/* Copyright 2012 Aguzzi Cristiano Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package jada.ngeditor.controller; import de.lessvoid.nifty.EndNotify; import de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty; import de.lessvoid.nifty.controls.NiftyControl; import de.lessvoid.nifty.elements.Element; import jada.ngeditor.listeners.events.AddElementEvent; import jada.ngeditor.listeners.events.ReloadGuiEvent; import jada.ngeditor.listeners.events.RemoveElementEvent; import jada.ngeditor.listeners.events.SelectionChanged; import jada.ngeditor.listeners.events.UpdateElementEvent; import jada.ngeditor.model.GUI; import jada.ngeditor.model.GUIFactory; import jada.ngeditor.model.GuiEditorModel; import jada.ngeditor.model.Selection; import jada.ngeditor.model.elements.GElement; import jada.ngeditor.model.elements.GLayer; import jada.ngeditor.model.elements.GScreen; import jada.ngeditor.model.elements.specials.GUseControls; import jada.ngeditor.model.elements.specials.GUseStyle; import jada.ngeditor.model.exception.IllegalDropException; import jada.ngeditor.model.exception.NoProductException; import jada.ngeditor.model.utils.NiftyDDManager; import jada.ngeditor.persistence.GUIReader; import jada.ngeditor.persistence.GUIWriter; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Editor controller provides a list of method to interact with * @see GUI and its elements. * @author Cris */ public class GUIEditor extends Observable implements Observer{ private GUI gui; private GElement selected; private LinkedList<GLayer> currentlayers; private GScreen currentS; private GLayer currentL; private GUIWriter writer ; private final ElementEditor eEditor; private NiftyDDManager dragDropManager; /** * The model of the editor. */ private GuiEditorModel model; public GUIEditor(){ currentlayers= new LinkedList<GLayer>(); eEditor=new ElementEditor(this); this.model = new GuiEditorModel(); this.model.addObserver(this); } /** * Create a new empty gui with one screen and set as the current gui. * @param nifty a valid Nifty instace @see Nifty * @throws ParserConfigurationException if controller failed to create * a valid document instance */ public void createNewGui(Nifty nifty) throws ParserConfigurationException, JAXBException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NoProductException{ gui= GUIFactory.getInstance().createGUI(nifty); GScreen screen = (GScreen) GUIFactory.getInstance().newGElement(GScreen.class); GLayer layer1 = (GLayer) GUIFactory.getInstance().newGElement(GLayer.class); screen.addChild(layer1, true); getGui().addScreen(screen); this.currentS = screen; this.currentL = layer1; this.currentlayers.clear(); this.currentlayers.add(layer1); GUseControls standardControls = new GUseControls(); GUseStyle standardStyle = new GUseStyle(); standardControls.setFilename("nifty-default-controls.xml"); standardStyle.setFilename("nifty-default-styles.xml"); this.gui.addUseControls(standardControls); this.gui.addUseStyles(standardStyle); this.model.setCurentGUI(gui); this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new ReloadGuiEvent(gui)); this.clearChanged(); writer = new GUIWriter(gui); dragDropManager = new NiftyDDManager(nifty); System.gc(); } /** * Create a new gui from a file and current assetFolder as assets * @param nifty a valid Nifty instace @see Nifty * @throws ParserConfigurationException if controller failed to create * a valid document instance * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws Exception if nifty can't create the gui * @return A string with the elements that weren't loaded * */ public String createNewGui(Nifty nifty ,File filename) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, NoProductException, Exception{ String assets= "."; if(this.gui != null){ assets = this.gui.getAssetFolder().getPath(); } GUIReader reader = new GUIReader(nifty); String res = ""; this.gui = reader.readGUI(filename); this.gui.setAssetFolder(new File(assets)); res = reader.getTagNotLoaded(); final GScreen screen =this.getGui().gettopScreen(); for(String sel : nifty.getAllScreensName()){ nifty.removeScreen(sel); } writer = new GUIWriter(gui); nifty.scheduleEndOfFrameElementAction(new Reload(nifty, screen.getID()), new EndNotify() { @Override public void perform() { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new ReloadGuiEvent(gui)); clearChanged(); } }); currentL=gui.getTopLayer(); currentS=gui.gettopScreen(); currentlayers.addAll(gui.getLayers()); dragDropManager = new NiftyDDManager(nifty); this.model.setCurentGUI(gui); return res; } /** * Create a new gui from a file with given assetsFolder * @param nifty a valid Nifty instace @see Nifty * @throws ParserConfigurationException if controller failed to create * a valid document instance * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws Exception if nifty can't create the gui * @return A string with the elements that weren't loaded */ public String createNewGui(Nifty nifty ,File filename,File assetsFolder) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, NoProductException, Exception{ GUIReader reader = new GUIReader(nifty); String res = ""; this.gui = reader.readGUI(filename); this.gui.setAssetFolder(assetsFolder); res = reader.getTagNotLoaded(); final GScreen screen =this.getGui().gettopScreen(); for(String sel : nifty.getAllScreensName()){ nifty.removeScreen(sel); } writer = new GUIWriter(gui); nifty.scheduleEndOfFrameElementAction(new Reload(nifty, screen.getID()), new EndNotify() { @Override public