package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicRelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.index.IndexService; import org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexService; import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.LockManager; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModel; import org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.FulltextIndex; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Literal; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Uri; import; import; import; import; import; import org.neo4j.util.GraphDatabaseUtil; import org.neo4j.util.PropertyArraySet; public abstract class AbstractUriBasedExecutor implements RepresentationExecutor { public static final String START_OF_ILLEGAL_URI = "%"; public static final int DEFAULT_URI_CACHE_SIZE = 100000; public static final String URI_PROPERTY_KEY = "uri"; public static final String LITERAL_VALUE_KEY = "value"; public static final String META_EXECUTOR_INFO_KEY = "meta"; public static final String RDF_NAMESPACE = ""; public static final String RDF_TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACE + "type"; private final GraphDatabaseService graphDb; private final GraphDatabaseUtil graphDbUtil; private final IndexService index; private final MetaModel model; private FulltextIndex fulltextIndex; public AbstractUriBasedExecutor( GraphDatabaseService graphDb, IndexService index, MetaModel optionalModel, FulltextIndex optionalFulltextIndex ) { this.graphDb = graphDb; this.index = index; this.graphDbUtil = new GraphDatabaseUtil( graphDb ); this.model = optionalModel; this.fulltextIndex = optionalFulltextIndex; if ( this.index instanceof LuceneIndexService ) { LuceneIndexService luceneIndex = (LuceneIndexService) this.index; Integer cacheSize = luceneIndex.getEnabledCacheSize( URI_PROPERTY_KEY ); if ( cacheSize == null ) { // TODO Really have System.out here? System.out.println( "Cache not enabled for '" + URI_PROPERTY_KEY + "' Setting it (" + luceneIndex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "#enableCache" + ") to " + DEFAULT_URI_CACHE_SIZE ); try { luceneIndex.enableCache( URI_PROPERTY_KEY, DEFAULT_URI_CACHE_SIZE ); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { System.out.println("INFO: Could not enable cache: " + uoe); } } } } public FulltextIndex getFulltextIndex() { return this.fulltextIndex; } protected GraphDatabaseService graphDB() { return this.graphDb; } public IndexService index() { return this.index; } protected GraphDatabaseUtil graphDbUtil() { return this.graphDbUtil; } // protected MetaStructure meta() // { // return this.meta; // } // protected void debug( String message ) // { // System.out.println( message ); // } // // private void debugRelationship( Relationship relationship, // boolean create ) // { // String sign = create ? "+" : "-"; // debug( "\t" + sign + "Relationship (" + relationship + ") " + // relationship.getStartNode() + " --[" + // relationship.getType().name() + "]--> " + // relationship.getEndNode() ); // } // protected void debugCreateRelationship( Relationship relationship ) // { // debugRelationship( relationship, true ); // } // protected void debugDeleteRelationship( Relationship relationship ) // { // debugRelationship( relationship, false ); // } // protected void debugCreateNode( Node node, String uri ) // { // debug( "\t+Node (" + node.getId() + ") " + ( uri == null ? "" : uri ) ); // } // protected void debugDeleteNode( Node node, String uri ) // { // debug( "\t-Node (" + node.getId() + ") " + ( uri == null ? "" : uri ) ); // } protected String getNodeUri( AbstractNode node ) { Uri uri = node.getUriOrNull(); return uri == null ? null : uri.getUriAsString(); } public Node lookupNode( AbstractNode abstractNode ) { Node result = null; // if ( isMeta( abstractNode ) ) // { // MetaStructureThing thing = getMetaStructureThing( abstractNode ); // result = thing == null ? null : thing.node(); // } // else // { String nodeUri = getNodeUri( abstractNode ); if ( null != nodeUri ) { result = index().getSingleNode( URI_PROPERTY_KEY, nodeUri ); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Nodes without URIs (e.g. Blank Nodes) not supported at the moment: " + abstractNode.toString() ); } // } return result; } protected NodeContext lookupOrCreateNode( AbstractNode abstractNode, Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping ) { Node node = lookupNode( abstractNode ); boolean created = false; if ( node == null ) { node = createNode( abstractNode, nodeMapping ); created = true; } else { if ( nodeMapping != null ) { nodeMapping.put( abstractNode, node ); } } return new NodeContext( node, created ); } protected void deleteNode( Node node, Uri uriOrNull ) { // debugDeleteNode( node, uriOrNull == null ? null : // uriOrNull.getUriAsString() ); node.delete(); if ( uriOrNull != null ) { index().removeIndex( node, URI_PROPERTY_KEY, uriOrNull.getUriAsString() ); } } protected void deleteNodeIfEmpty( AbstractNode abstractNode, Node node ) { if ( nodeIsEmpty( abstractNode, node, true ) ) { deleteNode( node, abstractNode.getUriOrNull() ); } } // protected MetaStructureThing getMetaStructureThing( AbstractNode node ) // { // MetaStructureThing thing = null; // String metaInfo = getMetaExecutorInfo( node ); // if ( node.getUriOrNull() == null ) // { // } // else if ( metaInfo.equals( "class" ) ) // { // thing = meta().getGlobalNamespace().getMetaClass( // node.getUriOrNull().getUriAsString(), false ); // } // else if ( metaInfo.equals( "property" ) ) // { // thing = meta().getGlobalNamespace().getMetaProperty( // node.getUriOrNull().getUriAsString(), false ); // } // else // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Strange meta info '" + // metaInfo + "'" ); // } // return thing; // } public String getNodeUriPropertyKey( AbstractNode abstractNode ) { // return isMeta( abstractNode ) ? MetaStructureObject.KEY_NAME : // URI_PROPERTY_KEY; return URI_PROPERTY_KEY; } protected Relationship findDirectRelationship( Node startNode, RelationshipType relType, Node endNode, Direction directionOrNull ) { Relationship relationship = null; Iterable<Relationship> relationships = directionOrNull == null ? startNode.getRelationships( relType ) : startNode.getRelationships( relType, directionOrNull ); for ( Relationship rel : relationships ) { if ( rel.getOtherNode( startNode ).equals( endNode ) ) { relationship = rel; break; } } return relationship; } protected void ensureDirectlyDisconnected( Node startNode, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Node endNode ) { ensureDirectlyDisconnected( startNode, abstractRelationship, endNode, Direction.OUTGOING ); } protected void ensureDirectlyDisconnected( Node startNode, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Node endNode, Direction optimizeDirection ) { Node start = optimizeDirection == Direction.OUTGOING ? startNode : endNode; Node end = optimizeDirection == Direction.OUTGOING ? endNode : startNode; RelationshipType relType = relationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ); Relationship relationship = findDirectRelationship( start, relType, end, optimizeDirection ); if ( relationship != null ) { deleteRelationship( relationship ); } } protected Relationship ensureDirectlyConnected( Node startNode, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Node endNode ) { return ensureDirectlyConnected( startNode, abstractRelationship, endNode, Direction.OUTGOING ); } protected Relationship ensureDirectlyConnected( Node startNode, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Node endNode, Direction optimizeDirection ) { Node start = optimizeDirection == Direction.OUTGOING ? startNode : endNode; Node end = optimizeDirection == Direction.OUTGOING ? endNode : startNode; RelationshipType relType = relationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ); Relationship relationship = findDirectRelationship( start, relType, end, optimizeDirection ); if ( relationship == null ) { createRelationship( start, abstractRelationship, end ); } return relationship; } protected RelationshipType relationshipType( String name ) { return DynamicRelationshipType.withName( name ); } protected String getMetaExecutorInfo( AbstractNode node ) { return (String) node.getSingleExecutorInfo( META_EXECUTOR_INFO_KEY ); } // protected boolean isMeta( AbstractNode node ) // { // return meta() != null && getMetaExecutorInfo( node ) != null; // } protected boolean containsProperties( PropertyContainer container, Map<String, Collection<Object>> containingProperties, Collection<String> excludeThese ) { for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : containingProperties.entrySet() ) { String key = entry.getKey(); if ( excludeThese.contains( key ) ) { continue; } Collection<Object> values = entry.getValue(); Collection<Object> rawValues = graphDbUtil().getPropertyValues( container, key ); if ( !rawValues.containsAll( values ) ) { return false; } } return true; } protected