package no.niths.infrastructure.development; import no.niths.domain.development.Developer; import no.niths.infrastructure.AbstractGenericRepositoryImpl; import no.niths.infrastructure.development.interfaces.DeveloperRepository; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * Repository class for Developer * * <p> * Inherits the basic CRUD actions and has method * for getByDeveloperKey * </p> */ @Repository public class DeveloperRepositoryImpl extends AbstractGenericRepositoryImpl<Developer> implements DeveloperRepository { public DeveloperRepositoryImpl() { super(Developer.class, new Developer()); } @Override @Deprecated public Developer getByDeveloperToken(String token, boolean isEnabled) { String sql = "from " + Developer.class.getSimpleName() + " d " + "where d.developerToken = :token"; if (isEnabled){ sql += " and d.enabled=true"; } return (Developer) getSession().getCurrentSession().createQuery(sql) .setString("token", token).uniqueResult(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Developer getByDeveloperKey(String key) { String sql = "from " + Developer.class.getSimpleName() + " d " + "where d.developerKey = :token"; return (Developer) getSession().getCurrentSession().createQuery(sql) .setString("token", key).uniqueResult(); } }