package main; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Cable extends JPanel implements Cloneable{ /** * 0 6 0 0 4 0 1 = kleur, module, 'gat', in (0), module, 'gat', in (0) of uit (1). * 'strikt' is dat het eerste gat een 'in' is en het tweede gat een 'uit' is... */ // .pch info private int color, originalColor; private int beginArray[], endArray[]; // .pch info private int xBegin, yBegin, xEnd, yEnd; private int cxBegin, cyBegin, cxEnd, cyEnd; private int initXBegin, initYBegin; // de initiele waarde vanhet beginpunt (voor dragCable) private int initXEnd, initYEnd; // de initiele waarde vanhet eindpunt (voor dragCable) private boolean curved; public static int AUDIO = 0; public static int CONTROL = 1; public static int LOGIC = 2; public static int SLAVE = 3; public static int USER1 = 4; public static int USER2 = 5; public static int LOOSE = 6; public static int SELECTCOLOR1 = 7; public static int SELECTCOLOR2 = 8; private static Color DARKRED = Color.RED.darker().darker(); private static Color DARKYELLOW = Color.YELLOW.darker().darker(); private static Color DARKGRAY = Color.GRAY.darker().darker(); private static Color DARKGREEN = Color.GREEN.darker(); private static Color DARKMAGENTA = Color.MAGENTA.darker().darker(); private static Color DARKWHITE = Color.WHITE.darker().darker(); private static Color DARKCYAN = Color.CYAN.darker(); private static Color LIGHTGRAY = Color.GRAY.brighter(); private static Color LIGHTORANGE = Color.ORANGE.brighter(); private CubicCurve2D.Double cubic = new CubicCurve2D.Double(); private Point2D.Double start = new Point2D.Double(0,0); private Point2D.Double one = new Point2D.Double(0,0); private Point2D.Double two = new Point2D.Double(0,0); private Point2D.Double end = new Point2D.Double(0,0); private final static BasicStroke stroke1 = new BasicStroke(1.0f); private final static BasicStroke stroke2 = new BasicStroke(2.0f); public final static int cableWindowOffset = 7; // Hoeveel groter moet het windowtje zijn van de cable? private final static RenderingHints AALIAS = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); private int waveOffset = 0; private int waveOffset2 = 0; private int waveOffset3 = 0; private double d2, d3 = 0; // private Cables cables = null; private Dimension dimension = new Dimension(0,0); Cable(String params) { super(); // [0] = module index, [1] = connector index, [2] = input or output beginArray = new int[3]; endArray = new int[3]; String[] paramArray = new String[7]; paramArray = params.split(" "); color = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[0]); originalColor = color; // De 4de parameter is 'altijd' 0, de 7de bepaald in(0) of uit(1) voor het laatste 'paar' // 'Out' kan ook een 'In' zijn... het doorlussen van een Out -> In -> In is mogelijk!!! beginArray[0] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[1]); beginArray[1] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[2]); beginArray[2] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[3]); if (beginArray[2] != 0) System.out.println("IN CONNECTOR EXPECTED!!! PATCH NON 3.0 complient!"); endArray[0] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[4]); endArray[1] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[5]); endArray[2] = Integer.parseInt(paramArray[6]); // In of Uit init(); } Cable(int newBeginMod, int newBeginConnector, int newBeginConnectorType, int newEndMod, int newEndConnector, int newEndConnectorType) { beginArray = new int[3]; endArray = new int[3]; setCableData(newBeginMod, newBeginConnector, newBeginConnectorType, newEndMod, newEndConnector, newEndConnectorType, Cable.LOOSE); init(); } Cable(int newX, int newY, int newType) { beginArray = new int[3]; endArray = new int[3]; color = newType; originalColor = color; xBegin = newX; yBegin = newY; initXBegin = xBegin; initYBegin = yBegin; xEnd = newX; yEnd = newY; initXEnd = xEnd; initYEnd = yEnd; setCableWindowLayout(xBegin, yBegin, xEnd, yEnd, true); init(); } public void setCableData(int newInMod, int newInConnector, int newInInput, int newOutMod, int newOutConnector, int newOutInput, int newType) { if (newInMod > -1) { // bij -1 dan moeten we de oude waarden behouden beginArray[0] = newInMod; beginArray[1] = newInConnector; beginArray[2] = newInInput; } if (newOutMod > -1) { // bij -1 dan moeten we de oude waarden behouden endArray[0] = newOutMod; endArray[1] = newOutConnector; endArray[2] = newOutInput; // In of Uit } if (newInInput == 1) {// als er in de begin array een out zit, dan moeten we gaan omdraaien. int newTempMod, newTempConnector, newTempInput = -1; newTempMod = beginArray[0]; newTempConnector = beginArray[1]; newTempInput = beginArray[2]; beginArray[0] = endArray[0]; beginArray[1] = endArray[1]; beginArray[2] = endArray[2]; endArray[0] = newTempMod; endArray[1] = newTempConnector; endArray[2] = newTempInput; } color = newType; originalColor = color; } // Sertters public void init() { this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); this.setOpaque(false); double r = Math.random(); if (r < 1) d2 = 1.2; if (r < 0.8) d2 = 1.4; if (r < 0.6) d2 = 1.6; if (r < 0.4) d2 = 2; if (r < 0.2) d2 = 3; r = Math.random(); if (r < 1) d3 = 1.2; if (r < 0.8) d3 = 1.4; if (r < 0.6) d3 = 1.6; if (r < 0.4) d3 = 2; if (r < 0.2) d3 = 3; } public void setColor(int newColor) { color = newColor; originalColor = color; this.repaint(); } public void setSelectColor1() { if (color != Cable.SELECTCOLOR1 && color != Cable.SELECTCOLOR2) { originalColor = color; } color = Cable.SELECTCOLOR1; this.repaint(); } public void setSelectColor2() { if (color != Cable.SELECTCOLOR2 && color != Cable.SELECTCOLOR1) { originalColor = color; } color = Cable.SELECTCOLOR2; this.repaint(); } // public int getTempColor() { // return tempColor; // } public void restoreColor() { color = originalColor; this.repaint(); } public void setNewDragWindowLayout(int newX, int newY) { // Debug.println(Cables.getDragBegin()?"Begin":"End"); // Debug.println("new : " + (newX - (2 * cableOffset)) + ", " + (newY - (2 * cableOffset))); // Debug.println("x,y : " + xBegin + "," + yBegin + " " + xEnd + "," + yEnd); if (Cables.getDragBeginWindow()) setCableWindowBegins(newX, newY); else setCableWindowEnds(newX, newY); } private void setCableWindowEnds(int newXEnd, int newYEnd) { // Bij het verslepen van de output setCableWindowLayout(initXBegin, initYBegin, newXEnd, newYEnd, false); } private void setCableWindowBegins(int newXBegin, int newYBegin) { // Bij het verslepen van de input setCableWindowLayout(newXBegin, newYBegin, initXEnd, initYEnd, false); } public void setCableWindowLayout(int newXBegin, int newYBegin, int newXEnd, int newYEnd, boolean newCurved) { // Debug.println("x, y : " + newXin + "," + newYin + " " + newXout + "," + newYout); // // int cxMin, cyMin; int dummy; this.curved = newCurved; if (newXBegin > newXEnd) { dummy = newXBegin; newXBegin = newXEnd; newXEnd = dummy; dummy = newYBegin; newYBegin = newYEnd; newYEnd = dummy; } xBegin = newXBegin - (2 * cableWindowOffset); yBegin = newYBegin - (2 * cableWindowOffset); xEnd = newXEnd - (2 * cableWindowOffset); yEnd = newYEnd - (2 * cableWindowOffset); cxBegin = newXBegin - (Math.min(newXBegin, newXEnd)) + (2 * cableWindowOffset) + Connection.imageWidth; cyBegin = newYBegin - (Math.min(newYBegin, newYEnd)) + (2 * cableWindowOffset) + Connection.imageWidth; cxEnd = newXEnd - (Math.min(newXBegin, newXEnd)) + (2 * cableWindowOffset) + Connection.imageWidth; cyEnd = newYEnd - (Math.min(newYBegin, newYEnd)) + (2 * cableWindowOffset) + Connection.imageWidth; dimension.setSize(Math.abs(xBegin - xEnd) + (4*cableWindowOffset) + (2*Connection.imageWidth), Math.abs(yBegin - yEnd) + (4*cableWindowOffset) + (2 * Connection.imageWidth)); this.setLocation(Math.min(xBegin, xEnd), Math.min(yBegin, yEnd)); this.setSize(dimension); waveOffset = (int)Math.sqrt(Math.abs(cxBegin - cxEnd) * Math.abs(cxBegin - cxEnd) + (Math.abs(cyBegin - cyEnd) * Math.abs(cyBegin - cyEnd))); if (waveOffset < 50) { waveOffset = 5; } if ((waveOffset >= 50) && (waveOffset < 100)) { waveOffset = 20; } if ((waveOffset >= 100) && (waveOffset < 200)) { waveOffset = 30; } if (waveOffset >= 200) { waveOffset = 40; } waveOffset2 = (int)(waveOffset / d2); waveOffset3 = (int)(waveOffset / d3); start.setLocation(cxBegin, cyBegin); if (this.curved) { if (cyBegin > cyEnd) { one.setLocation(cxBegin + waveOffset2, cyBegin - waveOffset); two.setLocation(cxEnd - waveOffset3, cyEnd + waveOffset); } else { one.setLocation(cxBegin + waveOffset3, cyBegin + waveOffset); two.setLocation(cxEnd - waveOffset2, cyEnd - waveOffset); } } else { one.setLocation(cxBegin, cyBegin); two.setLocation(cxEnd, cyEnd); } end.setLocation(cxEnd, cyEnd); cubic.setCurve(start, one, two, end); // Debug.println("Nieuwe waarden : " + newXBegin + "," + newYBegin + " " + newXEnd + "," + newYEnd); // Debug.println("Panel op splitpane : " + xBegin + "," + yBegin + " " + xEnd + "," + yEnd); // Debug.println("Kabel op panel : " + cxBegin + "," + cyBegin + " " + cxEnd + "," + cyEnd); // System.out.println(Math.abs(Math.abs(cxIn - cxOut) - Math.abs(cyIn - cyOut))); } public void reInitCables() { initXBegin = xBegin + (2 * cableWindowOffset); initYBegin = yBegin + (2 * cableWindowOffset); initXEnd = xEnd + (2 * cableWindowOffset); initYEnd = yEnd + (2 * cableWindowOffset); } // Getters public void setBeginModule(int i) { beginArray[0] = i; } public int getBeginModule() { return beginArray[0]; } public void setBeginConnector(int i) { beginArray[1] = i; } public int getBeginConnector() { return beginArray[1]; } public void setBeginConnectorType(int i) { beginArray[2] = i; } public int getBeginConnectorType() { return beginArray[2]; } public int getEndModule() { return endArray[0]; } public int getEndConnector() { return endArray[1]; } public int getEndConnectorType() { return endArray[2]; } public boolean determBeginOrEndWindowDrag(int newX, int newY) { if ((newX - (2 * cableWindowOffset) == xBegin) && (newY - (2 * cableWindowOffset) == yBegin)) return true; return false; } public boolean determBeginOrEndCableDrag(int newMod, int newIndex, int newInput) { if (newMod == beginArray[0] && newIndex == beginArray[1] && newInput == 0) return true; return false; } public int getColor() { return color; } public String getName() { String returnName; switch (color) { case 0: returnName = "Audio"; break; // 24bit, min = -64, max = +64 - 96kHz. case 1: returnName = "Control"; break; // 24bit, min = -64, max = +64 - 24kHz. case 2: returnName = "Logic"; break; // 1bit, low = 0, high = +64. case 3: returnName = "Slave"; break; // frequentie referentie tussen master en slave modulen case 4: returnName = "User1"; break; case 5: returnName = "User2"; break; case 6: returnName = "Loose"; break; default: returnName = "Wrong type..."; break; } return returnName; } public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) { super.paintComponent(gg); // this.setLocation(Math.min(xIn, xOut), Math.min(yIn, yOut)); // this.setSize(dimension); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg; g.addRenderingHints(AALIAS); switch (color) { case 0: g.setColor(Cable.DARKRED); break; case 1: g.setColor(Color.BLACK); break; case 2: g.setColor(Cable.DARKYELLOW); break; case 3: g.setColor(Cable.DARKGRAY); break; case 4: g.setColor(Cable.DARKGREEN); break; case 5: g.setColor(Cable.DARKMAGENTA); break; case 6: g.setColor(Cable.DARKWHITE); break; case 7: g.setColor(Cable.DARKCYAN); break; case 8: g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); break; } g.setStroke(stroke2); g.draw(cubic); switch (color) { case 0: g.setColor(Color.RED); break; case 1: g.setColor(Color.BLUE); break; case 2: g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); break; case 3: g.setColor(Cable.LIGHTGRAY); break; case 4: g.setColor(Color.GREEN); break; case 5: g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); break; case 6: g.setColor(Color.WHITE); break; case 7: g.setColor(Color.CYAN); break; case 8: g.setColor(Cable.LIGHTORANGE); break; } g.setStroke(stroke1); g.draw(cubic); // g.drawOval((int)cubic.ctrlx1, (int)cubic.ctrly1, 2, 2); // g.drawOval((int)cubic.ctrlx2, (int)cubic.ctrly2, 2, 2); // g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); // g.drawRect(0, 0, this.getWidth()-1, this.getHeight()-1); } // public Object clone() { // try { // Cable obj = (Cable)super.clone(); // = (HashMap)map.clone(); // return obj; // } // catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // throw new InternalError(e.toString()); // } // } public String toString() { return "[" + beginArray[0] + ", " + beginArray[1] + ", " + beginArray[2] + "]-[" + endArray[0] + ", " + endArray[1] + ", " + endArray[2] + "]"; } }