Map<AbstractNode, Node> getWellKnownNodeMappings( AbstractRepresentation representation ) { Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping = new HashMap<AbstractNode, Node>(); for ( AbstractNode abstractNode : representation.nodes() ) { if ( abstractNode.getUriOrNull() != null ) { Node node = lookupNode( abstractNode ); if ( node == null ) { return null; } nodeMapping.put( abstractNode, node ); } } return nodeMapping; } protected boolean applyRepresentation( AbstractElement abstractElement, PropertyContainer container ) { boolean changed = false; for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( container, entry.getKey() ); for ( Object value : entry.getValue() ) { boolean added = rawValues.add( value ); if ( added ) { changed = true; // debug( "\t+Property" + " (" + container + ") " // + entry.getKey() + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); } } } return changed; } protected boolean removeRepresentation( AbstractElement abstractElement, PropertyContainer container ) { boolean changed = false; for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( container, entry.getKey() ); for ( Object value : entry.getValue() ) { boolean removed = rawValues.remove( value ); if ( removed ) { changed = true; // debug( "\t-Property" + " (" + container + ") " // + entry.getKey() + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); } } } return changed; } protected boolean nodeIsEmpty( AbstractNode abstractNode, Node node, boolean checkRelationships ) { if ( checkRelationships && node.hasRelationship() ) { return false; } String legalKey = getNodeUriPropertyKey( abstractNode ); for ( String key : node.getPropertyKeys() ) { if ( !key.equals( legalKey ) ) { return false; } } return true; } protected boolean removeRepresentation( AbstractElement element, PropertyContainer container, String key ) { boolean someRemoved = false; Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( container, key ); for ( Object value : key ) ) { boolean removed = rawValues.remove( value ); if ( removed ) { someRemoved = true; // debug( "\t-Property (" + container + ") " // + key + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); } } return someRemoved; } protected Object getRealLiteralValue( Literal literal ) { // TODO Conversion? return literal.getValue(); } protected void indexLiteral( Node node, Uri predicate, Object literalValue ) { index().index( node, LITERAL_VALUE_KEY, literalValue ); if ( getFulltextIndex() != null ) { getFulltextIndex().index( node, predicate, literalValue ); } } protected void removeLiteralIndex( Node node, Uri predicate, Object literalValue ) { index().removeIndex( node, LITERAL_VALUE_KEY, literalValue ); if ( getFulltextIndex() != null ) { getFulltextIndex().removeIndex( node, predicate, literalValue ); } } public Iterable<Node> findLiteralNodes( Object value ) { return index().getNodes( LITERAL_VALUE_KEY, value ); } protected Relationship createRelationship( Node from, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Node to ) { Relationship relationship = from.createRelationshipTo( to, relationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ) ); applyRepresentation( abstractRelationship, relationship ); // debugCreateRelationship( relationship ); return relationship; } protected Node createNode( AbstractNode abstractNode, Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping ) { Node node = graphDb.createNode(); Uri uri = abstractNode.getUriOrNull(); if ( uri != null ) { node.setProperty( URI_PROPERTY_KEY, uri.getUriAsString() ); index().index( node, URI_PROPERTY_KEY, uri.getUriAsString() ); } applyRepresentation( abstractNode, node ); // debugCreateNode( node, uri == null ? null : uri.toString() ); if ( nodeMapping != null ) { nodeMapping.put( abstractNode, node ); } return node; } protected void deleteRelationship( Relationship relationship ) { getLockManager().getReadLock( relationship ); try { relationship.delete(); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { // ok some other thread deleted it } finally { getLockManager().releaseReadLock( relationship ); } } private LockManager getLockManager() { return ( (EmbeddedGraphDatabase) graphDb ).getConfig().getLockManager(); } protected static class NodeContext { private Node node; private boolean created; protected NodeContext( Node node, boolean created ) { this.node = node; this.created = created; } protected Node getNode() { return this.node; } protected boolean wasCreated() { return this.created; } } }