package com.jjoe64.graphview; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; /** * Line Graph View. This draws a line chart. * @author jjoe64 - jonas gehring - * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jonas Gehring * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * */ public class LineGraphView extends GraphView { private final Paint paintBackground; private boolean drawBackground; public LineGraphView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); paintBackground = new Paint(); paintBackground.setARGB(255, 20, 40, 60); paintBackground.setStrokeWidth(4); } public LineGraphView(Context context, String title) { super(context, title); paintBackground = new Paint(); paintBackground.setARGB(255, 20, 40, 60); paintBackground.setStrokeWidth(4); } @Override public double drawSeries(Canvas canvas, GraphViewData[] values, float graphwidth, float graphheight, float top_border, float bottom_border, double minX, double minY, double diffX, double diffY, float horstart) { // draw background double lastEndY = 0; double lastEndX = 0; if (drawBackground) { float startY = graphheight - top_border; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { double valY = values[i].valueY - minY; double ratY = valY / diffY; double y = (graphheight - top_border) * ratY; double valX = values[i].valueX - minX; double ratX = valX / diffX; double x = graphwidth * ratX; float endX = (float) x + (horstart + 1); float endY = (float) (top_border - y) + graphheight +2; if (i > 0) { // fill space between last and current point int numSpace = (int) ((endX - lastEndX) / 3f) +1; for (int xi=0; xi<numSpace; xi++) { float spaceX = (float) (lastEndX + ((endX-lastEndX)*xi/(numSpace-1))); float spaceY = (float) (lastEndY + ((endY-lastEndY)*xi/(numSpace-1))); // start => bottom edge float startX = spaceX; // do not draw over the left edge if (startX-horstart > 1) { canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, spaceX, spaceY, paintBackground); } } } lastEndY = endY; lastEndX = endX; } } // draw data lastEndY = 0; lastEndX = 0; double size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { double valY = values[i].valueY - minY; double ratY = valY / diffY; double y = (graphheight - top_border) * ratY; size += y; double valX = values[i].valueX - minX; double ratX = valX / diffX; double x = graphwidth * ratX; if (i > 0) { float startX = (float) lastEndX + (horstart + 1); float startY = (float) (top_border - lastEndY + graphheight - top_border); float endX = (float) x + (horstart + 1); float endY = (float) (top_border - y + graphheight - top_border); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY, paint); } lastEndY = y; lastEndX = x; } return size; } public boolean getDrawBackground() { return drawBackground; } /** * @param drawBackground true for a light blue background under the graph line */ public void setDrawBackground(boolean drawBackground) { this.drawBackground = drawBackground; } }