/* * (C) Copyright 2007 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Nuxeo - initial API and implementation * * $Id: DirectoryTreeNode.java 29611 2008-01-24 16:51:03Z gracinet $ */ package org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.directory; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jboss.seam.Component; import org.jboss.seam.core.Events; import org.nuxeo.common.utils.i18n.I18NUtils; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModelList; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.PropertyException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl.DocumentModelImpl; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.SchemaManager; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.types.Schema; import org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.DirectoryException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Session; import org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.api.DirectoryService; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.contentview.jsf.ContentView; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.contentview.seam.ContentViewActions; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.directory.DirectoryHelper; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.util.SeamContextHelper; import org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.helpers.EventNames; import org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree.TreeActions; import org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.tree.TreeActionsBean; import org.nuxeo.runtime.api.Framework; /** * Register directory tree configurations to make them available to the DirectoryTreeManagerBean to build * DirectoryTreeNode instances. * * @author <a href="mailto:ogrisel@nuxeo.com">Olivier Grisel</a> */ public class DirectoryTreeNode { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DirectoryTreeNode.class); public static final String PARENT_FIELD_ID = "parent"; private static final String LABEL_FIELD_ID = "label"; protected final String path; protected final int level; protected Boolean open = null; protected final DirectoryTreeDescriptor config; protected String identifier; protected String description; protected boolean leaf = false; protected String type = "defaultDirectoryTreeNode"; protected DirectoryService directoryService; protected ContentView contentView; protected DocumentModelList childrenEntries; protected List<DirectoryTreeNode> children; public DirectoryTreeNode(int level, DirectoryTreeDescriptor config, String identifier, String description, String path, DirectoryService directoryService) { this.level = level; this.config = config; this.identifier = identifier; this.description = description; this.path = path; this.directoryService = directoryService; } protected List<String> processSelectedValuesOnMultiSelect(String value, List<String> values) { if (values.contains(value)) { values.remove(value); } else { // unselect all previous selection that are either more // generic or more specific List<String> valuesToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); String valueSlash = value + "/"; for (String existingSelection : values) { String existingSelectionSlash = existingSelection + "/"; if (existingSelectionSlash.startsWith(valueSlash) || valueSlash.startsWith(existingSelectionSlash)) { valuesToRemove.add(existingSelection); } } values.removeAll(valuesToRemove); // add the new selection values.add(value); } return values; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String selectNode() { if (config.hasContentViewSupport()) { DocumentModel searchDoc = getContentViewSearchDocumentModel(); if (searchDoc != null) { String fieldName = config.getFieldName(); String schemaName = config.getSchemaName(); if (config.isMultiselect()) { List<String> values = (List<String>) searchDoc.getProperty(schemaName, fieldName); values = processSelectedValuesOnMultiSelect(path, values); searchDoc.setProperty(schemaName, fieldName, values); } else { searchDoc.setProperty(schemaName, fieldName, path); } if (contentView != null) { contentView.refreshPageProvider(); } } else { log.error("Cannot select node: search document model is null"); } } else { log.error(String.format("Cannot select node on tree '%s': no content view available", identifier)); } // raise this event in order to reset the documents lists from // 'conversationDocumentsListsManager' Events.instance().raiseEvent(EventNames.FOLDERISHDOCUMENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, new DocumentModelImpl("Folder")); pathProcessing(); return config.getOutcome(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean isSelected() { if (config.hasContentViewSupport()) { DocumentModel searchDoc = getContentViewSearchDocumentModel(); if (searchDoc != null) { String fieldName = config.getFieldName(); String schemaName = config.getSchemaName(); if (config.isMultiselect()) { List<Object> values = (List<Object>) searchDoc.getProperty(schemaName, fieldName); return values.contains(path); } else { return path.equals(searchDoc.getProperty(schemaName, fieldName)); } } else { log.error("Cannot check if node is selected: " + "search document model is null"); } } else { log.error(String.format("Cannot check if node is selected on tree '%s': no " + "content view available", identifier)); } return false; } public int getChildCount() { if (isLastLevel()) { return 0; } return getChildrenEntries().size(); } public List<DirectoryTreeNode> getChildren() { if (children != null) { // return last computed state return children; } children = new ArrayList<DirectoryTreeNode>(); if (isLastLevel()) { return children; } String schema = getDirectorySchema(); DocumentModelList results = getChildrenEntries(); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); for (DocumentModel result : results) { String childIdendifier = result.getId(); String childDescription = translate(context, (String) result.getProperty(schema, LABEL_FIELD_ID)); String childPath; if ("".equals(path)) { childPath = childIdendifier; } else { childPath = path + '/' + childIdendifier; } children.add(new DirectoryTreeNode(level + 1, config, childIdendifier, childDescription, childPath, getDirectoryService())); } // sort children Comparator<? super DirectoryTreeNode> cmp = new FieldComparator(); Collections.sort(children, cmp); return children; } private class FieldComparator implements Comparator<DirectoryTreeNode> { @Override public int compare(DirectoryTreeNode o1, DirectoryTreeNode o2) { return ObjectUtils.compare(o1.getDescription(), o2.getDescription()); } } protected static String translate(FacesContext context, String label) { String bundleName = context.getApplication().getMessageBundle(); Locale locale = context.getViewRoot().getLocale(); label = I18NUtils.getMessageString(bundleName, label, null, locale); return label; } protected DocumentModelList getChildrenEntries() { if (childrenEntries != null) { // memorized directory lookup since directory content is not // suppose to change // XXX: use the cache manager instead of field caching strategy return childrenEntries; } try (Session session = getDirectorySession()) { if (level == 0) { String schemaName = getDirectorySchema(); SchemaManager schemaManager = Framework.getLocalService(SchemaManager.class); Schema schema = schemaManager.getSchema(schemaName); if (schema.hasField(PARENT_FIELD_ID)) { // filter on empty parent Map<String, Serializable> filter = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); filter.put(PARENT_FIELD_ID, ""); childrenEntries = session.query(filter); } else { childrenEntries = session.getEntries(); } } else { Map<String, Serializable> filter = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); String[] bitsOfPath = path.split("/"); filter.put(PARENT_FIELD_ID, bitsOfPath[level - 1]); childrenEntries = session.query(filter); } return childrenEntries; } } public String getDescription() { if (level == 0) { return translate(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), description); } return description; } public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } public String getPath() { return path; } public String getType() { return type; } public boolean isLeaf() { return leaf || isLastLevel() || getChildCount() == 0; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; } public void setLeaf(boolean leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } protected DirectoryService getDirectoryService() { if (directoryService == null) { directoryService = DirectoryHelper.getDirectoryService(); } return directoryService; } protected String getDirectoryName() { String name = config.getDirectories()[level]; if (name == null) { throw new NuxeoException("could not find directory name for level=" + level); } return name; } protected String getDirectorySchema() { return getDirectoryService().getDirectorySchema(getDirectoryName()); } protected Session getDirectorySession() { return getDirectoryService().open(getDirectoryName()); } protected void lookupContentView() { if (contentView != null) { return; } SeamContextHelper seamContextHelper = new SeamContextHelper(); ContentViewActions cva = (ContentViewActions) seamContextHelper.get("contentViewActions"); contentView = cva.getContentView(config.getContentView()); if (contentView == null) { throw new NuxeoException("no content view registered as " + config.getContentView()); } } protected DocumentModel getContentViewSearchDocumentModel() { lookupContentView(); if (contentView != null) { return contentView.getSearchDocumentModel(); } return null; } protected boolean isLastLevel() { return config.getDirectories().length == level; } public void pathProcessing() throws DirectoryException { if (config.isMultiselect()) { // no breadcrumbs management with multiselect return; } String aPath = null; if (config.hasContentViewSupport()) { DocumentModel searchDoc = getContentViewSearchDocumentModel(); if (searchDoc != null) { aPath = (String) searchDoc.getProperty(config.getSchemaName(), config.getFieldName()); } else { log.error("Cannot perform path preprocessing: " + "search document model is null"); } } if (aPath != null && aPath != "") { String[] bitsOfPath = aPath.split("/"); String myPath = ""; String property = ""; for (int b = 0; b < bitsOfPath.length; b++) { String dirName = config.getDirectories()[b]; if (dirName == null) { throw new DirectoryException("Could not find directory name for key=" + b); } try (Session session = getDirectoryService().open(dirName)) { DocumentModel docMod = session.getEntry(bitsOfPath[b]); try { // take first schema: directory entries only have one final String schemaName = docMod.getSchemas()[0]; property = (String) docMod.getProperty(schemaName, LABEL_FIELD_ID); } catch (PropertyException e) { throw new DirectoryException(e); } myPath = myPath + property + '/'; } } Events.instance().raiseEvent("PATH_PROCESSED", myPath); } else { Events.instance().raiseEvent("PATH_PROCESSED", ""); } } /** * @deprecated since 6.0, use {@link #isOpen()} instead */ @Deprecated public boolean isOpened() { return isOpen(); } public boolean isOpen() { if (open == null) { final TreeActions treeActionBean = (TreeActionsBean) Component.getInstance("treeActions"); if (!treeActionBean.isNodeExpandEvent()) { if (!config.isMultiselect() && config.hasContentViewSupport()) { DocumentModel searchDoc = getContentViewSearchDocumentModel(); if (searchDoc != null) { String fieldName = config.getFieldName(); String schemaName = config.getSchemaName(); Object value = searchDoc.getProperty(schemaName, fieldName); if (value instanceof String) { open = Boolean.valueOf(((String) value).startsWith(path)); } } else { log.error("Cannot check if node is opened: " + "search document model is null"); } } else { log.error(String.format("Cannot check if node is opened on tree '%s': no " + "content view available", identifier)); } } } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(open); } public void setOpen(boolean open) { this.open = Boolean.valueOf(open); } }