package; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import; import; import; import; import; public class TestConfigurableParsing extends AndroidTestCase { public void testConfigurables() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory( new SingletonTypeAdapterFactory( new DefaultRuntimeTypeAdapterFactory<TestConfigurable>( getContext(), TestConfigurable.class, Test1.class, new ConfigurableTypeAdapterFactory()) ) ).create(); Test1 test1 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, Test1.class); assertEquals("Default was not set in configurable", 1, test1.overridden); assertEquals("Default private field was not set in configurable", 2, test1.getPrivateField()); JsonObject expectedConfig = new JsonObject(); expectedConfig.addProperty("@type", Test1.class.getName()); expectedConfig.addProperty("overridden", 1); expectedConfig.addProperty("privateField", 2); assertEquals("Configurable not serialized correctly", expectedConfig, gson.toJsonTree(test1)); test1 = gson.fromJson("{\"overridden\": 5, \"privateField\": 3}", Test1.class); assertEquals("Specified config was not set in configurable", 5, test1.overridden); assertEquals("Specified config on private field was not set in configurable", 3, test1.getPrivateField()); // Test runtime config test1 = gson.fromJson("{\"@type\":\"" + Test2.class.getName() + "\", \"overridden\": 5, \"privateField\": 3}", Test1.class); assertTrue("Runtime type not created from config", test1 instanceof Test2); assertEquals("Specified config was not set in configurable", 5, test1.overridden); assertEquals("Specified config was not set in configurable", "5", ((Test2)test1).overridden); assertEquals("Specified config on private field was not set in configurable", 3, test1.getPrivateField()); test1 = gson.fromJson("{\"notConfigurable\": \"yes\"}", Test1.class); assertEquals("Specified config was not set in configurable", "no", test1.notConfigurable); // Test default is used if not specified TestConfigurable test = gson.fromJson("{\"overridden\": 5, \"privateField\": 3}", TestConfigurable.class); assertTrue("Runtime type not created from config", test instanceof Test1); // Test nested types String nestedJson = "{\"@type\":\"" + Test2.class.getName() + "\", \"overridden\": 5, \"privateField\": 3, \"nested\": {\"@type\":\"" + Test2.class.getName() + "\", \"privateField\": 5}}"; test = gson.fromJson(nestedJson, TestConfigurable.class); assertTrue("Runtime type not created from config", test instanceof Test2); Test2 test2 = (Test2)test; assertTrue("Runtime type not created from nested config", test2.nested instanceof Test2); assertEquals("Specified config was not set in nested configurable", 5, test2.nested.getPrivateField()); String expectedSerialized = "{\"@type\":\"$Test2\",\"nested\":{\"@type\":\"$Test2\",\"nested\":{\"@type\":\"$Test1\",\"overridden\":1,\"privateField\":2},\"overridden\":1,\"privateField\":5},\"overridden\":5,\"privateField\":3}"; assertEquals("Configurable not serialized to json correctly", new JsonParser().parse(expectedSerialized), gson.toJsonTree(test)); } public void testSingleton() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory( new SingletonTypeAdapterFactory( new DefaultRuntimeTypeAdapterFactory<TestConfigurable>( getContext(), TestConfigurable.class, Test1.class, new ConfigurableTypeAdapterFactory()) ) ).create(); TestConfigurable test1 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, Test1.class); TestConfigurable test2 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, Test1.class); TestConfigurable test3 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, TestConfigurable.class); assertSame("Singleton Type Adapter should return identical object for identical config and runtime configurations", test1, test2); assertSame("Singleton Type Adapter should return identical object for identical config and runtime configurations", test1, test3); test1 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, Test1.class); test2 = gson.fromJson("{\"privateField\": 5}", Test1.class); assertNotSame("Two different configurations should not be cached the same.", test1, test2); // Specifying default should not return different /* TODO: this is the way it should work, but need to come up with a method for doing this that does not involve creating an instance to figure out if you need to create a new instance test1 = gson.fromJson(Probe.DEFAULT_CONFIG, Test1.class); test2 = gson.fromJson("{\"privateField\": 2}", Test1.class); assertSame("Two configurations that produce the same runtime object should be the same.", test1, test2); */ } public interface TestConfigurable { } public static class Test1 implements TestConfigurable { @Configurable public int overridden = 1; @Configurable private int privateField = 2; public String notConfigurable = "no"; public int getPrivateField() { return privateField; } } public static class Test2 extends Test1 { @Configurable public String overridden = "test"; @Configurable public Test1 nested = new Test1(); } }