforced at the request * processing level, providing a bound on number of connections is a difficult number * to determine. */ return PooledConnectionProvider.createUnbounded(connectionFactory, host.getValue()); } /*Visible for testing*/class LoadBalancingProvider extends ConnectionProvider<W, R> { private final HostHolder<W, R> hostHolder; public LoadBalancingProvider(ConnectionFactory<W, R> connectionFactory, Observable<Instance<ConnectionProvider<W, R>>> providerStream) { super(connectionFactory); hostHolder = new HostHolder<>(providerStream, eventListenerFactory); } @Override public ConnectionObservable<R, W> nextConnection() { return ConnectionObservable.createNew(new AbstractOnSubscribeFunc<R, W>() { @Override protected void doSubscribe(Subscriber<? super Connection<R, W>> sub, Action1<ConnectionObservable<R, W>> subscribeAllListenersAction) { final List<HostConnectionProvider<W, R>> providers = hostHolder.getProviders(); if (null == providers || providers.isEmpty()) { sub.onError(new NoSuchElementException("No hosts available.")); } HostConnectionProvider<W, R> hcp = loadBalancer.choose(providers); ConnectionObservable<R, W> nextConnection = hcp.getProvider().nextConnection(); if (hcp.getEventsListener() != null) { nextConnection.subscribeForEvents(hcp.getEventsListener()); }; nextConnection.unsafeSubscribe(sub); } }); } @Override protected Observable<Void> doShutdown() { return hostHolder.shutdown(); } } }