package; /** * * Author: David Blevins ( */ import static; public class TimeUtils { /** * Converts time to a human readable format within the specified range * * * * @param duration the time in milliseconds to be converted * @param max the highest time unit of interest * @param min the lowest time unit of interest * @return A human readable time expression */ public static String formatMillis(long duration, TimeUnit max, TimeUnit min) { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); TimeUnit current = max; while (duration > 0) { long temp = current.convert(duration, MILLISECONDS); if (temp > 0) { duration -= current.toMillis(temp); res.append(temp).append(" ").append(; if (temp < 2) res.deleteCharAt(res.length() - 1); res.append(", "); } if (current == min) break; current = TimeUnit.values()[current.ordinal() - 1]; } // clean up our formatting.... // we never got a hit, the time is lower than we care about if (res.lastIndexOf(", ") < 0) return "0 " +; // yank trailing ", " res.deleteCharAt(res.length() - 2); // convert last ", " to " and" int i = res.lastIndexOf(", "); if (i > 0) { res.deleteCharAt(i); res.insert(i, " and"); } return res.toString(); } }