// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.chromium.sdk.JsEvaluateContext; import org.chromium.sdk.JsVariable; import org.chromium.sdk.RelayOk; import org.chromium.sdk.SyncCallback; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.WipExpressionBuilder.ValueNameBuilder; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.WipRelayRunner.ProcessException; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.WipRelayRunner.Step; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.input.runtime.CallFunctionOnData; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.input.runtime.EvaluateData; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.input.runtime.RemoteObjectValue; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.output.WipParamsWithResponse; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.output.runtime.CallArgumentParam; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.output.runtime.CallFunctionOnParams; import org.chromium.sdk.internal.wip.protocol.output.runtime.EvaluateParams; import org.chromium.sdk.util.GenericCallback; import org.chromium.sdk.util.RelaySyncCallback; /** * Helper class that implements evaluate with additional context and * destination group id operation. This implementation is a hack because it adds (injects) * a property to the global object and works with its properties. The normal approach is when * the protocol itself supports this operation. As it hopefully will. */ public class EvaluateHack { private final WipTabImpl tabImpl; private final AtomicInteger uniqueIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); private boolean objectInjected = false; public EvaluateHack(WipTabImpl tabImpl) { this.tabImpl = tabImpl; } /** * Implements evaluate with additional context and destination group id operation. * The implementation modifies a global object. * @param destinationValueLoader value loader that corresponds to the destination group * @param evaluateCommandHandler provides a particular request type */ public RelayOk evaluateAsync(String expression, ValueNameBuilder valueNameBuidler, Map<String, String> additionalContext, WipValueLoader destinationValueLoader, EvaluateCommandHandler<?> evaluateCommandHandler, final JsEvaluateContext.EvaluateCallback callback, SyncCallback syncCallback) { RelaySyncCallback relaySyncCallback = new RelaySyncCallback(syncCallback); final EvaluateSession evaluateSession = new EvaluateSession(expression, valueNameBuidler, additionalContext, destinationValueLoader, evaluateCommandHandler); final RelaySyncCallback.Guard guard = relaySyncCallback.newGuard(); GenericCallback<Void> postEnsureCallback = new GenericCallback<Void>() { @Override public void success(Void value) { RelayOk relayOk = evaluateSession.run(callback, guard.getRelay()); guard.discharge(relayOk); } @Override public void failure(Exception exception) { if (callback != null) { callback.failure(exception.getMessage()); } } }; return ensureObjectInjected(postEnsureCallback, guard.asSyncCallback()); } /** * Provides an actual evaluate request. It may or may not refer to a particular call frame * or deal with other details that are out of scope of this class. * * @param <DATA> type of request's response */ public interface EvaluateCommandHandler<DATA> { WipParamsWithResponse<DATA> createRequest(String patchedUserExpression, WipValueLoader destinationValueLoader); JsVariable processResult(DATA response, WipValueLoader destinationValueLoader, ValueNameBuilder valueNameBuidler); /** * Return the same exception or wraps it with a more high-level error details. * @return not null */ Exception processFailure(Exception cause); } synchronized void pageReloaded() { objectInjected = false; } /** * Corresponds to a one evaluate operation. Holds most of parameters. It does following: * <ol> * <li>creates a temporary object inside the main injected object, * <li>puts all values from additional context thus making it a 'with' object, * <li>evaluates user expression inside the 'with' operator, * <li>returns result to a user callback, * <li>deletes the temporary object. * </ol> * * It uses {@link WipRelayRunner} as an engine. */ private class EvaluateSession { private final String userExpression; private final ValueNameBuilder valueNameBuidler; private final Map<String, String> additionalContext; private final WipValueLoader destinationValueLoader; private final EvaluateCommandHandler<?> evaluateCommandHandler; private final String dataId = "d" + uniqueIdCounter.incrementAndGet(); EvaluateSession(String expression, ValueNameBuilder valueNameBuidler, Map<String, String> additionalContext, WipValueLoader destinationValueLoader, EvaluateCommandHandler<?> evaluateCommandHandler) { this.userExpression = expression; this.valueNameBuidler = valueNameBuidler; this.additionalContext = additionalContext; this.destinationValueLoader = destinationValueLoader; this.evaluateCommandHandler = evaluateCommandHandler; } RelayOk run(final JsEvaluateContext.EvaluateCallback callback, RelaySyncCallback relay) { WipRelayRunner.Step<JsVariable> step = createFillDataObjectStep(); GenericCallback<JsVariable> innerCallback; if (callback == null) { innerCallback = null; } else { innerCallback = new GenericCallback<JsVariable>() { @Override public void success(JsVariable value) { callback.success(value); } @Override public void failure(Exception exception) { callback.failure(exception.getMessage()); } }; } return WipRelayRunner.run(tabImpl.getCommandProcessor(), step, innerCallback, relay); } /** * Sends request that create a temporary object and fills it with user values. * User values are passed as 1. 'this', 2. additional arguments to the function. */ private WipRelayRunner.Step<JsVariable> createFillDataObjectStep() { if (additionalContext.