// Main.java package net.sf.gogui.tools.dummy; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import net.sf.gogui.util.Options; import net.sf.gogui.util.StringUtil; import net.sf.gogui.version.Version; /** Dummy main function. */ public final class Main { /** Dummy main function. */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { String options[] = { "config:", "help", "log:", "resign:", "srand:", "version" }; Options opt = Options.parse(args, options); if (opt.contains("help")) { String helpText = "Usage: gogui-dummy [options]\n" + "\n" + "-config config file\n" + "-help display this help and exit\n" + "-log file log GTP stream to file\n" + "-resign n resign at n'th genmove\n" + "-srand n random seed\n" + "-version print version and exit\n"; System.out.print(helpText); return; } if (opt.contains("version")) { System.out.println("gogui-dummy " + Version.get()); return; } PrintStream log = null; if (opt.contains("log")) { File file = new File(opt.get("log")); log = new PrintStream(file); } long randomSeed = 0; boolean useRandomSeed = false; if (opt.contains("srand")) { randomSeed = opt.getLong("srand"); useRandomSeed = true; } int resign = opt.getInteger("resign", -1); Dummy dummy = new Dummy(log, useRandomSeed, randomSeed, resign); dummy.mainLoop(System.in, System.out); if (log != null) log.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { StringUtil.printException(t); System.exit(1); } } /** Make constructor unavailable; class is for namespace only. */ private Main() { } }