package com.performizeit.mjprof.plugins.output; /** * This application that requires the following additional files: * TreeDemoHelp.html * arnold.html * bloch.html * chan.html * jls.html * swingtutorial.html * tutorial.html * tutorialcont.html * vm.html */ import com.performizeit.mjprof.api.Param; import com.performizeit.mjprof.api.Plugin; import com.performizeit.mjprof.parser.ThreadDump; import com.performizeit.mjprof.plugin.types.Outputer; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Plugin(name="gui", params ={@Param(type = String.class,value = "title",optional=true,defaultValue = ""), @Param(type = int.class,value = "maxInvocations",optional=true,defaultValue = "10") }, description="Displays current thread dump in a GUI window") public class SnapshotToGui implements Outputer,PipeHandler { private int maxInvocations; private int curInvocation; private String title; private int instanceNumber; private static int snapshotToGuiInstanceNumber = 1; public SnapshotToGui(String title,int maxInvocations) { this.maxInvocations = maxInvocations; curInvocation = 0; this.title = title; this.instanceNumber = snapshotToGuiInstanceNumber; snapshotToGuiInstanceNumber++; } @Override public Object handleMsg(final Object msg) { curInvocation++; String title1 = title; if (title1.isEmpty()) title1 = "MJProf "+Thread.currentThread().getName(); if( curInvocation <= maxInvocations) { final int cinv = curInvocation; final String tit = title1; final ThreadDump msg2 = (ThreadDump)msg; ThreadDumpGuiViewer.createAndShowGUI( msg2,tit +":"+cinv); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { } }); } return msg; } @Override public Object handleDone() { return null; } }