/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Nuxeo SA (http://nuxeo.com/) and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Florent Guillaume * Benoit Delbosc */ package org.nuxeo.ecm.core; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.Access.DENY; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.Access.GRANT; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.Access.UNKNOWN; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.ADD_CHILDREN; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.BROWSE; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.EVERYONE; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.EVERYTHING; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.READ; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.REMOVE; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.REMOVE_CHILDREN; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.WRITE; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.WRITE_PROPERTIES; import static org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants.WRITE_SECURITY; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.NXCore; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.ClientException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModelList; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentRef; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentSecurityException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.PathRef; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl.DocumentModelImpl; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.ACE; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.ACL; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.ACP; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.SecurityConstants; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.UserEntry; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.impl.ACLImpl; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.impl.ACPImpl; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.security.impl.UserEntryImpl; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.security.SecurityService; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.SQLRepositoryTestCase; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.coremodel.SQLSession; import org.nuxeo.runtime.api.Framework; /** * @author Florent Guillaume */ public class TestSQLRepositorySecurity extends SQLRepositoryTestCase { @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); deployContrib("org.nuxeo.ecm.core.test.tests", "OSGI-INF/test-repo-core-types-contrib.xml"); deployContrib("org.nuxeo.ecm.core.test.tests", "OSGI-INF/test-permissions-contrib.xml"); if (allowNegativeAcl()) { Framework.getProperties().put( SQLSession.ALLOW_NEGATIVE_ACL_PROPERTY, "true"); } openSession(); } @Override @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { // session.cancel(); closeSession(); Framework.getProperties().remove(SQLSession.ALLOW_NEGATIVE_ACL_PROPERTY); super.tearDown(); } // overridden to test with allowed negative properties protected boolean allowNegativeAcl() { return false; // default in Nuxeo } // // // --------------------------------------------------------- // ----- copied from TestSecurity in nuxeo-core-facade ----- // --------------------------------------------------------- // // // assumes that the global "session" belongs to an Administrator protected void setPermissionToAnonymous(String perm) throws ClientException { DocumentModel doc = session.getRootDocument(); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); if (acp == null) { acp = new ACPImpl(); } UserEntryImpl userEntry = new UserEntryImpl("anonymous"); userEntry.addPrivilege(perm); acp.setRules("test", new UserEntry[] { userEntry }); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); } protected void setPermissionToEveryone(String... perms) throws ClientException { DocumentModel doc = session.getRootDocument(); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); if (acp == null) { acp = new ACPImpl(); } UserEntryImpl userEntry = new UserEntryImpl(EVERYONE); for (String perm : perms) { userEntry.addPrivilege(perm); } acp.setRules("test", new UserEntry[] { userEntry }); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); } protected void removePermissionToAnonymous() throws ClientException { DocumentModel doc = session.getRootDocument(); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); acp.removeACL("test"); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); } protected void removePermissionToEveryone() throws ClientException { DocumentModel doc = session.getRootDocument(); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); acp.removeACL("test"); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); } @Test public void testSecurity() throws ClientException { // temporary set an Everything privileges on the root for anonymous // so that we can create a folder setPermissionToAnonymous(EVERYTHING); CoreSession anonSession = openSessionAs("anonymous"); try { DocumentModel root = anonSession.getRootDocument(); DocumentModel folder = new DocumentModelImpl( root.getPathAsString(), "folder#1", "Folder"); folder = anonSession.createDocument(folder); ACP acp = folder.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); // the acp inherited from root is returned acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("a", "Read", true)); acl.add(new ACE("b", "Write", true)); acp.addACL(acl); folder.setACP(acp, true); acp = folder.