void perform() { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new ReloadGuiEvent(gui)); clearChanged(); } }); currentL=gui.getTopLayer(); currentS=gui.gettopScreen(); currentlayers.addAll(gui.getLayers()); dragDropManager = new NiftyDDManager(nifty); this.model.setCurentGUI(gui); return res; } /** * Create a new gui from a file with given assetsFolder * @param nifty a valid Nifty instace @see Nifty * @throws ParserConfigurationException if controller failed to create * a valid document instance * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws Exception if nifty can't create the gui * @return A string with the elements that weren't loaded */ public String createNewGui(Nifty nifty , InputStream stream,File assetsFolder) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, NoProductException, Exception{ GUIReader reader = new GUIReader(nifty); String res = ""; this.gui = reader.readGUI(stream); this.gui.setAssetFolder(assetsFolder); res = reader.getTagNotLoaded(); final GScreen screen =this.getGui().gettopScreen(); for(String sel : nifty.getAllScreensName()){ nifty.removeScreen(sel); } writer = new GUIWriter(gui); nifty.scheduleEndOfFrameElementAction(new Reload(nifty, screen.getID()), new EndNotify() { @Override public void perform() { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new ReloadGuiEvent(gui)); clearChanged(); } }); currentL=gui.getTopLayer(); currentS=gui.gettopScreen(); currentlayers.addAll(gui.getLayers()); dragDropManager = new NiftyDDManager(nifty); this.model.setCurentGUI(gui); return res; } public void saveGui(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException{ writer.writeGUI(filename); } public void saveGui(GUI gui,String filename) throws JAXBException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException{ GUIWriter writer = new GUIWriter(gui); writer.writeGUI(filename); } /** * Refresh the current gui . It causes a call to nifty.fromXml method. * @param nifty * @throws Exception if nifty can't load the old gui */ public void refresh(Nifty nifty) throws Exception{ if(getGui() != null){ String screenID =this.currentS.getID(); nifty.scheduleEndOfFrameElementAction(new Reload(nifty, screenID), null); } } /** * * @return true if there's no gui in the editor */ public boolean isfirstGui(){ return getGui()==null; } /** * Select an element in x and y screen coordinates * @param x * @param y */ public void selectElement(int x,int y){ this.selectElement(findElement(new Point(x,y))); } /** * Select a specific element * @param UID GElement to select */ public void selectElement(GElement UID){ if(this.selected != null && this.selected.equals(UID)){ return; } if(UID instanceof GScreen ){ this.currentS = (GScreen) UID; this.currentlayers.clear(); for(GElement lay : currentS.getElements()){ this.currentlayers.add((GLayer)lay); } this.currentL = this.currentlayers.peekLast(); this.getGui().goTo(currentS); }else if(UID instanceof GLayer ){ this.currentL = (GLayer)UID; if(!UID.getParent().equals(this.currentS)){ this.currentS = (GScreen) UID.getParent(); this.gui.goTo(this.currentS); } }else{ GElement temp = UID; while(temp!= null && !(temp instanceof GLayer)){ temp = temp.getParent(); } if(temp!= null && !temp.equals(this.currentL)){ this.currentL = (GLayer) temp; } temp = temp != null ? temp.getParent() : null; if(temp!= null && !temp.equals(this.currentS)){ this.currentS = (GScreen)temp; this.gui.goTo(this.currentS); } } this.selected=UID; this.gui.getSelection().setSelection(selected); } /** * Find the first GUI element by its id * @param id id attribute * @return null if there's no Element with that id */ public GElement findElement(String id){ GElement res = null; for(GScreen screen : this.gui.getScreens()){ if(screen.getID().equals(id)) return screen; for(GElement layer : screen.getElements()){ if(layer.getID().equals(id)) return layer; for(GElement ele : this.gui.getAllChild(layer)) if(ele.getID().equals(id)) return ele; } } return res; } /** * Add element to selected or to last element added (not tested) * @param child * @return This editor useful for chains: editor.addElement(one,two).addElement(three); */ public GUIEditor addElement(GElement child){ return this.addElement(child, this.selected); } /** * Add Element to parent (not tested) * @param child * @param parent * @return This editor useful for chains: editor.addElement(one,two).addElement(two,three); */ public GUIEditor addElement(GElement child,GElement parent){ if(child instanceof GScreen){ this.currentS = (GScreen) child; this.currentL = null; this.currentlayers.clear(); for(GElement lay : currentS.getElements()){ this.currentlayers.add((GLayer)lay); } this.getGui().addScreen(currentS); this.getGui().goTo(currentS); } else if(child instanceof GLayer){ if(parent instanceof GScreen){ this.getGui().addElement(child,parent); }else throw new IllegalDropException("Can't add a layer to a simple element"); GLayer temp =(GLayer) child; this.currentL=temp; this.currentlayers.add(temp); } else{ if(findElement(parent.getID())==null){ throw new IllegalDropException("Parent is not in the GUI"); } this.getGui().addElement(child, parent); } this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new AddElementEvent(child)); parent.getNiftyElement().layoutElements(); this.selectElement(child); return this; } /** * Add an Element in a specific position * @param e element to add * @param mouse mouse position or screen position * */ public void addElement(GElement e,Point2D mouse){ if(e