/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Kametic <epo.jemba@kametic.com> * * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007; * or any later version * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.nuunframework.configuration.common; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.nuunframework.kernel.annotations.Nuun; import org.nuunframework.kernel.plugins.logs.NuunLog; import org.nuunframework.kernel.spi.configuration.NuunConfigurationConverter; import org.nuunframework.kernel.spi.configuration.NuunProperty; import org.slf4j.Logger; @Nuun public class Holder { @NuunLog private Logger myLogger; public Holder() { } @NuunProperty("user.id") public Long id; @NuunProperty("private1") private String private1; @NuunProperty("private2") private String private2; public String private1() { return private1; } public String private2() { return private2; } @NuunProperty("user.password") public String password; @NuunProperty("test.int") public int _int; @NuunProperty("test.int") public String __Integer; @NuunProperty("test.long") public long _long; @NuunProperty("test.long") public Long _Long; @NuunProperty("test.long") public String __Long; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.true") public boolean _booleanTrue; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.true") public Boolean _BooleanTrue; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.true") public String __BooleanTrue; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.false") public boolean _booleanFalse; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.false") public Boolean _BooleanFalse; @NuunProperty("test.boolean.false") public String __BooleanFalse; @NuunProperty("test.short") public short _short; @NuunProperty("test.short") public Short _Short; @NuunProperty("test.short") public String __Short; @NuunProperty("test.byte") public byte _byte; @NuunProperty("test.byte") public Byte _Byte; @NuunProperty("test.byte") public String __Byte; @NuunProperty("test.float") public float _float; @NuunProperty("test.float") public Float _Float; @NuunProperty("test.float") public String __Float; @NuunProperty("test.double") public double _double; @NuunProperty("test.double") public Double _Double; @NuunProperty("test.double") public String __Double; @NuunProperty("test.char") public char _char; @NuunProperty("test.char") public Character _Character; @NuunProperty("test.char") public String __Character; @NuunProperty(value = "test.convert" , converter = MySpecialConverter.class) public MySpecialObject __special; public static class MySpecialObject { public final String[] content; public MySpecialObject(String[] content) { this.content = content; } } public static class MySpecialConverter implements NuunConfigurationConverter<MySpecialObject> { @Override public MySpecialObject convert(String property) { String[] split = property.split(" "); return new MySpecialObject(split); } } // Here the key test.no did not exist and must be flagged as madatory = false; @NuunProperty(value = "test.no" , mandatory = false) public String __nothing; public Logger getLogger() { return myLogger; } // public Logger getLogger2() // { // return myLogger2; // } }