package; import gengui.domain.DomainObjectReference; import gengui.guiadapter.ElementNotFoundException; import gengui.util.DomainProperties.JfdRetentionStrategy; import gengui.util.SevereGUIException; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.wicket.Application; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer; import org.apache.wicket.MetaDataKey; import org.apache.wicket.RuntimeConfigurationType; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior; import org.apache.wicket.core.util.resource.locator.IResourceStreamLocator; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle; import org.apache.wicket.util.resource.IResourceStream; import org.apache.wicket.util.resource.ResourceStreamNotFoundException; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisit; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisitor; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.nocket.gen.domain.DMDWebGenContext; import org.nocket.gen.domain.DomainProcessor; import org.nocket.gen.domain.HTMLDocumentCachingPolicy; import org.nocket.gen.domain.NocketGenerator; import org.nocket.gen.domain.WebDomainProperties; import org.nocket.gen.domain.ref.DomainObjectReferenceFactory; import org.nocket.gen.domain.visitor.registry.DomainRegistry; import org.nocket.gen.domain.visitor.registry.DomainRegistryVisitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.nocket.gen.resources.DMDCachingResourceStreamLocator; import; public class DMDWebGenPageContext implements Serializable { public static final MetaDataKey<DMDWebGenPageContext> CONTEXT_KEY = new MetaDataKey<DMDWebGenPageContext>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; private static MethodExceptionHandlerI defaultMethodExceptionHandler; private static final List<BindingInterceptor> defaultBindingInterceptors = new ArrayList<BindingInterceptor>(); private static final Map<String, Document> documentCache = new HashMap<String, Document>(); private static final Map<String, DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference>> domainRegistryPrototypes = new HashMap<String, DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference>>(); private final TouchedRegistryData touchedRegistryData; private final TouchedRegistry touchedRegistry; private MethodExceptionHandlerI methodExceptionHandler; private transient Boolean pageUpdated; private MarkupContainer page; private transient DomainObjectReferenceFactory refFactory; private transient DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> domainRegistry; private transient PageRegistry pageRegistry; private transient ComponentRegistry componentRegistry; private transient Document htmlDocument; private transient List<Component> inheritedChildren = new ArrayList<Component>(); private transient WebDomainProperties configuration; private transient Behavior resetAfterRenderBehaviour = new Behavior() { @Override public void afterRender(Component component) { super.afterRender(component); //domainreference needs to be reset on ajax updates refFactory = null; domainRegistry = null; } }; static { defaultMethodExceptionHandler = new AjaxAlertMethodExceptionHandler(); } public DMDWebGenPageContext(MarkupContainer page) { = page; if ( { ((DMDWebPage) page).setPagecontext(this); } page.add(resetAfterRenderBehaviour); this.pageUpdated = true; this.componentRegistry = new ComponentRegistry(); // initial pageRegistry gets filled during first bind run this.pageRegistry = new PageRegistry(); this.touchedRegistryData = new TouchedRegistryData(); this.touchedRegistry = new TouchedRegistry(this);, this); registerInheritedChildren(); } protected void registerInheritedChildren() { page.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component child, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (child.getParent() == page) { inheritedChildren.add(child); } } }); } public void updatePage(AjaxRequestTarget target) { MarkupContainer root = SynchronizerHelper.findRoot(target.getPage()); IVisitor<Component, Object> visitor = new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component object, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (object instanceof MarkupContainer && object.getClass().equals(page.getClass()) && StringUtils.equals(page.getId(), object.getId())) { = (MarkupContainer) object; pageUpdated = true; } } }; visitor.component(root, null); root.visitChildren(visitor); if (pageUpdated == null) { pageUpdated = false; } } public static void setDefaultMethodExceptionHandler(MethodExceptionHandlerI defaultMethodExceptionHandler) { DMDWebGenPageContext.defaultMethodExceptionHandler = defaultMethodExceptionHandler; } public static List<BindingInterceptor> getDefaultBindingInterceptors() { return defaultBindingInterceptors; } public MethodExceptionHandlerI getMethodExceptionHandler() { if (methodExceptionHandler != null) { return methodExceptionHandler; } else { return defaultMethodExceptionHandler; } } public void setMethodExceptionHandler(MethodExceptionHandlerI methodExceptionHandler) { this.methodExceptionHandler = methodExceptionHandler; } private DomainObjectReferenceFactory loadRefFactory() { return new DomainObjectReferenceFactory(getPage().getDefaultModelObject()); } private DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> loadDomainRegistry() { // Wicket's development mode allows to reload classes at runtime, so in that mode // we must not cache any data structures which depend on class structures. The // domain registry prototypes are such a candidate. if (WebApplication.get().getConfigurationType() == RuntimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT) return constructDomainRegistry(); synchronized (DMDWebGenPageContext.class) { String domainClassName = page.getDefaultModelObject().getClass().getName(); DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> registry = domainRegistryPrototypes.get(domainClassName); if (registry == null) { registry = constructDomainRegistry(); domainRegistryPrototypes.put(domainClassName, registry); return registry; } else { // Construct a new DomainRegistry from an existing prototype rather than from // traversing the domain class structure. Creation from prototype is much faster. return registry.replicate(page.getDefaultModelObject()); } } } protected DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> constructDomainRegistry() { DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> registry; DMDWebGenContext<DomainObjectReference> ctx = new DMDWebGenContext<DomainObjectReference>(null, null, null, getRefFactory()); DomainRegistryVisitor<DomainObjectReference> visitor = new DomainRegistryVisitor<DomainObjectReference>( ctx); new DomainProcessor<DomainObjectReference>(ctx, visitor).process(); registry = visitor.getDomainRegistry(); return registry; } private Document loadDocument() { synchronized (DMDWebGenPageContext.class) { String pagePath = htmlPath(getPage().getClass()); WebDomainProperties props = getConfiguration(); HTMLDocumentCachingPolicy cachingPolicy = props.getHTMLDocumentCachingPolicy(); Document document = readCachedDocument(getPage().getClass(), props); if (document == null) { IResourceStream rstream = getInputStreamForHtmlFile(getPage().getClass(), props); InputStream in = openResourceStream(rstream); if (in == null) { in = createHtmlFileOnTheFly(props); } try { String html = IOUtils.toString(in); document = Jsoup.parse(html); if (cachingPolicy != HTMLDocumentCachingPolicy.none) documentCache.put(pagePath, document); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SevereGUIException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } return document; } } public WebDomainProperties getConfiguration() { synchronized (DMDWebGenPageContext.class) { if (configuration == null) configuration = new WebDomainProperties(getRefFactory().getRootReference().getClassRef()); } return configuration; } protected Document readCachedDocument(Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass, WebDomainProperties props) { String pagePath = htmlPath(pageClass); HTMLDocumentCachingPolicy cachingPolicy = props.getHTMLDocumentCachingPolicy(); switch (cachingPolicy) { case none: return null; case age: IResourceStream rstream = getInputStreamForHtmlFile(pageClass, props); if (rstream == null) return null; //TODO JL: HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Fall through default: return documentCache.get(pagePath); } } protected InputStream createHtmlFileOnTheFly(WebDomainProperties props) { IResourceStreamLocator locator = Application.get().getResourceSettings().getResourceStreamLocator(); // Without a DMDCachinResourceStreamLocator we could create the HTML but we could // not force a re-allocation of the created file. if (locator instanceof DMDCachingResourceStreamLocator) { DMDCachingResourceStreamLocator dmdLocator = (DMDCachingResourceStreamLocator) locator; Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass = getPage().getClass(); dmdLocator.drop(pageClass, htmlLookupPaths(pageClass)); JfdRetentionStrategy strategy = props.getJFDRetentionStrategy(); if (strategy != JfdRetentionStrategy.none) { runHtmlGenerator(props); IResourceStream rstream = getInputStreamForHtmlFile(pageClass, props); InputStream in = openResourceStream(rstream); if (in != null) return in; } } throw new SevereGUIException("No HTML file found for page " + getPage().getClass()); } public boolean mergeHtmlFileOnTheFly() { WebDomainProperties props = getConfiguration(); if (props.getJFDRetentionStrategy() != JfdRetentionStrategy.merge && props.getJFDRetentionStrategy() != JfdRetentionStrategy.silentmerge) return false; runHtmlGenerator(props); return true; } protected void runHtmlGenerator(WebDomainProperties props) { Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass = getPage().getClass(); Class<?> domainClass = getRefFactory().getRootReference().getClassRef().getDomainClass(); boolean generatePanel = props.getHTMLPanelBaseClass().isAssignableFrom(pageClass); new NocketGenerator().generateHTML(domainClass, generatePanel, null, null, null); } protected InputStream openResourceStream(IResourceStream rstream) { if (rstream == null) return null; try { return rstream.getInputStream(); } catch (ResourceStreamNotFoundException rsnfx) { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected IResourceStream getInputStreamForHtmlFile(Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass, WebDomainProperties props) { IResourceStream rstream = null; IResourceStreamLocator resourceStreamLocator = Application.get().getResourceSettings() .getResourceStreamLocator(); for (String htmlLookupPath : htmlLookupPaths(pageClass)) { rstream = fetchStream(pageClass, htmlLookupPath, resourceStreamLocator); if (rstream != null) break; } if (rstream == null) { Class<?