package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Component public class S3Utils { private static final InputStream emptyInputStream = new EmptyInputStream(); private final AmazonS3Client client; private final TransferManager transferManager; private final String tmpDirectory; private final ExecutorService uploaderService; private final boolean aes256Encryption; private final ReadUtils readUtils; @Autowired public S3Utils(AmazonS3Client client, TransferManager transferManager, @Value("${s3.tmp.dir:#{systemProperties['']}}") String tmpDirectory, @Value("${s3.aes256.enabled:false}") boolean aes256Encryption, @Qualifier("s3UploadExecutorService") ExecutorService uploaderService) { this.client = client; this.transferManager = transferManager; this.tmpDirectory = tmpDirectory; this.uploaderService = uploaderService; this.aes256Encryption = aes256Encryption; this.readUtils = new ReadUtils( transferManager, tmpDirectory); } public S3Utils(AmazonS3Client client, TransferManager transferManager, String tmpDirectory, ExecutorService uploaderService) { this( client, transferManager, tmpDirectory, false, uploaderService); } public S3Reader reader(String bucket) { return new S3Reader( readUtils, client, bucket); } public S3ObjectWriter writer(String bucket) { return new S3ObjectWriter( transferManager, bucket, new File( tmpDirectory), aes256Encryption); } public S3StringWriter stringWriter(String bucket) { return new S3StringWriter( client, bucket, uploaderService, aes256Encryption); } public S3Deleter deleter(String bucket) { return new S3Deleter( bucket, client); } /** * Method returns list of all <b>S3ObjectSummary</b> objects, subject to * <i>req</i> parameters. Multiple S3 calls will be performed if there are * more than 1000 elements there * * @param req * - ListObjectRequest to be used. * @return List of S3ObjectSummary from bucket, */ public List<S3ObjectSummary> getAllSummaries(ListObjectsRequest req) { List<S3ObjectSummary> result = new ArrayList<>(); String marker = null; ListObjectsRequest req2 = (ListObjectsRequest) req.clone(); ObjectListing listing; do { listing = client.listObjects(req2.withMarker(marker)); marker = listing.getNextMarker(); result.addAll(listing.getObjectSummaries()); } while (listing.isTruncated()); return result; } /** * Method return stream of S3ObjectSummary objects, subject to <i>req</i> * parameters Method will perform one query for every 1000 elements (current * s3 limitation). It is lazy, so there would be no unnecesarry calls * * @param req * - ListObjectRequest to be used. * @param processor * - Function that convert S3ObjectSummary to any object * @return ReactiveSeq of converted S3Object summary elements. */ public <T> ReactiveSeq<T> getSummariesStream(ListObjectsRequest req, Function<S3ObjectSummary, T> processor) { return ReactiveSeq.fromIterator(new S3ObjectSummaryIterator( client, req)) .map(processor); } /** * Method delete all <i>objects</i> from <i>bucketName</i> in groups by 1000 * elements * * @param bucketName * @param objects */ public void delete(String bucketName, List<KeyVersion> objects) { ReactiveSeq.fromList(objects) .grouped(1000) .forEach(l -> { DeleteObjectsRequest req = new DeleteObjectsRequest( bucketName); req.setKeys(l.toList()); client.deleteObjects(req); }); } /** * Provide empty InputStream. * <p> * This implementation can be convenient if you need to place some empty * value to s3 bucket. * * @return empty InputStream */ public static InputStream emptyInputStream() { return emptyInputStream; } /** * Method returns InputStream from S3Object. Multi-part download is used to * get file. s3.tmp.dir property used to store temporary files. * * @param bucketName * @param key * @return * @throws AmazonServiceException * @throws AmazonClientException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * * @deprecated see ReadUtils */ @Deprecated public InputStream getInputStream(String bucketName, String key) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException, IOException{ return readUtils.getInputStream(bucketName, key); } /** * Method returns InputStream from S3Object. Multi-part download is used to * get file. s3.tmp.dir property used to store temporary files. You can * specify temporary file name by using tempFileSupplier object. * * @param bucketName * @param key * - * @param tempFileSupplier * - Supplier providing temporary filenames * @return InputStream of * @throws AmazonServiceException * @throws AmazonClientException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * * @deprecated see ReadUtils */ @Deprecated public InputStream getInputStream(String bucketName, String key, Supplier<File> tempFileSupplier) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException, IOException{ return readUtils.getInputStream(bucketName, key, tempFileSupplier); } static class EmptyInputStream extends InputStream { @Override public int available() { return 0; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { throw new IOException( "Nothing to read here"); } } static class S3ObjectSummaryIterator implements Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> { private final AmazonS3Client client; private ListObjectsRequest req; private Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> iterator; private boolean empty = true; public S3ObjectSummaryIterator(AmazonS3Client client, ListObjectsRequest req) { this.client = client; this.req = req; updateIterator(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { return true; } else if (!empty) { updateIterator(); return iterator.hasNext(); } else { return false; } } private void updateIterator() { if (iterator == null || !iterator.hasNext()) { ObjectListing listing = client.listObjects(req); req = req.withMarker(listing.getNextMarker()); empty = !listing.isTruncated(); iterator = listing.getObjectSummaries() .iterator(); } } @Override public S3ObjectSummary next() { updateIterator(); return; } } }