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); assertEquals("a", acp.getACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL).get(0).getUsername()); assertEquals("b", acp.getACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL).get(1).getUsername()); assertSame(GRANT, acp.getAccess("a", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("a", "Write")); assertSame(GRANT, acp.getAccess("b", "Write")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("b", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("c", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("c", "Write")); if (session.isNegativeAclAllowed()) { // insert a deny ACE before the GRANT acp.getACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL).add(0, new ACE("b", "Write", false)); // store changes folder.setACP(acp, true); // refetch ac acp = folder.getACP(); // check perms now assertSame(GRANT, acp.getAccess("a", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("a", "Write")); assertSame(DENY, acp.getAccess("b", "Write")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("b", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("c", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp.getAccess("c", "Write")); } // create a child document and grant on it the write for b // remove anonymous Everything privileges on the root // so that it not influence test results removePermissionToAnonymous(); anonSession.save(); // process invalidations try { DocumentModel folder2 = new DocumentModelImpl( folder.getPathAsString(), "folder#2", "Folder"); folder2 = anonSession.createDocument(folder2); fail("privilege is granted but should not be"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { // ok } setPermissionToAnonymous(EVERYTHING); anonSession.save(); // process invalidations root = anonSession.getRootDocument(); // and try again - this time it should work DocumentModel folder2 = new DocumentModelImpl( folder.getPathAsString(), "folder#2", "Folder"); folder2 = anonSession.createDocument(folder2); ACP acp2 = new ACPImpl(); acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("b", "Write", true)); acp2.addACL(acl); folder2.setACP(acp2, true); acp2 = folder2.getACP(); assertSame(GRANT, acp2.getAccess("a", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp2.getAccess("a", "Write")); assertSame(GRANT, acp2.getAccess("b", "Write")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp2.getAccess("b", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp2.getAccess("c", "Read")); assertSame(UNKNOWN, acp2.getAccess("c", "Write")); // remove anonymous Everything privileges on the root // so that it not influence test results removePermissionToAnonymous(); anonSession.save(); // process invalidations setPermissionToEveryone(WRITE, REMOVE, ADD_CHILDREN, REMOVE_CHILDREN, READ); root = anonSession.getRootDocument(); DocumentModel folder3 = new DocumentModelImpl( folder.getPathAsString(), "folder#3", "Folder"); folder3 = anonSession.createDocument(folder3); anonSession.removeDocument(folder3.getRef()); removePermissionToEveryone(); setPermissionToEveryone(REMOVE); anonSession.save(); // process invalidations try { folder3 = new DocumentModelImpl(folder.getPathAsString(), "folder#3", "Folder"); folder3 = anonSession.createDocument(folder3); fail(); } catch (Exception e) { } } finally { closeSession(anonSession); } } @Test public void testACLEscaping() throws ClientException { // temporary set an Everything privileges on the root for anonymous // so that we can create a folder setPermissionToAnonymous(EVERYTHING); DocumentModel root = session.getRootDocument(); DocumentModel folder = new DocumentModelImpl(root.getPathAsString(), "folder1", "Folder"); folder = session.createDocument(folder); ACP acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("xyz", "Read", true)); acl.add(new ACE("abc@def<&>/ ", "Read", true)); acl.add(new ACE("caf\u00e9", "Read", true)); acl.add(new ACE("o'hara", "Read", true)); // name to quote acl.add(new ACE("A_x1234_", "Read", true)); // name to quote acp.addACL(acl); folder.setACP(acp, true); // check what we read acp = folder.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); acl = acp.getACL(ACL.LOCAL_ACL); assertEquals("xyz", acl.get(0).getUsername()); assertEquals("abc@def<&>/ ", acl.get(1).getUsername()); assertEquals("caf\u00e9", acl.get(2).getUsername()); assertEquals("o'hara", acl.get(3).getUsername()); assertEquals("A_x1234_", acl.get(4).getUsername()); } @Test public void testGetParentDocuments() throws ClientException { setPermissionToAnonymous(EVERYTHING); DocumentModel root = session.getRootDocument(); String name = "Workspaces#1"; DocumentModel workspaces = new DocumentModelImpl( root.getPathAsString(), name, "Workspace"); session.createDocument(workspaces); String name2 = "repositoryWorkspace2#"; DocumentModel repositoryWorkspace = new DocumentModelImpl( workspaces.getPathAsString(), name2, "Workspace"); repositoryWorkspace = session.createDocument(repositoryWorkspace); String name3 = "ws#3"; DocumentModel ws1 = new DocumentModelImpl( repositoryWorkspace.getPathAsString(), name3, "Workspace"); ws1 = session.createDocument(ws1); String name4 = "ws#4"; DocumentModel ws2 = new