> superclass = pageClass.getSuperclass(); if (superclass != props.getHTMLPageBaseClass() && MarkupContainer.class.isAssignableFrom(superclass)) { rstream = getInputStreamForHtmlFile((Class<? extends MarkupContainer>) superclass, props); } } return rstream; } private String htmlPath(Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass) { return pageClass.getName().replace(".", "/") + ".html"; } private String[] htmlLookupPaths(Class<? extends MarkupContainer> pageClass) { String htmlPath = htmlPath(pageClass); return new String[] { htmlPath, "/" + htmlPath }; } private IResourceStream fetchStream(Class<? extends MarkupContainer> clazz, String pagePath, IResourceStreamLocator resourceStreamLocator) { return resourceStreamLocator.locate(clazz, pagePath); } public MarkupContainer getPage() { if (pageUpdated == null || pageUpdated == false) { AjaxRequestTarget target = RequestCycle.get().find(AjaxRequestTarget.class); if (target != null) { updatePage(target); } } return page; } public DomainObjectReferenceFactory getRefFactory() { if (refFactory == null) { refFactory = loadRefFactory(); } return refFactory; } public DomainRegistry<DomainObjectReference> getDomainRegistry() { if (domainRegistry == null) { domainRegistry = loadDomainRegistry(); } return domainRegistry; } public PageRegistry getPageRegistry() { if (pageRegistry == null) { pageRegistry = new PageRegistry(); // page registry has to be refilled again since it was discarded in // the meantime try { new PageProcessor(new PageRegistryVisitor(this)).process(); } catch (ElementNotFoundException enfx) { throw new SevereGUIException(enfx); } } return pageRegistry; } public static ComponentRegistry getComponentRegistry(MarkupContainer page) { final ComponentRegistry result = new ComponentRegistry(); MarkupContainer root = SynchronizerHelper.findRoot(page); root.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component object, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (object.getId().equals(ModalElement.DEFAULT_WICKET_ID)) { //use the very first instance of this component! if (result.getComponent(object.getId()) == null) { result.addComponent(object); visit.stop(); } } } }); page.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component object, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (result.getComponent(object.getId()) == null) { result.addComponent(object); } } }); return result; } public ComponentRegistry getComponentRegistry() { if (componentRegistry == null) { componentRegistry = getComponentRegistry(getPage()); } return componentRegistry; } public Document getHtmlDocument() { if (htmlDocument == null) { htmlDocument = loadDocument(); } return htmlDocument; } public TouchedRegistryData getTouchedRegistryData() { return touchedRegistryData; } public TouchedRegistry getTouchedRegistry() { return touchedRegistry; } @Deprecated /** * This method is not really deprecated but the very opposite: it is not yet fully functional */ public void rebind(final MarkupContainer newPage) { // Alle direkten Kinder übertragen, welche die Klasse *nicht* von der Basisklasse geerbt hat page.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component child, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (child.getParent() == page && !inheritedChildren.contains(child)) { newPage.add(child); } } }); = newPage; //TODO JL: There are probably some more things which need to be reseted pageUpdated = true; refFactory = null; //TODO JL: What about the DomainRegistry? It looks to be an expensive thing to // re-create as it traverses the class structure. This is not necessary most of the // time as the class structure changes only rarely at runtime. Only in case Wicket // reloads the classes in development mode. } public void clearPage() { page.remove(resetAfterRenderBehaviour); final List<Component> nonInheritedChildren = new ArrayList<Component>(); page.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component child, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (child.getParent() == page && !inheritedChildren.contains(child)) { nonInheritedChildren.add(child); } } }); for (Component child : nonInheritedChildren) page.remove(child); } public boolean acceptMissingElements() { return getConfiguration().getJFDRetentionStrategy() == JfdRetentionStrategy.silentmerge; } /** * Returns true if the GUI represented by this context, is a page rather * than a (modal) dialog. This is derived from the page attribute's base * class which differs between pages and (modal) panels */ public boolean isPage() { return getConfiguration().getHTMLPageBaseClass().isAssignableFrom(page.getClass()); } // private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // System.out.println("DMDWebGenPageContext deserialized"); // s.defaultReadObject(); // } }