package io.muoncore.api; import; import org.reactivestreams.Publisher; import reactor.rx.broadcast.Broadcaster; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Take a bidirectional channel and add request/ response semantics to * it at the code level. */ public class ChannelFutureAdapter<Receive, Send> { private ChannelConnection<Send, Receive> channelConnection; public ChannelFutureAdapter(ChannelConnection<Send, Receive> channelConnection) { this.channelConnection = channelConnection; } public MuonFuture<Receive> request(Send obj) { ChannelFuture<Receive> ret = new ChannelFuture<>(); channelConnection.receive(ret::setData); channelConnection.send(obj); return ret; } class ChannelFuture<X> implements MuonFuture<X> { final CountDownLatch responseReceivedSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); private volatile boolean isDone; private X data; private boolean cancelled = false; private PromiseFunction<X> onFulfilled; private Broadcaster<X> broadcast; public void setData(X data) { if (isDone) return; = data; if (onFulfilled != null) {; } if (broadcast != null) { broadcast.accept(data); } shutdown(); responseReceivedSignal.countDown(); } @Override public Publisher<X> toPublisher() { if (broadcast == null) { broadcast = Broadcaster.create(); } return broadcast; } @Override public boolean cancel(boolean b) { if (isDone) return false; shutdown(); isDone = true; cancelled = true; return true; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return cancelled; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return isDone; } @Override public void then(PromiseFunction<X> onFulfilled) { this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled; if ( != null) {; } } @Override public X get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { try { responseReceivedSignal.await(); return data; } finally { shutdown(); } } @Override public X get(long l, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { try { responseReceivedSignal.await(l, timeUnit); return data; } finally { shutdown(); } } private void shutdown() { if (isDone || isCancelled()) return; isDone = true; channelConnection.shutdown(); if (broadcast != null) { broadcast.onComplete(); } } } }