package org.gbif.occurrence.processor; import org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.VerbatimOccurrence; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.OccurrencePersistenceStatus; import org.gbif.common.messaging.api.MessagePublisher; import org.gbif.common.messaging.api.messages.VerbatimPersistedMessage; import org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.api.Fragment; import org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.api.FragmentPersistenceService; import org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.api.OccurrencePersistenceService; import org.gbif.occurrence.processor.parsing.FragmentParser; import org.gbif.occurrence.processor.zookeeper.ZookeeperConnector; import; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Meter; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Timer; import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; import static; /** * Takes occurrence Fragments and parses them to produce and persist VerbatimOccurrence objects. */ @Singleton public class VerbatimProcessor { private final FragmentPersistenceService fragmentPersister; private final OccurrencePersistenceService occurrencePersister; private final MessagePublisher messagePublisher; private final ZookeeperConnector zookeeperConnector; private final Meter verbProcessed = Metrics.newMeter(VerbatimProcessor.class, "verbs", "verbs", TimeUnit.SECONDS); private final Timer msgTimer = Metrics.newTimer(VerbatimProcessor.class, "msg send time", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VerbatimProcessor.class); @Inject public VerbatimProcessor(FragmentPersistenceService fragmentPersister, OccurrencePersistenceService occurrencePersister, MessagePublisher messagePublisher, ZookeeperConnector zookeeperConnector) { this.fragmentPersister = checkNotNull(fragmentPersister, "fragmentPersister can't be null"); this.occurrencePersister = checkNotNull(occurrencePersister, "occurrencePersister can't be null"); this.messagePublisher = checkNotNull(messagePublisher, "messagePublisher can't be null"); this.zookeeperConnector = checkNotNull(zookeeperConnector, "zookeeperConnector can't be null"); } /** * Builds and persists a VerbatimOccurrence object by parsing an existing Fragment with the given occurrenceKey. * Updated zookeeper with success/error counts and sends a VerbatimPersistedMessage when successfully completed. Note * that UNCHANGED Fragments are ignored. * * @param occurrenceKey the key of the existing Fragment to be parsed * @param status whether the Fragment is NEW, UPDATED, or UNCHANGED * @param fromCrawl true if this method is called as part of a crawl * @param attemptId the crawl attempt id, only used for passing along in logs and subsequent messages. * @param datasetKey the dataset that this occurrence belongs to (must not be null if fromCrawl is true) */ public void buildVerbatim(int occurrenceKey, OccurrencePersistenceStatus status, boolean fromCrawl, @Nullable Integer attemptId, @Nullable UUID datasetKey) { checkArgument(occurrenceKey > 0, "occurrenceKey must be greater than 0"); checkNotNull(status, "status can't be null"); if (fromCrawl) { checkNotNull(datasetKey, "datasetKey can't be null if fromCrawl is true"); checkArgument(attemptId != null && attemptId > 0, "attemptId must be greater than 0 if fromCrawl is true"); } if (status == OccurrencePersistenceStatus.UNCHANGED) { LOG.debug("Ignoring fragment of status UNCHANGED."); return; } Fragment fragment = fragmentPersister.get(occurrenceKey); if (fragment == null) { logError("Could not find", occurrenceKey, datasetKey, fromCrawl); return; } int localAttemptId = fromCrawl ? attemptId : fragment.getCrawlId(); LOG.debug("Fragment for key [{}] and UUID [{}] crawl [{}] is [{}]", occurrenceKey, fragment.getDatasetKey(), localAttemptId, status); VerbatimOccurrence verbatim = FragmentParser.parse(fragment); if (verbatim == null) { // parsing has failed, skip this fragment logError("Could not parse", occurrenceKey, datasetKey, fromCrawl); return; } occurrencePersister.update(verbatim); if (fromCrawl) { LOG.debug("Updating zookeeper for VerbatimOccurrencePersistedSuccess"); zookeeperConnector.addCounter(datasetKey, ZookeeperConnector.CounterName.VERBATIM_OCCURRENCE_PERSISTED_SUCCESS); } VerbatimPersistedMessage verbMsg = new VerbatimPersistedMessage(verbatim.getDatasetKey(), localAttemptId, status, verbatim.getKey()); final TimerContext msgContext = msgTimer.time(); try { messagePublisher.send(verbMsg); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Could not send VerbatimPersistedMessage for successful [{}]", status, e); } finally { msgContext.stop(); } verbProcessed.mark(); } private void logError(String message, int occurrenceKey, UUID datasetKey, boolean fromCrawl) { // TODO: send msg? LOG.warn(message + " fragment with key [{}] - skipping.", occurrenceKey); if (fromCrawl) { LOG.debug("Updating zookeeper for VerbatimOccurrencePersistedError"); zookeeperConnector.addCounter(datasetKey, ZookeeperConnector.CounterName.VERBATIM_OCCURRENCE_PERSISTED_ERROR); } } }