instanceof GScreen){ this.currentS = (GScreen) e; this.currentL = null; this.currentlayers.clear(); for(GElement lay : currentS.getElements()){ this.currentlayers.add((GLayer)lay); } this.getGui().addScreen(currentS); this.getGui().goTo(currentS); } else if(e instanceof GLayer){ if(this.currentS != null){ this.getGui().addElement(e,this.currentS); }else throw new IllegalDropException("No screen!"); GLayer temp =(GLayer) e; this.currentL=temp; this.currentlayers.add(temp); e.getParent().getNiftyElement().layoutElements(); } else{ if(this.currentlayers.isEmpty()){ throw new IllegalDropException("No layer to drop in"); } if(currentL.contains(mouse)){ GElement result = findElement(mouse); this.getGui().addElement(e, result); String layout= result.getAttribute("childLayout"); if(layout.equals("absolute")){ int parentX = result.getNiftyElement().getX(); int parentY = result.getNiftyElement().getY(); e.addAttribute("x",""+ (int)(mouse.getX()-parentX)); e.addAttribute("y",""+ (int)(mouse.getY()-parentY)); e.refresh(); } e.getParent().getNiftyElement().layoutElements(); } } this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new AddElementEvent(e)); this.selectElement(e); } public GScreen getCurrentScreen(){ return this.currentS; } public GElement getSelected(){ return this.selected; } public boolean isSelectionEmpy(){ return this.selected == null; } public void removeSelected(){ this.removeElement(selected); } public void removeElement(GElement element){ this.getGui().removeElement(element); if(element instanceof GLayer){ this.currentlayers.remove(element); if(this.currentlayers.size() > 0){ this.currentL = this.currentlayers.getLast(); }else this.currentL = null; } this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new RemoveElementEvent(element)); this.gui.getSelection().clearSelection(); } public void reloadAfterFresh(){ this.getGui().reloadAfterFresh(); } public ElementEditor getElementEditor(){ eEditor.setEdited(selected); return eEditor; } public ElementEditor getElementEditor(GElement toEdit){ eEditor.setEdited(toEdit); return eEditor; } /** * move an element in points coordinates. * @param to * @param from */ public void move(Point2D to,final GElement from){ if(from instanceof GLayer) return; this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new RemoveElementEvent(from)); EndNotify callback = new EndNotify() { @Override public void perform() { GUIEditor.this.setChanged(); GUIEditor.this.notifyObservers(new AddElementEvent(from)); GUIEditor.this.selectElement(from); fireUpdate(from); } }; LinkedList<GElement> elements = findAllElements(to); GElement ele = elements.pollLast(); if(ele.equals(from)) { getGui().move(to,elements.pollLast(), from,callback); } else { getGui().move(to,ele,from,callback); } } /** * @return the gui */ public GUI getGui() { return gui; } /** * Find the upper visible element in screen coordinates * @param point screen coordinate * @return the upper element or if there's no one the upper layer visible */ public GElement findElement(Point2D point) { GElement result = null; if (currentL == null) { result = currentS; } else { LinkedList<GElement> res = this.findAllElements(point); result = res.getLast(); } return result; } public LinkedList<GElement> findAllElements(Point2D point){ LinkedList<GElement> res = new LinkedList<GElement>(); if (currentL == null) { res.add(currentS); } else { res.add(currentL); for (GElement ele : this.gui.getAllChild(currentL)) { if (ele.contains(point)) { res.add(ele); } } } return res; } /** * * Get Nifty element from a GElement * @param id * @return Nifty element inside the GElement */ public Element getNiftyElement(String id){ return this.findElement(id).getNiftyElement(); } /** * Util method that wraps Element.findNiftyControl * @see Element#findNiftyControl(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) * @param <T> * @param id * @param request * @return */ public <T extends NiftyControl> T getNiftyControl(String id , Class<T> request){ return this.findElement(id).getNiftyElement().findNiftyControl(id, request); } /** * Notify all observers that an element it's been updated * @param sel updated gui element */ public void fireUpdate(GElement sel){ sel.fireUpdate(); this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(new UpdateElementEvent(sel)); this.clearChanged(); } public GLayer getCurrentLayer(){ return this.currentL; } public NiftyDDManager getDragDropSupport(){ return this.dragDropManager; } @Override public String toString(){ return this.gui.toString(); } @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { this.gui = this.model.getCurrent(); try { this.writer = new GUIWriter(gui); } catch (JAXBException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GUIEditor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GUIEditor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GUIEditor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private class Reload implements de.lessvoid.nifty.elements.Action{ private final Nifty nifty; private final String screen; private Reload(Nifty nifty,String screen){ this.nifty = nifty; this.screen = screen; } @Override public void perform() { try { nifty.fromXml(""+getGui(),writer.getDocumentStream() , this.screen); reloadAfterFresh(); nifty.getCurrentScreen().getFocusHandler().resetFocusElements(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(GUIEditor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } public GuiEditorModel getModel() { return model; } }