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty context"); } StringBuilder assigmentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder parametersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean isFirst = true; String thisObjectId = null; final List<String> additionalObjectIds = new ArrayList<String>(0); String tempObjectRef = GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME + ".data." + dataId + "."; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : additionalContext.entrySet()) { String commandParamName; if (isFirst) { commandParamName = "this"; thisObjectId = entry.getValue(); isFirst = false; } else { commandParamName = "p" + additionalObjectIds.size(); additionalObjectIds.add(entry.getValue()); if (parametersBuilder.length() != 0) { parametersBuilder.append(", "); } parametersBuilder.append(commandParamName); } assigmentBuilder.append(tempObjectRef + entry.getKey() + " = " + commandParamName + ";\n"); } final String functionText = "function(" + parametersBuilder + ") { " + GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME + ".data." + dataId + " = {};\n" + assigmentBuilder + "}"; final String thisObjectIdFinal = thisObjectId; return new WipRelayRunner.SendStepWithResponse<CallFunctionOnData, JsVariable>() { @Override public WipParamsWithResponse<CallFunctionOnData> getParams() { List<CallArgumentParam> arguments; if (additionalObjectIds.isEmpty()) { arguments = null; } else { arguments = new ArrayList<CallArgumentParam>(additionalObjectIds.size()); for (String objectId : additionalObjectIds) { arguments.add(new CallArgumentParam(null, objectId)); } } return new CallFunctionOnParams(thisObjectIdFinal, functionText, arguments, true); } @Override public Step<JsVariable> processResponse(CallFunctionOnData response) { if (response.wasThrown() == Boolean.TRUE) { return createHandleErrorStep(response.result()); } return createEvaluateStep(evaluateCommandHandler); } @Override public Exception processFailure(Exception cause) { return cause; } }; } private <EVAL_DATA> WipRelayRunner.Step<JsVariable> createEvaluateStep( final EvaluateCommandHandler<EVAL_DATA> commandHandler) { return new WipRelayRunner.SendStepWithResponse<EVAL_DATA, JsVariable>() { @Override public WipParamsWithResponse<EVAL_DATA> getParams() { String script = "with (" + GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME + ".data." + dataId + ") { return (" + userExpression + "); }"; String wrappedExpression = "(function() {" + script +"})()"; WipParamsWithResponse<EVAL_DATA> paramsWithResponse = commandHandler.createRequest( wrappedExpression, destinationValueLoader); return paramsWithResponse; } @Override public Step<JsVariable> processResponse(EVAL_DATA response) { JsVariable jsVariable = commandHandler.processResult(response, destinationValueLoader, valueNameBuidler); clearTempObjectAsync(); return WipRelayRunner.createFinalStep(jsVariable); } @Override public Exception processFailure(Exception cause) { return commandHandler.processFailure(cause); } }; } /** * Clears the temporary object. It is done asynchronously, outside the main relay, because * user shouldn't wait for its result. */ private void clearTempObjectAsync() { String script = "delete " + GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME + ".data." + dataId + ";"; String deleteDataExpression = "(function() {" + script +"})()"; EvaluateParams evaluateParams = new EvaluateParams(deleteDataExpression, null, null, null, null, true); tabImpl.getCommandProcessor().send(evaluateParams, (WipCommandCallback) null, null); } /** * An alternative spin-off in the relay, that handles an exception we ran into. * The additional step is needed because the exception message is only available from * its 'message' pseudo-property (a getter). */ private Step<JsVariable> createHandleErrorStep(final RemoteObjectValue remoteObjectValue) { return new WipRelayRunner.SendStepWithResponse<CallFunctionOnData, JsVariable>() { @Override public WipParamsWithResponse<CallFunctionOnData> getParams() { String functionText = "function() { return String(this.message); }"; return new CallFunctionOnParams(remoteObjectValue.objectId(), functionText, null, true); } @Override public Step<JsVariable> processResponse(CallFunctionOnData response) throws ProcessException { throw new ProcessException("Helper script failed on remote: " + response.result().value()); } @Override public Exception processFailure(Exception cause) { return cause; } }; } } /** * Makes sure that we injected a helper object inside a global object. * This cannot be implemented as step in {@link WipRelayRunner}, because the method * is synchronized and cannot undergo required control inversion. */ private synchronized RelayOk ensureObjectInjected(GenericCallback<Void> callback, SyncCallback syncCallback) { if (objectInjected) { callback.success(null); return RelaySyncCallback.finish(syncCallback); } else { objectInjected = true; return injectObject(callback, syncCallback); } } private RelayOk injectObject(final GenericCallback<Void> callback, SyncCallback syncCallback) { // 'data' is for temporary objects. // 'code' is for utility methods. String injectedObjectText = "{ data: {}, code: {}}"; String expression = "(function() { " + GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME + " = " + injectedObjectText + " ; })()"; EvaluateParams evaluateParams = new EvaluateParams(expression, null, false, null, null, true); GenericCallback<EvaluateData> wrappedCallback = new GenericCallback<EvaluateData>() { @Override public void success(EvaluateData value) { // TODO: check result. callback.success(null); } @Override public void failure(Exception exception) { callback.failure(new Exception("Failed to inject evaluate helper script into remote VM", exception)); } }; return tabImpl.getCommandProcessor().send(evaluateParams, wrappedCallback, syncCallback); } private static final String GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME = "_com_chromium_debug_helper"; }