import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class GameWinnerReducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GameWinnerReducer.class); private static final char OUTPUT_SEPARATOR = '\t'; /** 20120923_KC@NO 5 -9 32 KC NO 3 6 13 */ Pattern lastPlay = Pattern.compile("\\t([4|5])\\t(-?\\d*)\\t(\\d\\d)\\t"); @Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<Text> allValues = new ArrayList<Text>(); // Find the last play of the game to see who wins // Note: this should be done with a secondary sort and not have to cache the values // but more importantly because of sorting int currentLowMinute = 60; int currentLowSecond = 60; int currentHighestQuarter = 0; String currentEnd = null; for (Text value : values) { allValues.add(new Text(value)); // Process the game output String play = value.toString(); Matcher gameMatcher = lastPlay.matcher(play); // Minutes in overtime are negative // 20120923_KC@NO 5 -9 32 KC NO 3 6 13 (6:32) R.Succop 31 yard field goal is GOOD Center-T.Gafford // Holder-D.Colquitt. 24 24 2012 null null false false false false RUN NO KC 20120923 NO if (gameMatcher.find()) { int quarter = Integer.parseInt(; int minutes = Integer.parseInt(; int seconds = Integer.parseInt(; if (quarter >= currentHighestQuarter && minutes <= currentLowMinute && seconds < currentLowSecond) { currentHighestQuarter = quarter; currentLowMinute = minutes; currentLowSecond = seconds; currentEnd = play; } continue; } } if (currentEnd == null) { // Game doesn't contain the ending. Skip the game logger.warn("Current end is null"); return; } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); String[] pieces = currentEnd.split("\\t", -1); int offenseScore = Integer.parseInt(pieces[10].trim()); int defenseScore = Integer.parseInt(pieces[11].trim()); // Desc at 9 - Home team at 22 Away team at 23 if (offenseScore == defenseScore) { // Last play of the game won output.append(pieces[4]).append(OUTPUT_SEPARATOR); // Try to figure out what the last play was if (pieces[9].toUpperCase().indexOf("TOUCHDOWN") != -1) { // It was a touchdown offenseScore += 7; } else { // Otherwise, it was probably a field goal offenseScore += 3; } } else if (offenseScore > defenseScore) { // Offense won the game output.append(pieces[4]).append(OUTPUT_SEPARATOR); } else { // Defense won the game output.append(pieces[5]).append(OUTPUT_SEPARATOR); } // Was the home team on offense to output the winning score? int homeTeamScore, awayTeamScore; if (pieces[4].equals(pieces[22])) { homeTeamScore = offenseScore; awayTeamScore = defenseScore; } else { homeTeamScore = defenseScore; awayTeamScore = offenseScore; } output.append(homeTeamScore).append(OUTPUT_SEPARATOR); output.append(awayTeamScore); for (Text value : allValues) { context.write(value, new Text(output.toString())); } } }