DocumentModelImpl(ws1.getPathAsString(), name4, "Workspace"); session.createDocument(ws2); if (session.isNegativeAclAllowed()) { ACP acp = new ACPImpl(); ACE denyRead = new ACE("test", READ, false); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.setACEs(new ACE[] { denyRead }); acp.addACL(acl); // TODO this produces a stack trace repositoryWorkspace.setACP(acp, true); ws1.setACP(acp, true); } session.save(); List<DocumentModel> ws2ParentsUnderAdministrator = session.getParentDocuments(ws2.getRef()); assertTrue("list parents for" + ws2.getName() + "under " + session.getPrincipal().getName() + " is not empty:", !ws2ParentsUnderAdministrator.isEmpty()); CoreSession testSession = openSessionAs("test"); List<DocumentModel> ws2ParentsUnderTest = testSession.getParentDocuments(ws2.getRef()); assertTrue("list parents for" + ws2.getName() + "under " + testSession.getPrincipal().getName() + " is empty:", ws2ParentsUnderTest.isEmpty()); closeSession(testSession); } @Test public void testACPInheritance() throws Exception { DocumentModel root = new DocumentModelImpl("/", "testACPInheritance", "Folder"); root = session.createDocument(root); DocumentModel doc = new DocumentModelImpl("/testACPInheritance", "folder", "Folder"); doc = session.createDocument(doc); ACP rootAcp = root.getACP(); ACL localACL = rootAcp.getOrCreateACL(); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_reader", READ, true)); root.setACP(rootAcp, true); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); localACL = acp.getOrCreateACL(); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_contributor", WRITE, true)); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); doc = session.getDocument(new PathRef("/testACPInheritance/folder")); acp = doc.getACP(); ACL acl = acp.getACL(ACL.INHERITED_ACL); assertEquals("joe_reader", acl.getACEs()[0].getUsername()); // block inheritance acp.getOrCreateACL().add( new ACE(SecurityConstants.EVERYONE, SecurityConstants.EVERYTHING, false)); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); // now the inherited acl should be null doc = session.getDocument(new PathRef("/testACPInheritance/folder")); acp = doc.getACP(); acl = acp.getACL(ACL.INHERITED_ACL); assertNull(acl); } // copied from TestAPI in nuxeo-core-facade @Test public void testPermissionChecks() throws Throwable { CoreSession joeReaderSession = null; CoreSession joeContributorSession = null; CoreSession joeLocalManagerSession = null; DocumentRef ref = createDocumentModelWithSamplePermissions("docWithPerms"); try { // reader only has the right to consult the document joeReaderSession = openSessionAs("joe_reader"); DocumentModel joeReaderDoc = joeReaderSession.getDocument(ref); try { joeReaderSession.saveDocument(joeReaderDoc); fail("should have raised a security exception"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { } try { joeReaderSession.createDocument(new DocumentModelImpl( joeReaderDoc.getPathAsString(), "child", "File")); fail("should have raised a security exception"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { } try { joeReaderSession.removeDocument(ref); fail("should have raised a security exception"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { } joeReaderSession.save(); // contributor only has the right to write the properties of // document joeContributorSession = openSessionAs("joe_contributor"); DocumentModel joeContributorDoc = joeContributorSession.getDocument(ref); joeContributorSession.saveDocument(joeContributorDoc); DocumentRef childRef = joeContributorSession.createDocument( new DocumentModelImpl(joeContributorDoc.getPathAsString(), "child", "File")).getRef(); joeContributorSession.save(); // joe contributor can copy the newly created doc joeContributorSession.copy(childRef, ref, "child_copy"); // joe contributor cannot move the doc try { joeContributorSession.move(childRef, ref, "child_move"); fail("should have raised a security exception"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { } // joe contributor cannot remove the folder either try { joeContributorSession.removeDocument(ref); fail("should have raised a security exception"); } catch (DocumentSecurityException e) { } joeContributorSession.save(); // local manager can read, write, create and remove joeLocalManagerSession = openSessionAs("joe_localmanager"); DocumentModel joeLocalManagerDoc = joeLocalManagerSession.getDocument(ref); joeLocalManagerSession.saveDocument(joeLocalManagerDoc); childRef = joeLocalManagerSession.createDocument( new DocumentModelImpl(joeLocalManagerDoc.getPathAsString(), "child2", "File")).getRef(); joeLocalManagerSession.save(); // joe local manager can copy the newly created doc joeLocalManagerSession.copy(childRef, ref, "child2_copy"); // joe local manager cannot move the doc joeLocalManagerSession.move(childRef, ref, "child2_move"); joeLocalManagerSession.removeDocument(ref); joeLocalManagerSession.save(); } finally { Throwable rethrow = null; if (joeReaderSession != null) { try { closeSession(joeReaderSession); } catch (Throwable t) { rethrow = t; } } if (joeContributorSession != null) { try { closeSession(joeContributorSession); } catch (Throwable t) { if (rethrow == null) { rethrow = t; } } } if (joeLocalManagerSession != null) { try { closeSession(joeLocalManagerSession); } catch (Throwable t) { if (rethrow == null) { rethrow = t; } } } if (rethrow != null) { throw rethrow; } } } protected