package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public class WiFiFramePrinter { final private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // Information Element IDs static final int IE_SSID =0x00; static final int IE_SUPP_RATES =0x01; static final int IE_FH_PARAMETER =0x02; static final int IE_DS_PARAMETER =0x03; static final int IE_CF_PARAMETER =0x04; static final int IE_TIM =0x05; static final int IE_IBSS_PARAMETER =0x06; static final int IE_CHALLENGE_TEXT =0x10; private static Map<Integer, String> mainTypeMap; private static Map<Integer, String> typeMap; private static Map<Integer, String> reasonMap; private static Map<Integer, String> statusMap; static { mainTypeMap=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); mainTypeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_FRAME, "Management Frame"); mainTypeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CONTROL_FRAME, "Control Frame"); mainTypeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_FRAME, "Data Frame"); typeMap=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_ASSOC_REQ, "Association Request"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_ASSOC_RESP, "Association Response"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_REASSOC_REQ, "Reassociation Request"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_REASSOC_RESP, "Reassociation Response"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_PROBE_REQ, "Probe Request"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_PROBE_RESP, "Probe Response"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_BEACON, "Beacon"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_ATIM, "ATIM"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_DISASS, "Dissassociate"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_AUTHENTICATION, "Authentication"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.MGT_DEAUTHENTICATION, "Deauthentication"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_PS_POLL, "Power-Save poll"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_RTS, "Request-to-send"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_CTS, "Clear-to-send"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, "Acknowledgement"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_CFP_END, "CF-End"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.CTRL_CFP_ENDACK, "CF-End + CF-Ack"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA, "Data"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_ACK, "Data + CF-Acknowledgement"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_POLL, "Data + CF-Poll"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_ACK_POLL, "Data + CF-Acknowledgement/Poll"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_NULL_FUNCTION, "Null"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_ACK_NOD, "Data + Acknowledgement (No data)"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_POLL_NOD, "Data + CF-Poll (No data)"); typeMap.put(WiFiFrame.DATA_CF_ACK_POLL_NOD, "Data + CF-Acknowledgement/Poll (No data)"); reasonMap=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); reasonMap.put(0x00, "Reserved"); reasonMap.put(0x01, "Unspecified reason"); reasonMap.put(0x02, "Previous authentication no longer valid"); reasonMap.put(0x03, "Deauthenticated because sending STA is leaving (has left) IBSS or ESS"); reasonMap.put(0x04, "Disassociated due to inactivity"); reasonMap.put(0x05, "Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated stations"); reasonMap.put(0x06, "Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station"); reasonMap.put(0x07, "Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station"); reasonMap.put(0x08, "Disassociated because sending STA is leaving (has left) BSS"); reasonMap.put(0x09, "Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station"); statusMap=new HashMap<Integer, String>(); statusMap.put(0x00, "Successful"); statusMap.put(0x01, "Unspecified failure"); statusMap.put(0x0A, "Cannot support all requested capabilities in the Capability information field"); statusMap.put(0x0B, "Reassociation denied due to inability to confirm that association exists"); statusMap.put(0x0C, "Association denied due to reason outside the scope of this standard"); statusMap.put(0x0D, "Responding station does not support the specified authentication algorithm"); statusMap.put(0x0E, "Received an Authentication frame with authentication sequence transaction sequence number out of expected sequence"); statusMap.put(0x0F, "Authentication rejected because of challenge failure"); statusMap.put(0x10, "Authentication rejected due to timeout waiting for next frame in sequence"); statusMap.put(0x11, "Association denied because AP is unable to handle additional associated stations"); statusMap.put(0x12, "Association denied due to requesting station not supporting all of the datarates in the BSSBasicServiceSet Parameter"); } public void print(WiFiFrame frame) { if (frame instanceof ManagementFrame) { print((ManagementFrame) frame); return; } if (frame instanceof DataFrame) { print((DataFrame) frame); return; } buffer.append("IEEE 802.11 " + typeMap.get(frame.type) + " " + frame.transmitter() + " -> " + frame.receiver()); printEncryptionStatus(frame); } public void print(DataFrame frame) { buffer.append("IEEE 802.11 " + typeMap.get(frame.type) + " " + frame.source() + " -> " + frame.destination() + " via " + frame.bssid()); printEncryptionStatus(frame); } public void print(ManagementFrame frame) { buffer.append("IEEE 802.11 " + typeMap.get(frame.type) + " " + frame.source() + " -> " + frame.destination() + " via " + frame.bssid()); printInformationElements(frame.informationElements()); printEncryptionStatus(frame); } public void print(AssociationResponse frame) { print((ManagementFrame) frame); printStatus(frame.statusCode); } public void print(Authentication frame) { print((ManagementFrame) frame); printStatus(frame.statusCode); } public void print(Deauthentication frame) { print((ManagementFrame) frame); printReason(frame.reasonCode); } public void print(Disassociation frame) { print((ManagementFrame) frame); printReason(frame.reasonCode); } private void printEncryptionStatus(WiFiFrame frame) { if (frame.isProtected()) buffer.append(" PRIVATE"); } private void printStatus(int code) { buffer.append(" Status: "+statusMap.get(code)); } private void printReason(int code) { buffer.append(" Reason: "+reasonMap.get(code)); } private void printInformationElements(List<InformationElement> elements) { for (InformationElement element: elements) { switch ( { case IE_SSID: buffer.append(" SSID=\"" + element.toString() + "\""); break; case IE_SUPP_RATES: buffer.append(" Rates="); byte[] IE = element.toBytes(); for(int j=0; j<IE.length; j++) { int rate=IE[j] & 0x7f; if (j>0) buffer.append(","); buffer.append((rate*500)/1000); } break; case IE_FH_PARAMETER: buffer.append(" FH="+hexa(element.toBytes())); break; case IE_DS_PARAMETER: buffer.append(" Channel="+element.toInteger()); break; case IE_CF_PARAMETER: buffer.append(" CF="+hexa(element.toBytes())); break; case IE_TIM: buffer.append(" TIM="+hexa(element.toBytes())); break; case IE_IBSS_PARAMETER: buffer.append(" IBSS="+hexa(element.toBytes())); break; case IE_CHALLENGE_TEXT: buffer.append(" Challenge=\""+element.toString()+"\""); break; default: buffer.append(" ""="+hexa(element.toBytes())); break; } } } // XXX private String hexa(byte[] bytes) { final String xlat = "0123456789abcdef"; String answer = ""; for (byte x: bytes) { answer += String.valueOf(xlat.charAt((x >>> 4) & 0x0F)) + String.valueOf(xlat.charAt(x & 0x0F)); } return answer; } public String toString() { return buffer.toString(); } }