/* * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBufferFactory; import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel; import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelException; import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelFuture; import org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent; import org.jboss.netty.channel.ReceiveBufferSizePredictor; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import static org.jboss.netty.channel.Channels.*; /** * A class responsible for registering channels with {@link Selector}. * It also implements the {@link Selector} loop. */ public class NioDatagramWorker extends AbstractNioWorker { private final SocketReceiveBufferAllocator bufferAllocator = new SocketReceiveBufferAllocator(); /** * Sole constructor. * * @param executor the {@link Executor} used to execute {@link Runnable}s * such as {@link ChannelRegistionTask} */ NioDatagramWorker(final Executor executor) { super(executor); } @Override protected boolean read(final SelectionKey key) { final NioDatagramChannel channel = (NioDatagramChannel) key.attachment(); ReceiveBufferSizePredictor predictor = channel.getConfig().getReceiveBufferSizePredictor(); final ChannelBufferFactory bufferFactory = channel.getConfig().getBufferFactory(); final DatagramChannel nioChannel = (DatagramChannel) key.channel(); final int predictedRecvBufSize = predictor.nextReceiveBufferSize(); final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = bufferAllocator.get(predictedRecvBufSize).order(bufferFactory.getDefaultOrder()); boolean failure = true; SocketAddress remoteAddress = null; try { // Receive from the channel in a non blocking mode. We have already been notified that // the channel is ready to receive. remoteAddress = nioChannel.receive(byteBuffer); failure = false; } catch (ClosedChannelException e) { // Can happen, and does not need a user attention. } catch (Throwable t) { fireExceptionCaught(channel, t); } if (remoteAddress != null) { // Flip the buffer so that we can wrap it. byteBuffer.flip(); int readBytes = byteBuffer.remaining(); if (readBytes > 0) { // Update the predictor. predictor.previousReceiveBufferSize(readBytes); final ChannelBuffer buffer = bufferFactory.getBuffer(readBytes); buffer.setBytes(0, byteBuffer); buffer.writerIndex(readBytes); // Update the predictor. predictor.previousReceiveBufferSize(readBytes); // Notify the interested parties about the newly arrived message. fireMessageReceived( channel, buffer, remoteAddress); } } if (failure) { key.cancel(); // Some JDK implementations run into an infinite loop without this. close(channel, succeededFuture(channel)); return false; } return true; } @Override protected boolean scheduleWriteIfNecessary(final AbstractNioChannel<?> channel) { final Thread workerThread = thread; if (workerThread == null || Thread.currentThread() != workerThread) { if (channel.writeTaskInTaskQueue.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // "add" the channels writeTask to the writeTaskQueue. registerTask(channel.writeTask); } return true; } return false; } static void disconnect(NioDatagramChannel channel, ChannelFuture future) { boolean connected = channel.isConnected(); boolean iothread = isIoThread(channel); try { channel.getDatagramChannel().disconnect(); future.setSuccess(); if (connected) { if (iothread) { fireChannelDisconnected(channel); } else { fireChannelDisconnectedLater(channel); } } } catch (Throwable t) { future.setFailure(t); if (iothread) { fireExceptionCaught(channel, t); } else { fireExceptionCaughtLater(channel, t); } } } @Override protected Runnable createRegisterTask(Channel channel, ChannelFuture future) { return new ChannelRegistionTask((NioDatagramChannel) channel, future); } /** * RegisterTask is a task responsible for registering a channel with a * selector. */ private final class ChannelRegistionTask implements Runnable { private final NioDatagramChannel channel; private final ChannelFuture future; ChannelRegistionTask(final NioDatagramChannel channel, final ChannelFuture future) { this.channel = channel; this.future = future; } /** * This