DocumentRef createDocumentModelWithSamplePermissions(String name) throws ClientException { DocumentModel root = session.getRootDocument(); DocumentModel doc = new DocumentModelImpl(root.getPathAsString(), name, "Folder"); doc = session.createDocument(doc); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); ACL localACL = acp.getOrCreateACL(); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_reader", READ, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_contributor", READ, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_contributor", WRITE_PROPERTIES, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_contributor", ADD_CHILDREN, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_localmanager", READ, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_localmanager", WRITE, true)); localACL.add(new ACE("joe_localmanager", WRITE_SECURITY, true)); acp.addACL(localACL); doc.setACP(acp, true); // add the permission to remove children on the root ACP rootACP = root.getACP(); ACL rootACL = rootACP.getOrCreateACL(); rootACL.add(new ACE("joe_localmanager", REMOVE_CHILDREN, true)); rootACP.addACL(rootACL); root.setACP(rootACP, true); // make it visible for others session.save(); return doc.getRef(); } @Test @Ignore public void testGetAvailableSecurityPermissions() throws ClientException { List<String> permissions = session.getAvailableSecurityPermissions(); // TODO assertTrue(permissions.contains("Everything")); } @Test public void testReadAclSecurity() throws ClientException { // Check that all permissions that contain Browse enable to list a // document using aclOptimization SecurityService securityService = NXCore.getSecurityService(); String[] browsePermissions = securityService.getPermissionsToCheck(BROWSE); // Check for test permission contribution assertTrue(Arrays.asList(browsePermissions).contains("ViewTest")); List<String> docNames = new ArrayList<String>(browsePermissions.length); DocumentModel root = session.getRootDocument(); for (String permission : browsePermissions) { // Create a folder with only the browse permission String name = "joe-has-" + permission + "-permission"; docNames.add(name); DocumentModel folder = new DocumentModelImpl( root.getPathAsString(), name, "Folder"); folder = session.createDocument(folder); ACP acp = folder.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); // the acp inherited from root is returned acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("joe", permission, true)); acp.addACL(acl); folder.setACP(acp, true); } session.save(); CoreSession joeSession = openSessionAs("joe"); try { DocumentModelList list; list = joeSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DocumentModel doc : list) { names.add(doc.getName()); } assertEquals("Expecting " + docNames + " got " + names, browsePermissions.length, list.size()); list = joeSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder WHERE ecm:isProxy = 0"); names.clear(); for (DocumentModel doc : list) { names.add(doc.getName()); } assertEquals("Expecting " + docNames + " got " + names, browsePermissions.length, list.size()); // Add a new folder to update the read acls DocumentModel folder = new DocumentModelImpl( root.getPathAsString(), "new-folder", "Folder"); folder = session.createDocument(folder); ACP acp = folder.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); // the acp inherited from root is returned acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("joe", browsePermissions[0], true)); acl.add(new ACE("bob", browsePermissions[0], true)); acp.addACL(acl); folder.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); list = joeSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); assertEquals(browsePermissions.length + 1, list.size()); } finally { closeSession(joeSession); } } @Test public void testReadAclSecurityUpdate() throws ClientException { // check that aclOptimization update the user aclr cache // NXP-13109 DocumentModel root = session.getRootDocument(); // Create a doc and set a new ACLR on it DocumentModel doc = new DocumentModelImpl(root.getPathAsString(), "foo", "Folder"); doc = session.createDocument(doc); ACP acp = doc.getACP(); assertNotNull(acp); acp = new ACPImpl(); ACL acl = new ACLImpl(); acl.add(new ACE("Everyone", "Read", true)); acp.addACL(acl); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); CoreSession joeSession = openSessionAs("joe"); try { DocumentModelList list; list = joeSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); assertEquals(1, list.size()); // Remove the document, so the ACLR created is not anymore assigned session.removeDocument(doc.getRef()); session.save(); list = joeSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); assertEquals(0, list.size()); } finally { closeSession(joeSession); } CoreSession bobSession = openSessionAs("bob"); try { DocumentModelList list; // Perform a query to init the ACLR cache list = bobSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); assertEquals(0, list.size()); // Create a new doc with the same ACLR doc = new DocumentModelImpl(root.getPathAsString(), "bar", "Folder"); doc = session.createDocument(doc); doc.setACP(acp, true); session.save(); // Check that the ACLR has been added to the user cache list = bobSession.query("SELECT * FROM Folder"); assertEquals(1, list.size()); } finally { closeSession(bobSession); } } }