package it.paspiz85.nanobot.platform; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.exception.BotConfigurationException; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.util.Area; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.util.Pixel; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.util.Point; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.util.Size; import it.paspiz85.nanobot.util.Utils; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * Abstract implementation of {@link Platform}. * * @author paspiz85 * */ public abstract class AbstractPlatform implements Platform { private static final Area FULLSCREEN = Area.bySize(new Point(0, 0), GAME_SIZE); private static final String IMG_FOLDER = "img"; private static final Object WAIT_FOR_CLICK_SYNC = new Object(); protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); @Override public final boolean compareColor(final Color c1, final Color c2, final int var) { return compareColor(c1.getRGB(), c2.getRGB(), var); } private boolean compareColor(final int c1, final int c2, final int var) { final int r1 = c1 >> 16 & 0xFF; final int r2 = c2 >> 16 & 0xFF; final int g1 = c1 >> 8 & 0xFF; final int g2 = c2 >> 8 & 0xFF; final int b1 = c1 >> 0 & 0xFF; final int b2 = c2 >> 0 & 0xFF; return !(Math.abs(r1 - r2) > var || Math.abs(g1 - g2) > var || Math.abs(b1 - b2) > var); } protected void doActivate() { } protected abstract void doApplySize(Size size) throws BotConfigurationException; protected abstract void doKeyPress(final int keyCode, final boolean shifted) throws InterruptedException; /** * Do a left click in the game. * * @param point * coordinates of click. * @throws InterruptedException */ protected abstract void doLeftClick(final Point point) throws InterruptedException; /** * Pick a screenshot from game. * * @param p1 * top left corner of screenshot. * @param p2 * bottom right corner of screenshot. * @return image containing the screenshot. */ protected abstract BufferedImage doScreenshot(Point p1, Point p2); protected abstract void doSingleZoomUp() throws InterruptedException; protected abstract void doWrite(String s) throws InterruptedException; protected abstract Size getActualSize(); /** * Given a point return the color of pixel. * * @param point * coordinates of pixel. * @return color of a pixel. */ protected abstract Color getColor(Point point); @Override public final BufferedImage getSubimage(final BufferedImage image, final Area area) { return getSubimage(image, area.getEdge1(), area.getEdge2()); } @Override public final BufferedImage getSubimage(final BufferedImage image, final Point p1, final Point p2) { final int x1 = p1.x(); final int y1 = p1.y(); final int x2 = p2.x(); final int y2 = p2.y(); return image.getSubimage(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } @Override public final void init() throws BotConfigurationException { init(() -> false); } @Override public final void init(final BooleanSupplier autoAdjustResolution) throws BotConfigurationException { doActivate(); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "Setting up platform..."); setup(); setupResolution(autoAdjustResolution); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "Setup is successful"); } @Override public final void keyPress(final int keyCode, final boolean shifted) throws InterruptedException { doActivate(); doKeyPress(keyCode, shifted); } @Override public final void leftClick(final Point point) throws InterruptedException { leftClick(point, true); } @Override public final void leftClick(final Point point, final boolean randomize) throws InterruptedException { if (point == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point not provided"); } doActivate(); Point p = point; logger.log(Level.FINER, "Clicking " + p); // randomize coordinates little bit if (randomize) { p = new Point(p.x() - 1 + Utils.RANDOM.nextInt(3), p.y() - 1 + Utils.RANDOM.nextInt(3)); } doLeftClick(p); } @Override public boolean matchColoredPoint(final Pixel point) { if (point == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("point not provided"); } final Color actualColor = getColor(point); final boolean result = compareColor(point.getColor(), actualColor, 5); return result; } /** * Register for a click on the game. * * @param clickConsumer * listener that receive the click. * @return true if registration is OK, false otherwise. */ protected abstract boolean registerForClick(Consumer<Point> clickConsumer); @Override public File saveImage(final BufferedImage img, final String... filePathRest) { File result = null; try { result = saveImageInternal(img, IMG_FOLDER, filePathRest); } catch (final IOException e1) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e1.getMessage(), e1); } return result; } private File saveImageInternal(final BufferedImage img, final String filePathFirst, final String... filePathRest) throws IOException { final Path path = Paths.get(filePathFirst, filePathRest).toAbsolutePath(); String fileName = path.getFileName().toString(); if (!path.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) { fileName = path.getFileName().toString() + ".png"; } final File file = new File(path.getParent().toString(), fileName); if (!file.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } logger.log(Level.FINE, "Saving image at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); ImageIO.write(img, "png", file); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Saved image at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return file; } @Override public final File saveScreenshot(final Area area, final String... filePathRest) { final BufferedImage img = screenshot(area); return saveImage(img, filePathRest); } @Override public final File saveScreenshot(final String... filePathRest) { final BufferedImage img = screenshot(); return saveImage(img, filePathRest); } @Override public final BufferedImage screenshot() { return screenshot(null); } @Override public final BufferedImage screenshot(final Area area) { doActivate(); BufferedImage result; if (area == null) { result = doScreenshot(FULLSCREEN.getEdge1(), FULLSCREEN.getEdge2()); } else { result = doScreenshot(area.getEdge1(), area.getEdge2()); } return result; } protected abstract void setup() throws BotConfigurationException; private void setupResolution(final BooleanSupplier autoAdjustResolution) throws BotConfigurationException { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Checking plaftorm resolution..."); try { final Size bsActualSize = getActualSize(); final Size bsExpectedSize = getExpectedSize(); if (!bsExpectedSize.equals(bsActualSize)) { logger.warning(String.format("Platform resolution is %s", bsActualSize.toString())); if (!autoAdjustResolution.getAsBoolean()) { throw new BotConfigurationException("Re-run when resolution is fixed"); } doApplySize(bsExpectedSize); } } catch (final BotConfigurationException e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new BotConfigurationException("Unable to change resolution. Do it manually", e); } } @Override public final void sleepRandom(final int sleepInMs) throws InterruptedException { final int time = sleepInMs + Utils.RANDOM.nextInt(sleepInMs); logger.log(Level.FINER, "Sleeping for " + time + " ms"); Thread.sleep(time); } @Override public final Point waitForClick() throws InterruptedException { final Point[] result = new Point[1]; final boolean[] done = new boolean[1]; final boolean registered = registerForClick((point) -> { result[0] = point; done[0] = true; synchronized (WAIT_FOR_CLICK_SYNC) { WAIT_FOR_CLICK_SYNC.notify(); } }); if (registered) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Waiting for user to click"); synchronized (WAIT_FOR_CLICK_SYNC) { while (!done[0]) { WAIT_FOR_CLICK_SYNC.wait(); } } } return result[0]; } @Override public final void write(final String s) throws InterruptedException { doActivate(); doWrite(s); } @Override public final void zoomUp() throws InterruptedException { doActivate(); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "Zooming out..."); final int notch = 14; for (int i = 0; i < notch; i++) { doSingleZoomUp(); Thread.sleep(1000); } } }