// Openbravo POS is a point of sales application designed for touch screens. // Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Openbravo, S.L. // http://www.openbravo.com/product/pos // // This file is part of Openbravo POS. // // Openbravo POS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Openbravo POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Openbravo POS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package com.openbravo.pos.customers; import com.openbravo.basic.BasicException; import com.openbravo.data.loader.DataParams; import com.openbravo.data.loader.DataRead; import com.openbravo.data.loader.Datas; import com.openbravo.data.loader.PreparedSentence; import com.openbravo.data.loader.QBFBuilder; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SentenceExec; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SentenceExecTransaction; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SentenceList; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SerializerRead; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SerializerReadBasic; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SerializerWriteBasic; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SerializerWriteBasicExt; import com.openbravo.data.loader.SerializerWriteParams; import com.openbravo.data.loader.Session; import com.openbravo.data.loader.StaticSentence; import com.openbravo.data.loader.TableDefinition; import com.openbravo.format.Formats; import com.openbravo.pos.forms.AppLocal; import com.openbravo.pos.forms.BeanFactoryDataSingle; /** * * @author adrianromero */ public class DataLogicCustomers extends BeanFactoryDataSingle { protected Session s; private TableDefinition tcustomers; private static Datas[] customerdatas = new Datas[] {Datas.STRING, Datas.TIMESTAMP, Datas.TIMESTAMP, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.INT, Datas.BOOLEAN, Datas.STRING}; public void init(Session s){ this.s = s; tcustomers = new TableDefinition(s , "CUSTOMERS" , new String[] { "ID", "TAXID", "SEARCHKEY", "NAME", "NOTES", "VISIBLE", "CARD", "MAXDEBT", "CURDATE", "CURDEBT" , "FIRSTNAME", "LASTNAME", "EMAIL", "PHONE", "PHONE2", "FAX" , "ADDRESS", "ADDRESS2", "POSTAL", "CITY", "REGION", "COUNTRY" , "TAXCATEGORY" } , new String[] { "ID", AppLocal.getIntString("label.taxid"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.searchkey"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.name"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.notes"), "VISIBLE", "CARD", AppLocal.getIntString("label.maxdebt"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.curdate"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.curdebt") , AppLocal.getIntString("label.firstname"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.lastname"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.email"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.phone"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.phone2"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.fax") , AppLocal.getIntString("label.address"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.address2"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.postal"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.city"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.region"), AppLocal.getIntString("label.country") , "TAXCATEGORY"} , new Datas[] { Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.BOOLEAN, Datas.STRING, Datas.DOUBLE, Datas.TIMESTAMP, Datas.DOUBLE , Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING , Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING , Datas.STRING} , new Formats[] { Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.BOOLEAN, Formats.STRING, Formats.CURRENCY, Formats.TIMESTAMP, Formats.CURRENCY , Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING , Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING, Formats.STRING , Formats.STRING} , "NAME" , new int[] {0} ); } // CustomerList list public SentenceList getCustomerList() { return new StaticSentence(s , new QBFBuilder("SELECT ID, TAXID, SEARCHKEY, NAME FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE VISIBLE = " + s.DB.TRUE() + " AND ?(QBF_FILTER) ORDER BY NAME", new String[] {"TAXID", "SEARCHKEY", "NAME"}) , new SerializerWriteBasic(new Datas[] {Datas.OBJECT, Datas.STRING, Datas.OBJECT, Datas.STRING, Datas.OBJECT, Datas.STRING}) , new SerializerRead() { public Object readValues(DataRead dr) throws BasicException { CustomerInfo c = new CustomerInfo(dr.getString(1)); c.setTaxid(dr.getString(2)); c.setSearchkey(dr.getString(3)); c.setName(dr.getString(4)); return c; } }); } public int updateCustomerExt(final CustomerInfoExt customer) throws BasicException { return new PreparedSentence(s , "UPDATE CUSTOMERS SET NOTES = ? WHERE ID = ?" , SerializerWriteParams.INSTANCE ).exec(new DataParams() { public void writeValues() throws BasicException { setString(1, customer.getNotes()); setString(2, customer.getId()); }}); } public final SentenceList getReservationsList() { return new PreparedSentence(s , "SELECT R.ID, R.CREATED, R.DATENEW, C.CUSTOMER, CUSTOMERS.TAXID, CUSTOMERS.SEARCHKEY, COALESCE(CUSTOMERS.NAME, R.TITLE), R.CHAIRS, R.ISDONE, R.DESCRIPTION " + "FROM RESERVATIONS R LEFT OUTER JOIN RESERVATION_CUSTOMERS C ON R.ID = C.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN CUSTOMERS ON C.CUSTOMER = CUSTOMERS.ID " + "WHERE R.DATENEW >= ? AND R.DATENEW < ?" , new SerializerWriteBasic(new Datas[] {Datas.TIMESTAMP, Datas.TIMESTAMP}) , new SerializerReadBasic(customerdatas)); } public final SentenceExec getReservationsUpdate() { return new SentenceExecTransaction(s) { public int execInTransaction(Object params) throws BasicException { new PreparedSentence(s , "DELETE FROM RESERVATION_CUSTOMERS WHERE ID = ?" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0})).exec(params); if (((Object[]) params)[3] != null) { new PreparedSentence(s , "INSERT INTO RESERVATION_CUSTOMERS (ID, CUSTOMER) VALUES (?, ?)" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0, 3})).exec(params); } return new PreparedSentence(s , "UPDATE RESERVATIONS SET ID = ?, CREATED = ?, DATENEW = ?, TITLE = ?, CHAIRS = ?, ISDONE = ?, DESCRIPTION = ? WHERE ID = ?" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0})).exec(params); } }; } public final SentenceExec getReservationsDelete() { return new SentenceExecTransaction(s) { public int execInTransaction(Object params) throws BasicException { new PreparedSentence(s , "DELETE FROM RESERVATION_CUSTOMERS WHERE ID = ?" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0})).exec(params); return new PreparedSentence(s , "DELETE FROM RESERVATIONS WHERE ID = ?" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0})).exec(params); } }; } public final SentenceExec getReservationsInsert() { return new SentenceExecTransaction(s) { public int execInTransaction(Object params) throws BasicException { int i = new PreparedSentence(s , "INSERT INTO RESERVATIONS (ID, CREATED, DATENEW, TITLE, CHAIRS, ISDONE, DESCRIPTION) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9})).exec(params); if (((Object[]) params)[3] != null) { new PreparedSentence(s , "INSERT INTO RESERVATION_CUSTOMERS (ID, CUSTOMER) VALUES (?, ?)" , new SerializerWriteBasicExt(customerdatas, new int[]{0, 3})).exec(params); } return i; } }; } public final TableDefinition getTableCustomers() { return tcustomers; } }