runnable's task. Does the actual registering by calling the * underlying DatagramChannels peer DatagramSocket register method. */ public void run() { final SocketAddress localAddress = channel.getLocalAddress(); if (localAddress == null) { if (future != null) { future.setFailure(new ClosedChannelException()); } close(channel, succeededFuture(channel)); return; } try { channel.getDatagramChannel().register( selector, channel.getRawInterestOps(), channel); if (future != null) { future.setSuccess(); } } catch (final IOException e) { if (future != null) { future.setFailure(e); } close(channel, succeededFuture(channel)); if (!(e instanceof ClosedChannelException)) { throw new ChannelException( "Failed to register a socket to the selector.", e); } } } } @Override public void writeFromUserCode(final AbstractNioChannel<?> channel) { /* * Note that we are not checking if the channel is connected. Connected * has a different meaning in UDP and means that the channels socket is * configured to only send and receive from a given remote peer. */ if (!channel.isBound()) { cleanUpWriteBuffer(channel); return; } if (scheduleWriteIfNecessary(channel)) { return; } // From here, we are sure Thread.currentThread() == workerThread. if (channel.writeSuspended) { return; } if (channel.inWriteNowLoop) { return; } write0(channel); } @Override protected void write0(final AbstractNioChannel<?> channel) { boolean addOpWrite = false; boolean removeOpWrite = false; long writtenBytes = 0; final SocketSendBufferPool sendBufferPool = this.sendBufferPool; final DatagramChannel ch = ((NioDatagramChannel) channel).getDatagramChannel(); final Queue<MessageEvent> writeBuffer = channel.writeBufferQueue; final int writeSpinCount = channel.getConfig().getWriteSpinCount(); synchronized (channel.writeLock) { // inform the channel that write is in-progress channel.inWriteNowLoop = true; // loop forever... for (;;) { MessageEvent evt = channel.currentWriteEvent; SocketSendBufferPool.SendBuffer buf; if (evt == null) { if ((channel.currentWriteEvent = evt = writeBuffer.poll()) == null) { removeOpWrite = true; channel.writeSuspended = false; break; } channel.currentWriteBuffer = buf = sendBufferPool.acquire(evt.getMessage()); } else { buf = channel.currentWriteBuffer; } try { long localWrittenBytes = 0; SocketAddress raddr = evt.getRemoteAddress(); if (raddr == null) { for (int i = writeSpinCount; i > 0; i --) { localWrittenBytes = buf.transferTo(ch); if (localWrittenBytes != 0) { writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes; break; } if (buf.finished()) { break; } } } else { for (int i = writeSpinCount; i > 0; i --) { localWrittenBytes = buf.transferTo(ch, raddr); if (localWrittenBytes != 0) { writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes; break; } if (buf.finished()) { break; } } } if (localWrittenBytes > 0 || buf.finished()) { // Successful write - proceed to the next message. buf.release(); ChannelFuture future = evt.getFuture(); channel.currentWriteEvent = null; channel.currentWriteBuffer = null; evt = null; buf = null; future.setSuccess(); } else { // Not written at all - perhaps the kernel buffer is full. addOpWrite = true; channel.writeSuspended = true; break; } } catch (final AsynchronousCloseException e) { // Doesn't need a user attention - ignore. } catch (final Throwable t) { buf.release(); ChannelFuture future = evt.getFuture(); channel.currentWriteEvent = null; channel.currentWriteBuffer = null; // Mark the event object for garbage collection. //noinspection UnusedAssignment buf = null; //noinspection UnusedAssignment evt = null; future.setFailure(t); fireExceptionCaught(channel, t); } } channel.inWriteNowLoop = false; // Initially, the following block was executed after releasing // the writeLock, but there was a race condition, and it has to be // executed before releasing the writeLock: // // https://issues.jboss.org/browse/NETTY-410 // if (addOpWrite) { setOpWrite(channel); } else if (removeOpWrite) { clearOpWrite(channel); } } fireWriteComplete(channel, writtenBytes); } @Override public void run() { super.run(); bufferAllocator.releaseExternalResources(); } }